Elon Musk changed his name on the social network

Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk renamed Lorde Edge Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk changed his name on Twitter. Now he is called on the social network Lorde Edge. He chose a location called Tröllheim for his “place of residence”. He has not yet disclosed the reason for this step. On November 8, it was reported that Musk's subscribers voted and advised the billionaire to sell ten percent of Tesla shares. In particular, 57.9 percent of respondents supported the sale of securities, 42.1 percent were against. In total, over 3.5 million people took part in the voting. The billionaire himself said that the sale of shares is the only way to pay taxes. Earlier, Elon Musk said that “there has been too much discussion lately that unrealized profits are a means of tax evasion.” < p>

The wreckage of the crashed An-12 will be examined by IAC experts

Irkutsk Oblast authorities: part of the An-12 wreckage was sent to IAC experts for examination Irkutsk. This was reported on the website of the regional government. Experts of the International Aviation Committee (IAC) will study the wreckage. They will have to find out the exact cause of the plane crash. “On November 7, four aircraft engines and blades were removed, and the area of ​​the crash was sanitized on an area of ​​200 square meters. Today, work is planned to remove the remaining fragments of the An-12, “the Irkutsk region authorities said in a statement. It is noted that after the removal of the remaining aircraft fragments, the Ministry of Forestry of the Irkutsk Region will reclaim the soil at the site of the plane crash. An-12 plane crashed on November 3 near the Pivovarikha settlement near Irkutsk. He carried out a cargo flight on the Keperveem – Yakutsk –

TV Channel “Dozhd” will challenge in court the decision to be included in the list of foreign media agents

Channel Dozhd will file a lawsuit and challenge the decision to assign the status of a foreign agent TV Channel Dozhd ( included by the Ministry of Justice the register of media performing the functions of a foreign agent ) announced that he plans to appeal the decision to be included in the list of media foreign agents. As the channel's editor-in-chief Tikhon Dzyadko wrote in Telegram, the channel's representatives intend to challenge the assignment of the status of a foreign agent in court. “The Dozhd TV channel will file a lawsuit today in connection with the inclusion of the channel in the register of“ foreign media ”, challenging this decision, “Dzyadko noted. At the end of October, Roskomnadzor excluded the Dozhd TV channel from the list of media outlets receiving foreign funding. At the same time, Dzyadko noted that the Ministry of Justice decides the issue of excluding foreign

Reports of shortening of vaccination certificates turned out to be unreliable

Information about the reduction of the validity period of vaccination certificates turned out to be unreliable Messages about the reduction of the validity period of vaccination certificates in Russia turned out to be unreliable. On Monday, November 8, Russia approved a new form of vaccination certificates. Against the background of these messages in social networks and the media, false information appeared about the reduction of the validity period of these certificates. In the document published on the official Internet portal, there is no information confirming this data. The appearance of messages about the reduction of the validity period of vaccination certificates is associated with data on the State Services portal – a number of users have noticed messages that that the certificate is valid for six months instead of a year, as before. The hotline of the official portal of the Russian government about the coronavirus reported that the shortened

A crowd of migrants crossed the Belarusian-Polish border

Migrants leave the territory of Belarus '', & nbsp; & mdash; According to the & nbsp; Telegram-channel of the agency. As the agency adds, the refugees who were in the & nbsp; forest told that & nbsp; were sent to & nbsp; Germany. “ The migrants agreed in advance to gather in large quantities today at the & nbsp; border, a source familiar with the & nbsp; situation told Sputnik. & Nbsp; they have groups and & nbsp; chats in & nbsp; messengers & nbsp; & mdash; by & nbsp; four to five thousand people, where they are coordinated & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; notes the agency. Earlier in the & nbsp; State Border Committee of the country reported that & nbsp; a large group of refugees are moving to & nbsp; the border of Belarus with & nbsp; Poland. The & nbsp; video of a crowd of migrants

