Electric vehicle sales jumped in Russia

AEB: sales of electric vehicles in Russia jumped by 118 percent since the beginning of the year … This is reported by Interfax with reference to the data of the Association of European Businesses (AEB). At the same time, in absolute figures, the figures are quite small: in 10 months of 2021, only 845 electric vehicles were sold. “Of course, the growing segment of electric vehicles may eventually be occupied by locally produced models,” the AEB said. On the other hand, the refusal to extend the zero import duty rate on electric vehicles for the coming years could undermine the positive trend. Experts explained that this would cause prices for electric vehicles to rise and consumer demand to fall. “In addition, some manufacturers may postpone the introduction of their electric vehicles to the Russian market amid higher costs for lower than expected sales of electric vehicles,” the association added. January-September

Dr. Myasnikov named the causes of headaches in the morning

Doctor Myasnikov: an uncomfortable posture during sleep and respiratory failure can cause headache Doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov on the most important “on the channel” Russia 1 “talked about why headaches can occur in the morning. The issue, in which he named the causes of this problem, was published on YouTube. “You just wake up with a headache – this suggests that this is a tension headache,” the doctor explained. According to Myasnikov, in such cases, you need to pay attention to the position of the neck during sleep. An incorrect or uncomfortable posture during the night can lead to headaches in the morning, the specialist said. Myasnikov noted that the cause of the headache can also be a violation of breathing during sleep. “When a person sleeps, especially on his back, he snores, and then once – he stops talking, then a terrible snore, and again. This silence

Russian virologist doubted Gunzburg's words about a sufficient level of antibodies

Virologist Nesterov questioned Ginzburg's words about a sufficient level of antibodies The statement of the director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg about a sufficient level of protection against coronavirus antibodies need to be tested, say virologists. RBC writes about this on Monday, November 8. Earlier, Gunzburg, on the basis of a study conducted in conjunction with the Moscow Department of Health, said that for complete protection against the delta strain, 300 antibodies in international units are needed. He also noted that if this figure is lower, then you need to be vaccinated with Sputnik Light. Molecular biologist, doctor of biological sciences, head of the laboratory of biotechnology and virology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Novosibirsk State University Sergei Netesov questioned the words Gunzburg and noted that he would not be so categorical about the sounded value of antibodies. He referred to several scientific publications that mention different

Poland assessed the situation on the border with a crowd of illegal immigrants

In Poland, they said that the Belarusian security forces are sending several thousand migrants to the forest Several thousand illegal migrants are sent to the Polish-Belarusian border. go in an organized crowd. The situation at the border is assessed as extremely tense, said an officer of the Polish Border Guard in an interview with RIA Novosti. According to the interlocutor of the agency, the Belarusian security forces are sending a convoy of illegal immigrants not to the checkpoint, but to the forest, which indicates their intention to cross the border illegal way. At the same time, the German Foreign Ministry reported that there was evidence that the Belarusian authorities were sending refugees to the Polish border. Earlier, the Polish Border Guard published a video showing crowds of migrants walking to the Polish-Belarusian border. The footage shows people of all ages with bags and bales. Eyewitnesses estimate the size of the

Kremlin reacted to subsidy scandal for “needy officials”

Peskov: housing subsidies are designed only for civil servants with low wages housing on subsidies. According to a Kremlin spokesman, only civil servants with low salaries have the right to payments for the purchase of real estate. RIA Novosti writes about this. Peskov confirmed the presence of one-time payments and assessed the financial situation of civil servants. “Firstly, the officials do not have serious financial resources. Indeed, there are officials who have such funds, but such officials, they simply cannot use such support programs, “the spokesman said. This is how the Kremlin reacted to the scandalous material of the” Important Stories “publication ( included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of media performing the functions of a foreign agent ) on subsidies for 650 “needy” Russian officials who, at the time of purchasing apartments with state money, already owned several expensive real estate objects. Among them is the

Loboda explained the refusal of concerts in Ukraine

Svetlana Loboda refused concerts in Ukraine because of a quarrel with an “influential person” Singer Svetlana Loboda explained the temporary Ukraine. An interview with her was published on the YouTube channel of TV presenter Maria Efrosinina. It is clarified that in 2017 the performer was scheduled to perform in the Odessa club “Ibiza”, but it was disrupted. After that, Loboda did not give recitals in this country until August 2021. “The people who gathered near Ibiza began throwing [smoke] bombs and starting fights. They did not allow people who entered the club, “the artist recalled. According to her, this happened due to a conflict with an” influential person “from Odessa. After the incident, Loboda and her team decided to abandon solo performances in Ukraine, although the singer continued to appear at corporate parties. She explained that she was worried about the safety of her fans. In 2017, it was reported

Russia wants to simplify the issuance of visas for vaccine tourism

Turpomosch proposed to simplify the issuance of visas for vaccine tourism in the Russian Federation Therefore, the issue of simplifying visa requirements for those entering under this program is being discussed. Izvestia writes about this. As the head of the Association of Tour Operators “Turpomosch” Alexander Osaulenko told the publication, working proposals for the preparation of vaccine tours to Russia will be presented in December, and the project itself will be launched from January 2022. In addition, the issue of simplifying the issuance of entry documents for foreign tourists coming to Russia for vaccinations is being actively discussed. “The visa for those entering under this program should be a prototype of an electronic visa, should be issued according to a simplified procedure. The decision on this issue must now be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We need to make sure that when

Gref's forecast for global stagflation is assessed

Economist Kulbak: serious inflationary surges will slow down by the end of 2022 PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of RANEPA Nikolai Kulbak named the forecast of the head of Sberbank Herman about world stagflation is quite real. According to the economist, which he gave in an interview with Lenta.ru, by the end of 2022, all serious inflationary surges will slow down. Earlier in an interview with RIA Novosti, German Gref said that the risk of stagflation, that is, a situation when an economic recession or stagnation is accompanied by a rise in prices, is small in the world. The banker said that the main reason for the acceleration of inflation was the outstripping expectation of a global economic recovery. By about June 2022, the international market will adapt to new conditions, Gref assured. In his opinion, as a result of this, the dynamics of prices will normalize. The banker named

A police officer stopped a moving truck with a dead trucker in Perm

In Perm, a policeman stopped a moving truck driven by a dead trucker A policeman stopped a moving truck with a dead trucker. This was reported on Monday, November 8, to Lente.ru by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Perm Territory. According to the agency, the incident took place on the Perm-Berezniki highway. A criminal investigation officer as part of an investigative-operational group arrived at one of the roadside parking lots to check the statement about the discharge of diesel fuel from the truck. Examining the scene, police officer Alexander Shekhirev noticed that the 14-meter truck parked on the mountain had become slide down slowly. At the moment when the truck passed the policeman, he realized that no one was driving. Then the major overtook the truck in a service car, jumped on the step of the tractor, climbed into the cab and parked the

German politician called for a reset in relations with Russia

Former Bundestag deputy Ernst: a restart is needed in relations with Russia Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany of the last convocation from the party “Left” Klaus Ernst. During the Russian-German conference “Potsdam Readings” the ex-deputy said that Europe needs strong relations with the Russian Federation. RIA Novosti writes about this. Ernst said that more than 60 percent of Germans support rapprochement with Russia, although 52 percent support sanctions. However, he noted, the American sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline are not supported by the majority of the population. “The United States has its own interests, and we saw these interests, including in terms of energy policy. We must follow our own European path. But we can only go this way together with Russia, ”the agency quoted him as saying. The German politician stressed that it is worth trying to reset relations despite the fact that the