The Russians apologized to the police for the round dance around the traffic police car

Ministry of Internal Affairs: in Samara, 24 protocols were drawn up for participants in a round dance around the traffic police car traffic police cars in Samara. This was reported to “” in the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the evening of October 30, car owners of Samara and neighboring regions gathered in the parking lot near the shopping center on Kirov Avenue and the site near the football stadium on Democratic. The video from the action was posted online.

Деревянная птица за 100 долларов оказалась статуэткой Анны Болейн

When an antique dealer bought an ornate wooden bird from an auction in 2019, he knew that it must have been associated with a member of the royal family — but he just didn't know who. — CNN (@CNN) November 8, 2021 Фицсиммонс решил провести расследование и спустя почти два года выяснил, что первоначальной владелицей птицы была знаменитая королева Анна Болейн, одна из жен Генриха VIII Английского. Пол объяснил, что сделал открытие, сопоставив птицу с рисунком королевского дворца Хэмптон-Корт, на котором изображена та же фигурка. Историк Трейси Борман, главный куратор Исторических королевских дворцов (благотворительной организации, которая управляет дворцом Хэмптон-Корт) сказала, что деревянная птица Пола очень похожа на другие статуэтки, вырезанные для Большого зала дворца, и, вероятно, была частью декоративной схемы, созданной специально для Анны Болейн. Птица имеет очень тонкую и изящную резьбу, кроме того, она имеет остатки позолоты, которая говорит о том, что предмет имел высокий статус и мог являться частью декора королевского дворца. По словам экспертов, деревянная птица, купленная Фицсиммонсом, уникальна еще и тем, что практически не имеет аналогов.

Russia's international reserves set a historic record

Russia's international reserves rose to $ 623.2 billion a historical record, according to data on the website of the Central Bank (Central Bank). Over the week, international reserves grew by $ 1.6 billion. The growth occurred mainly as a result of transactions for the purchase of foreign currency within the framework of the budgetary rule, the Central Bank said. Since the beginning of the year, international reserves, amounting to $ 595.8 billion, have grown by 7.5 percent. Russia's international (gold and foreign exchange) reserves include highly liquid foreign assets held by the Central Bank and the government. The reserves consist of monetary gold, special drawing rights (SDRs), a reserve position in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and foreign currency funds (other reserve assets). On October 13, the Central Bank announced that Russia's external debt was October 1 amounted to $ 489.2 billion (plus 4.7 percent from the beginning of the

In Russia, for the first time, an individual was fined for lack of foreign agent status in social networks

Human rights activist Lev Ponomarev was fined for the lack of marking of a foreign agent in social networks for 10 thousand rubles due to the lack of appropriate labeling in social networks. The information about the fine was confirmed to RBC in the reception of the chairman of the Khoroshevsky court in Moscow. The human rights activist himself explained that he was fined for reposts, in which he did not indicate that he was entered in the register of the Ministry of Justice. “I will definitely appeal. They did not hesitate to write a completely illiterate phrase that Lev Ponomarev is a media foreign agent. They are accustomed to this, but this is an absurd grammatical construction, “he stressed. The human rights activist assured that he always indicates when writing articles about the status of a media-foreign agent. He wonders why such marking is necessary for repost. Roskomnadzor initiated

The US has updated the rules of entry for Russian tourists

From November 8, to enter the United States, you must provide a vaccination certificate and a PCR test In the United States on November 8, updated entry rules entered into force for foreign tourists. They are reported on the website of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention. For example, when boarding a flight to the United States, all foreign tourists arriving on nonimmigrant visas are required to provide a certificate of vaccination against COVID-19 with drugs approved by the American the regulator or the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as a certificate in English with a negative PCR test result, no more than 72 hours before departure. At the same time, Russian citizens who either did not get vaccinated or were vaccinated any Russian drug will not be able to get to the United States. Minors and people with a medical withdrawal from vaccination are exempted from

Dr. Myasnikov spoke about the dangers of curbing cough

Doctor Alexander Myasnikov: coughing clears the lungs and protects them from infections the body. The specialist spoke about why this reflex should not be suppressed in an interview with Vechernyaya Moskva. The TV presenter noted that coughing is one of the most important reflexes of the body. According to Myasnikov, it cleans the lungs of irritants and foreign objects, and also protects them from viruses. “This is one of the main mechanisms for protecting the lungs from infections and maintaining the function of gas exchange,” the doctor emphasized. As specified by Myasnikov, in some cases, a cough may indicate health problems. “There may be pathological reasons: disturbances in the acidity of the stomach or other things that irritate cough receptors (they are not only in the lungs, but also in the esophagus, pericardium, ears, and so on),” he said. The specialist urged everyone who is faced with a cough to

Russian military will receive “Terminators”

The tank division of the Central Military District will receive the Terminator tank support combat vehicles The Russian military … The commander of the troops of the Central Military District (CVD), Colonel-General Alexander Lapin, announced the continuation of the trial operation of the BMPT in 2022. This was reported by Interfax. During the awards ceremony for the winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian Press Festival Media-As 2021 Center, Lapin noted that the methods of using BMPT had been worked out on the basis of the 90th Panzer Division. According to him, by the beginning of December nine “Terminators” will be put into the staff of one of the regiments of the division. , no, “- said the commander of the Central Military District. In March, the American magazine The National Interest wrote about the preparation of the” Terminators “for war. The publication commented on the exercises at the

Details of the murder of a civilian in Karabakh revealed

WarGonzo: Azerbaijani soldier in the Shushi region shot at close range civilians Telegram channel WarGonzo reported that eyewitnesses to the murder of a civilian the city of Shusha in Nagorno-Karabakh revealed the details of the incident. 10 employees of the water utility of the unrecognized republic worked in the neutral zone, who were divided into two groups of five people each. They were in the immediate vicinity of the post of the Azerbaijani military and worked under their supervision. Suddenly, one of the military went towards the employees of the water utility, took a pistol from a holster on the way and without warning shot a whole clip at people, writes WarGonzo. The shots were fired from a distance of about 5 meters, that is, almost point-blank, the Telegram-channel said. Earlier, the National Security Service of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic stated that as a result of shelling from the Azerbaijani

Deputy from “New People” spoke about old furniture in the State Duma

State Duma deputy from the New People party Sardana Avksentieva showed her cabinet »Sardana Avksentieva demonstrated the conditions in which she will have to work in the coming years. The parliamentarian showed the office in a video on her Instagram. According to Avksentieva, the premises, although old, are bright and comfortable. “The furniture came from predecessors, but everything is in good condition. As you know, I am unassuming, but what really matters to me is to see at least a piece of the sky through the window. And from here I can see him, “- said the State Duma deputy in a post on the social network. The former head of Yakutsk found the location of the office nice – the window is right between the state emblem and the inscription:” State Duma. ” “Mom saw this as a good sign and felt that I was now under the protection

The puppy bought by the family turned out to be a fox and ate the neighbour's chickens and guinea pigs

Reuters: Dog acquired by a Peruvian family turned out to be an Andean fox A dog bought by a family from the Peruvian city of Lima turned out to be an Andean fox. This is reported by Reuters. Maribel Sotelo and her son purchased a puppy in a small store in the city center. They christened him Ran-Ran and, until he grew up, were sure that they had brought in a purebred dog. At first, their pet happily played with the neighboring dogs, but then his behavior began to change. Ran-Ran got into the habit of hunting chickens and ducks, which were kept by neighbors. Then Ran-Ran ate three large guinea pigs and escaped from the master's house. As it turned out, under the guise of a dog, the family sold a cub of an Andean fox – a South American predator with thin legs, a fluffy tail, a pointed