The owner of “Red & White” changed his mind about going public

Owner of “Red & amp; White “postponed the IPO due to market conditions Mercury Retail Holding changed its mind about going public, postponing the IPO ) due to the prevailing market conditions, writes TASS with reference to the message of the holding. The IPO was supposed to take place on November 10 and become the largest on the Moscow Exchange since 2013. Mercury Retail Holding PLC is the largest seller of alcohol in Russia. The company was formed in 2019 as a result of the merger of the Dixy grocery chain and the Krasnoe & Beloe and Bristol alcohol stores. In July 2021, the Magnit retail chain acquired Dixy for 86.7 billion rubles. Now the holding owns Krasny & Bely and Bristol. The company planned to raise up to $ 1.3 billion for the IPO. In early November, the chairman of the board of Mercury Retail, Igor Kesaev, said that

Gazprom confirms gas injection into European storage facilities

Gazprom approved and began to implement the plan for pumping gas into European UGS facilities The plan for pumping Russian gas into European storage facilities was approved and started to be implemented. Gazprom reported this on its Telegram channel. Five European underground storage facilities (UGS) will be replenished in November. The press service indicated that the volumes and routes of gas transportation have been determined. Earlier, Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) reported that in the past few days Gazprom has begun to actively replenish its European storage facilities. For example, in the period from November 6-7 in the Austrian Haidach, one of the largest for the company, the volume increased by 8.1 million cubic meters.

Ukraine seized a village in the “gray zone” of Donbass

DPR Foreign Ministry: Ukraine captured the village of Staromaryevka in the gray zone of Donbass The Ukrainian military captured the village of Staromaryevka, which is located in the “gray zone” of Donbass. The troops controlled by Kiev dug trenches in the settlement and hung out their flags, RIA Novosti reports, citing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

In the Russian city, the patient refused to admit to the oncological dispensary without a QR code

In Nizhny Novgorod, they refused to let the patient into the oncological dispensary without a QR code A resident of Nizhny Novgorod wrote in social networks clinical oncological dispensary without a QR code. The patient left the corresponding complaint under the Instagram post of the Minister of Health of the region David Melik-Huseynov. “Good afternoon, today they were not allowed to enter the Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary on Delovoy without a code. They say the order of some Ministry of Health “, – wrote the Russian. In response, the minister wrote that you do not need a code to enter the oncological dispensary. He also advised the Russian to contact the administration of the medical institution, however, how to do this if a QR code is required at the entrance, the official did not explain. Previously, residents of Sochi could not get vaccinated at the More Mall shopping center due

Poroshenko called for “hellish” sanctions against Putin and Lukashenko

Petro Poroshenko: Putin and Lukashenko inspired the migration crisis Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko. The reason he called the migration crisis on the border with the EU countries. The politician wrote about this in his Telegram channel. Poroshenko expressed solidarity and support for Poland and Lithuania, which, according to him, oppose the “migration invasion” “cynically inspired” by Lukashenko and Putin. He said that “criminal regimes” despise human lives and are ready to throw thousands of migrants, including women and children, onto barbed wires. The politician also called on the world community to actively act, prevent a humanitarian tragedy and punish those responsible. The Middle East tried to storm the border with Poland. The number of refugees gathered in the camp is estimated at 3-4 thousand people. The migration crisis on the border of Belarus and the EU countries began after the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, against the background of aggravated

The most popular social network among authors named

Brand Analytics: VKontakte users published over 408 million posts in October VKontakte users published over 408 million posts and comments in October. This was reported by the press service of the social network with reference to the Brand Analytics data. It is noted that VKontakte is the leader in the number of author's publications – there are three times more of them than on any other sites. In October, social network users also made 96 million more publications than on all other platforms – Instagram, YouTube, Odnoklassniki, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter – combined. The number of authors from Russia exceeds 23 million. A portrait of the authors of the social network is also presented. Users from 25 to 34 years old, as well as an audience of 35-44 and 18-24 years old, publish content and comments most actively. There are more female authors on VKontakte than men – 54 percent versus

The course for women entrepreneurs of the Moscow region will begin on November 15

Business accelerator LADY 007 for women entrepreneurs of the Moscow Region will start on November 15 The free business accelerator LADY 007 for existing women entrepreneurs of the Moscow Region will start on November 15. This was reported by the press service of the regional ministry of investments, industry and science. “At the moment, more than 370 thousand SMEs work in the Moscow region and more than 270 thousand entrepreneurs operate in the status of self-employed. Among them there are a large number of women who successfully start a business and develop it. The LADY 007 program will help our women entrepreneurs find new business management tools, study the legal framework in the digital economy, and also tell you how to prepare for a public presentation, ”said Ekaterina Zinovieva, Minister of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region. The business accelerator is held by the All-Russian public organization “Women

Rashkin confirmed his readiness to work with the investigation due to the incident with the elk

Deputy Rashkin announced his readiness to cooperate with the investigation in the case of elk hunting with the investigation of the incident with the elk, which was found in the trunk of his car. Interfax writes about this. He confirmed that he had sent a letter to the head of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin. According to the deputy, in the event of his voluntary participation in investigative actions, the procedure for removing parliamentary immunity from him will not be required. At the same time, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Alexander Yushchenko, added that the party leadership discussed the situation with the mining case moose. “At the meeting with the leadership, it was clearly determined that no one is evading responsibility, but speculation on this topic is unacceptable,” he stressed. On the night of October 29, the deputy's

Completed repair of the overpass in the south-west of Moscow

Pyotr Biryukov: the repair of the Sevastopol overpass in the south-west of Moscow has been completed The specialists of the municipal services complex have completed the overhaul of the Sevastopol overpass in the south-west of the capital. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow Pyotr Biryukov. “This overpass was built in 1986 and since then has never been overhauled. Over time, the concrete of the superstructures collapsed, leaks and corrosion appeared, rutting appeared on the road surface, which could negatively affect road safety, “he said. The workers repaired the reinforced concrete slab of the roadway and the supports of the superstructure , replaced expansion joints, waterproofing and asphalt concrete pavement, installed new lighting masts. The work was carried out in stages, while maintaining traffic on two lanes in each direction. For pedestrians, two unregulated pedestrian crossings were made at different ends of the overpass. “Over the past 10