Basque and Lazarev had a scandal on the air of the TV show

Sergei Lazarev called Nikolai Baskov “a plug in every barrel” during the show “Duets” on the air of the musical TV show “Duets”, which they conduct on the channel “Russia 1”. The recording of the broadcast was posted on YouTube. During the joint performance of the performer Misha Marvin and rapper Natan, Baskov decided to join them, after asking Lazarev if he had ruined the performance. Lazarev said that Baskov constantly wants to remind about his person and called the musician “a plug in every barrel.” “You see, when a person sings well, why bother climbing?” – Asked Lazarev. Baskov explained his desire to participate in the number of artists by the fact that his “soul sings”. “This is my favorite song. Why did you come to my garden with your cabbage? ” – he noted. However, Lazarev was unhappy and stressed that Baskov still ruined the performance. Earlier, Nikolai

Ministry of Education proposed equating attacks on schools with terrorism

Ministry of Education: attacks on schools must be equated with terrorist actions The Russian Ministry of Education has proposed equating armed attacks on schools with terrorist actions. This was stated by the director of the department of state policy in the field of protecting the rights of children of the ministry Larisa Falkovskaya, her words are quoted by TASS. Falkovskaya asked the Federation Council to consider this proposal as a legislative initiative. “In my opinion in our opinion, this will increase the degree of responsibility of all subjects of the prevention system to this fact, “said a representative of the Ministry of Education. On September 20, an 18-year-old first-year student of the Faculty of Law staged a shooting at Perm State University. Six people died.

Economist spoke about the timing of certification of “Nord Stream-2”

Economist Korenev predicted a quick denouement of the story with Nord Stream 2 The EU is 54 percent, the allies need to quickly make a decision on certification of Nord Stream 2, since their safety margin of the energy system is at its breaking point, economist Alexei Korenev said. In a conversation with, he added that, most likely, the denouement of this story will come in the coming days. Gazprom has increased gas transit to the EU through Ukraine by 57 percent, the head of Operator Ukraine's gas transportation system “Serhiy Makogon. The denouement of history Korenev believes that it is currently impossible to guess whether the increase in supplies will cover the needs of Europe – it will depend on what the winter season will be like. “In order to survive the cold winter, it is necessary that the gas storage facilities are 90 percent full. Now the

State Border Committee of Belarus commented on the situation on the border with Poland

The State Border Committee of Belarus: it is not known whether the refugees left the territory of the country on the border with Poland, reports TASS. According to him, at the moment it is not known exactly whether the migrants were able to leave the territory of Belarus. “Not yet known. As the information will be, we will inform you “, – said the representative of the State Border Committee. Bychkovsky claims that the Belarusian border guards act” in accordance with the situation, “and the work of the checkpoints is” provided in full. “ < p> On November 8, a video appeared on the network in which a column of people walking along the highway in Belarus near the border with Poland. Byczkowski said that “the indifference and inhuman attitude of the Polish authorities prompted the refugees to take such a step of despair.” The department said that 12 thousand

Emily Ratajkowski spoke about the rape at 15

Emily Ratajkowski admitted for the first time that at the age of 15 she was raped by her lover she was exposed as a teenager. The relevant material is published by the Daily Star. The model told about the incident in her own book “My Body”. According to the celebrity, when she was 15 years old, she was attacked and raped by her then 16-year-old lover Owen. “Why didn't I scream at the top of my lungs when I was 15? Who taught me not to scream? I hated myself. I didn't tell anyone what happened that weekend with Owen. It was sex without consent. I was so young. I haven't even had sex before, “she wrote. According to the newspaper, the described incident is one of many reported by Ratajkowski. In addition to the mentioned story, the model admitted that she had experienced harassment from musician Robin Thicke and

Lithuania sent troops to the border with Belarus due to the situation with migrants

The head of the Lithuanian border service Rustamas Lyubayevas announced the transfer of troops to the border Lithuanian troops are sent to the borders with Belarus and Poland. It is also planned to bring an additional contingent of soldiers on alert. The measures were announced by the head of the state border guard service, General Rustamas Lyubayevas, at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Committee. Lithuania is strengthening border control in connection with the appearance of a large crowd of migrants at the Polish-Belarusian border. The country is preparing for different scenarios of the development of the situation, the border service coordinates actions with the police and the headquarters of the Lithuanian army. At the same time, the Lithuanian Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed to introduce a state of emergency in the country. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lithuania Agne Bilotaite said that such

Russian teenagers beat a peer in a crowd

Five teenagers in a crowd attacked a peer in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, a case was initiated In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, five teenagers mobbed a case was initiated against this fact under part 2 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Hooliganism”), according to the website of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Sakhalin Region. Children's Ombudsman of the region Lyubov Ustinovskaya explained that after the incident the teenager ended up in the hospital … “The condition is stable. He is provided with all the necessary medical and psychological assistance, “the Ombudsman assured, she is quoted by Interfax. A check has been organized on the fact of the beating at the school, she said. Ustinovskaya insists that five teenagers must be punished in full accordance with the law. Local media write that the boy was severely beaten for friendship with a peer who had a conflict

Revealed the reason for the erroneous shortening of the validity period of the vaccination QR codes

The validity period of the vaccination QR codes was erroneously shortened due to the introduction of a new form coronavirus, which occurred on Monday, November 8, is associated with the introduction of a new form of vaccination certificates on the public services portal. This reason was disclosed to Interfax by a source in the government. According to the interlocutor of the agency, on November 8, an order of the Ministry of Health came into force, which approved a new form of vaccination certificates. At the same time, all certificates and QR codes that were generated prior to this date were to be reissued automatically. “The re-issuance of electronic documents, apparently, was associated with a failure,” the source explained. On November 8, Russians began to issue new certificates of vaccination against coronavirus, medical contraindications to it, or a past illness. At the same time, some users of the website of state