Russians who swallowed almost a kilogram of cocaine caught at Vnukovo airport

Two Russians who were carrying cocaine from Brazil in their stomachs were caught in Vnukovo at Vnukovo airport – intracavity contraband was detected using X-rays. This was reported on Monday, November 8, to Lente.ru by the press service of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia. According to the agency, two Russian citizens flew from Istanbul to Moscow, but initially came from Brazilian São Paulo, from where the contraband was transported. During the inspection, X-ray examination revealed “foreign objects” in the gastrointestinal tract. Then the passengers were sent to a medical hospital. There, 100 containers of white powder were removed from the detainees; a rapid test showed it to be cocaine. The total weight of the “cargo” is 961 grams. The smugglers were previously convicted of serious crimes. At the moment, two criminal cases on drug smuggling have been opened.

American Paul Whelan sent to solitary confinement for two weeks due to language barrier

American Whelan, convicted of espionage, ended up in solitary confinement due to ignorance of the Russian language tongue for two weeks was in a punishment cell. On Monday, November 8, RIA Novosti reports with reference to his lawyer Vladimir Zherebenkov. According to media reports, Whelan is currently awaiting a hearing in the Nizhny Novgorod Court of Appeal on a complaint against the refusal of the Supreme Court of Mordovia to consider the question of the expulsion of an American from Russia to the United States. Before the meeting, Zherebenkov described Whelan's problems with the language barrier to journalists. In particular, a month and a half ago Whelan tried to express something to the FSIN officers, and this could be considered an insult. And for this he was sent to a punishment cell. But in fact, Whelan was misunderstood, since he does not know Russian well, and the FSIN officers do

The Prosecutor General's Office asked the court to consider the Furgal case in the Moscow region

The Prosecutor General's Office: the consideration of the Furgal case in the Khabarovsk Territory will be biased and not in the Khabarovsk Territory. It is argued that otherwise the hearing will be biased, since the accused has a wide range of connections in the region. On Monday, November 8, TASS reports with reference to its correspondent in the hall of the Supreme Court. The defense of Furgal, accused of organizing the murders of businessmen, asks to consider the criminal case in the Khabarovsk Railway Court. At the same time, the Prosecutor General's Office believes that, being in the “home” region, Furgal will be able to interfere with the objective consideration of the case. In particular, he will be able to use his connections. The department also recalled that the detention of Furgal was accompanied by mass unrest. For this reason, the Supreme Court was asked to postpone the hearing of

It became known about the attempts to release the Russians detained in Denmark

Izvestia: the Russian Embassy in Denmark is trying to evacuate the scientists detained on the ship “Akademik Ioffe” November 4. This became known to Izvestia. Attempts to free the Russians have not yet been crowned with success, the source of the publication notes. The difficulty lies in the lack of visas for scientists. To get to Russia, they will also have to serve a ten-day quarantine. The detention of the Russian ship Akademik Ioffe became known on the afternoon of November 4. Onboard there are 38 crew members and 23 researchers. On the same day, the Russian embassy clarified that the claim, on the basis of which the Russian ship was detained in Denmark, was filed by the Canadian company One Ocean Expeditions Ltd. due to his previous activities. What exactly can be discussed is still unknown. According to some reports, the ship “Akademik Ioffe” could have been arrested in

Russian priest jailed for 18 years for molesting 53 boys

The court sentenced a priest from the Jewish Autonomous Region and a bell ringer to 12 years for molesting 53 boys sentenced to 18 years in prison a priest who abused 53 boys. This was reported by RIA Novosti. The second person involved in the case, the bell ringer, received 12 years in a strict regime colony. According to the investigation, the 39-year-old hieromonk Spiridon (Yuri Abramov) worked as the rector of St. Prophet Elijah in the village of Amurzet (Oktyabrsky district). Together with his assistant, 26-year-old bell ringer Sergei Moos, he has been seducing children since 2007. During the searches, the security forces confiscated items that were not intended for worship. In November 2019, a resident of the Jewish Autonomous Region applied to the Investigative Committee of Russia with a request to check the priest – she suspected him of molesting boys between the ages of 12 and 16