A plastic processing plant will appear in the Moscow region

The capacity of a plastic processing plant in the Moscow region will be 100 thousand tons per year secondary polymers. This was reported by the press service of investments, industry and science of the Moscow region. “Instead of hazardous waste, the company will receive granules that can be used to produce new bottles, packaging products and children's toys. Investments in the project will amount to about 10 billion rubles, and more than 300 new jobs will be created for the residents of the Moscow region, “said the Minister of Investment, Industry and Science of the region Yekaterina Zinovieva. The capacity of the new plant will be 100 thousand tons per year. A polymer processing plant will be launched in the Moscow region in 2023.

The Ministry of Justice recognized five more Russians as foreign agents

The Ministry of Justice included five more Russians in the list of foreign agents, among them the lawyer Ivan Pavlov The Ministry of Justice of Russia included five more Russians among the foreign agents, their lawyer Ivan Pavlov. This was reported on the agency's website. The list also includes lawyers of the human rights association of journalists and lawyers “Team 29” Valeria Vetoshkina and Maxim Olenichev, head of the media department of the company Maxim Conspiracy and activist Elena Skvortsova, follows from the statement. p> “I'm not going to mark my messages on social networks as a foreign agent yet,” Pavlov said. He is quoted by the Telegram channel “We Can Explain.” The lawyer intends to appeal against the decision of the Ministry of Justice. “It seems to me important to understand what served as the legal basis for including me and my colleagues in the register of foreign agents.

FBI warns hackers hiding in Russia about “long arm of the law”

FBI Director Ray on hackers: we can stop those hiding in Russia FBI Director Christopher Ray has warned of “the long arm of the law »Hackers who are supposedly hiding in Russia from the US authorities. He stated this during a press conference, RIA Novosti reports. This is how he commented on the charges in the case of cyber extortion in the amount of up to 13 million dollars against the Russian Yevgeny Polyanin. “Long arm the law can reach much further than they think, and we can thwart those hiding in places like Russia. Polyanin realized this when he woke up and found that $ 6.1 million, which he received by extortion from his victims, had disappeared, ”Ray said. Russian citizen Evgenia Polyanina was charged in a cyber extortion case in the amount of up to $ 13 million. According to him, the REvil program affected about 175 thousand

Twitter users around the world reported a crash

Downdetector: Users in the US, Russia, and other countries reported a Twitter crash Russia, reported failures in the work of the social network. This is evidenced by data from the Downdetector website, which monitors major outages on the Internet. Complaints about problems with the social network began to arrive at 20.53 Moscow time. Issues reported primarily by users in the US and UK. Residents of France, Canada, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Italy and other countries also reported failures. Some glitches are observed in Russia. Most of the complaints are related to the operation of the website. Problems are also observed in the operation of the application, connection to the server, authorization. Earlier, thousands of users around the world complained about interruptions in the work of the WhatsApp messenger, as well as social networks Facebook and Instagram. Most of them have difficulty logging into the application. Others have no

Putin awarded Gunzburg the Order of Alexander Nevsky

& nbsp; For & nbsp; merits in & nbsp; & nbsp; the field of health care and & nbsp; long-term conscientious work of Alexander Leonidovitch & ndbs; Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution & ldquo; National Research Center for Epidemiology and & nbsp; Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya & rdquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the document says. In addition, by that & nbsp; & nbsp; decree, the president awarded the Pirogov Order to five healthcare workers from the & nbsp; Moscow and & nbsp; Arkhangelsk Regions, and & nbsp; also from & nbsp; Rostov-on-Don & nbsp; for & nbsp; large contribution to the & nbsp; fight against & nbsp; coronavirus infection and & nbsp; dedication shown in the & nbsp; performance of professional duty. At the same time, more than 40 doctors from different regions were awarded the Luke Krymsky medal. According to the document, the president

Poland will close the checkpoint on the border with Belarus

The Polish Border Guard on November 9 will close the Kuznica checkpoint on the border with Belarus with Belarus in connection with the migration situation. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the country's Border Guard. According to the report, traffic will be suspended at the road border crossing in Kuznica from 7:00 (9:00 Moscow time) on Tuesday due to the situation in Polish -Belarusian border. Travelers are asked to go to the checkpoints in Terespol and Bobrovniki. On November 8, a group of migrants from the Middle East gathered at the Belarusian-Polish border. The Polish government has estimated their number at three to four thousand people. In Warsaw, they claim that the camp of migrants is guarded by Belarusian security forces. The Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that it had stopped an attempt to break through the border. An official representative of the Belarusian Civil Procedure

Ukraine accused Russia of stopping the “Normandy format”

Press Secretary of the President of Ukraine: Russia is delaying the negotiations in the “Normandy format” France and Germany are ready for negotiations in the “Normandy format” both at the level of ministers and heads of state. He announced this in a video message published on the Telegram channel of the President's office. Related materials 00:01 – September 15 Radical mopping-up. Ukraine decided to get rid of the nationalists. Why does the country no longer need the main force of the Maidan? 00: 02 – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky gets rid of political competitors. Why won't this help him to retain power? According to him, these negotiations remain an uncontested platform for ending the conflict in Donbass. “The Russian side remains the only one responsible for the delay [of the negotiations] in the Normandy format. We believe that the essence of negotiations is getting results.

Poland announced the most difficult moment since the beginning of the crisis on the border of Belarus

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Poland: the country is experiencing the most difficult moment since the beginning of the crisis on the border of Belarus Belarus. This statement was made by the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic, Blazhei Pobozhi, on the ministry's official Twitter page. He said that the migrants are trying to storm the border. “This is the most difficult moment since the beginning of this crisis. Moreover, every next hour will become a more significant challenge for Polish services, government and politicians, “Pobozi wrote in a series of posts. The department noted that there are now from several hundred to thousands of migrants at the border, in mostly men in their 30s. At the same time, Pobozi stressed that “thanks to the updated legislation on foreigners, Polish border service officers received an effective tool that simplified the return of migrants who illegally

Syrian air defenses hit “enemy targets” in the skies over Homs

SANA: Syrian air defenses hit “enemy targets” in the skies over Homs province Syrian air defenses hit “enemy targets” overhead the province of Homs. This was reported on Monday, November 8, by the SANA agency. In early November, the deputy head of the Center for Reconciliation of Warring Parties (CPVS) in Syria, Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit, said that a provocation was being prepared in the Syrian province of Idlib. He clarified that we are talking about the actions of the organization “White Helmets”, which plans to accuse government forces of indiscriminate strikes against civilians. On October 30, two Syrian soldiers were injured in an attack by Israeli F-16 fighters in the Golan region heights. Then the Syrian air defense systems using the Buk-M2E anti-aircraft missile system destroyed two missiles fired by Israel's F-16s.