US reconnaissance vessel enters the Mediterranean

Interfax: American vessel with submarine tracking system entered the Mediterranean American vessel equipped with SURTASS-E , entered the Mediterranean Sea. This is reported by Interfax with reference to the international ship tracking system. It is noted that the operator of the vessel is a private company Hornbeck Offshore, which usually provides services for the oil and gas industry. Previously, she signed a contract with the US Navy for the provision of tracking services for potential enemy submarines. The total amount of the contract is about $ 40 million. On November 1, the flagship of the Sixth Fleet began passage to the Black Sea. Its task will be to coordinate the actions of the fleets of the United States and its NATO allies during joint military operations in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation assured that the Russian military would follow the actions

The United States announced its intention to get answers from China about the origin of the coronavirus

According to & nbsp; the United States and & nbsp; their & nbsp; partners intend to continue to pressure & nbsp; China with & nbs & np; the origin of the coronavirus. Jean-Pierre stressed that & nbsp; American authorities will insist on transparency in & nbsp; this issue. “ It is extremely important for & nbsp; to get to the bottom of the & nbsp; truth '', & nbsp; & mdash; she noted. Earlier, US intelligence rejected the version of the & nbsp; creation of the coronavirus as a biological weapon. The intelligence community came to the & nbsp; conclusion that & nbsp; SARS-CoV-2 first infected a person not & nbsp; later than November 2019 in & nbsp; Wuhan. With this, the Chinese authorities hardly & nbsp; did & nbsp; know about the & nbsp; existence of the virus until & nbsp; as long as it was not & nbsp;

The head of the parliamentary committee accused Russia of blocking the transit of coal from Kazakhstan

RF & nbsp; has stopped the transit of coal from & nbsp; Kazakhstan to & nbsp; Ukraine. All relevant deliveries in & nbsp; November are blocked & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; wrote the head of the committee in & nbsp; Telegram. According to & nbsp; he said, Russian Railways “ does not & nbsp; confirm the passage of wagons with & nbsp; such coal through & nbsp; RF & raquo ;. Andrey Gerus in & nbsp; at the end of October reported & nbsp; cessation of supplies of thermal coal from & nbsp; Russia from & nbsp; November. The Ministry of Economy & nbsp; RF explained this by the growing needs in & nbsp; Russia. The agency noted that & nbsp; Russian companies will supply other types of coal to the Ukrainian market and & nbsp; will become an exporter of more than half of all supplies. Kiev refused

Kadyrov criticized Simonyan for her words about Caucasians

Kadyrov called on RT editor-in-chief Simonyan to stop PR on the negative about Caucasians Simonyan for her words about Caucasians and urged her to stop PR on the negative about them after the incident with the beating of a man with a small child in the Novye Vatutinki district in New Moscow. He stressed that an authoritative media outlet should check information, not chase the hype. According to him, the chief editors of the media have repeatedly and openly told him that without mentioning the North Caucasus or its inhabitants, there are no views. Stop advertising your information product in Caucasians! I repeat, such methods will not lead to the unity of our state. A whole generation will grow up that will think that the Caucasus is a separate state. You know without me what the tragic consequences will be. Today, out of thousands of crimes committed in different parts

The pediatrician named ways to prepare the child for school after the holidays

Doctor Solomakh: help your child to get into a working mood after school holidays No. 2 in Sevastopol Ekaterina Solomakha named ways to prepare a child for school after the holidays and tune in to a working mood. Her words are quoted by the radio “Sputnik in Crimea”. The specialist advised on the last two weekends before school to put the children to bed no later than ten o'clock in the evening and wake them up as early as they get to school, feed them a hearty breakfast, paying attention to the presence of vegetables, fruits and nuts in the diet. She reminded of the need not to overeat at night in order to have a full morning meal. According to the pediatrician, these days the child should not overload himself with gadgets, it is better to replace such a pastime with walks, but at the same time not to

Nutritionist named a cancer-protecting vegetable

Nutritionist Kruglova named tomatoes as a source of lycopene, vitamin C and beta-carotene Natalya Kruglova in an interview with radio Sputnik named a vegetable that can protect against cancer. According to her, tomatoes are a source of health benefits. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful and important antioxidant for humans. “It protects the body from the action of free radicals that can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as cancer,” the specialist said, noting that thanks to lycopene, the protective cells of the immune system are activated. In addition, these vegetables contain vitamin C, dietary fiber, beta-carotene, which is important for the good condition of the skin, hair, nails, and vision. Lycopene in tomatoes remains even after heat treatment, and there is more lycopene in tomato paste than in fresh vegetables. However, in terms of vitamin C content, fresh tomatoes are preferable, since it is destroyed during heat treatment.

Eight people die in a stampede at a music festival

Reuters: stampede killed eight people at rapper Travis Scott concert in Texas at the Astroworld Music Festival in Houston, Texas (USA). This was announced by the head of the fire service Samuel Peña, reports Reuters. According to him, the incident took place at about nine o'clock in the evening on Friday, November 5. The spectators, who gathered for the performance of rapper Travis Scott, tried to push closer to the stage, panic began. The crush lasted about half an hour, people fainted, many were injured. 17 victims were hospitalized – 11 of them had cardiac arrest. Police noted that the exact reasons for the incident remain unknown and asked to refrain from speculation. Earlier it was reported that in the US state of Georgia, near the student campus of Fort Valley State University, there was a shooting. The incident happened during a party. As a result of the accident, one

Foreign Ministry urged to increase the number of employees of American consulates in Russia

Sergei Ryabkov: The United States needs to normalize consular and visa services in Russia Moscow called for an increase in the number of employees of American consulates in Russia. This was stated by the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov, his words are quoted by Interfax. Materials on the topic00: 02 – October 13 “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? 16:32 – June 17 So we talked. How will the meeting between Putin and Biden change relations between Russia and the United States? The diplomat explained that such a step is necessary in order to normalize visa services at US diplomatic missions in Russia. “There are opportunities for this,” he stressed. According to Ryabkov, Russia is open to any options for the mutual settlement of consular issues. He expressed the hope that the parties will be

American caught fire after being hit by a police stun gun

NBC News: Police accidentally set a man on fire in New York City, hitting him with a stun gun In Catskill, New York, USA ) the man caught fire after the police hit him with a stun gun. This was reported by the NBC News TV channel. According to the police, a man came to their police station and started a skirmish with the officers. It was previously established that he doused himself with disinfectant liquid. To neutralize the violator, law enforcement officers hit him with a stun gun, after which he caught fire. Now the victim is at the Westchester Medical Center in serious condition. NBC learned that the cops already knew the man. Details of the incident are being investigated. On November 6, it became known that three people were injured as a result of an attack by unknown assailants with a knife on a train in Germany.