The political scientist assessed the risk of losing territories by Ukraine

Political scientist Zharikhin predicted the loss of Ukraine's territories according to the Crimean scenario may lose not only the territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, but also some eastern regions according to the Crimean scenario, says a political scientist, deputy director of the Institute of CIS Countries Vladimir Zharikhin. In a conversation with, he added that the further development of events depends solely on the actions of the Ukrainian authorities. Political scientist Andrei Golovachev said earlier that Ukraine could lose a number of territories if Russia recognizes the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR. The specialist believes that after this step of Russia, the previously unrecognized republics will make claims to the entire territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. “Everything will depend on how the Ukrainian side behaves,” Zharikhin said. – If they delay the implementation of the Minsk agreements for an infinitely long time, I do not exclude the

Vaccinated Russians explained the rules of entry to Greece

The Russians were told that it is possible to enter Greece only with a paper vaccination certificate , explained the rules for entering Greece. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Secretary General of Primary Health Care Marios Themistokleous. The specialist said that vaccinated Russians can enter the republic only with a paper vaccination certificate, since the digital application does not recognize QR codes third countries. “There are two things. The certificate is not recognized by the digital application and the vaccine is on the list of vaccines recognized by the National Vaccination Committee last summer in tourism. These citizens will show the certificate on paper, and it will be accepted, “the Secretary General said. Themistokleous added that it is necessary to work together with other countries to recognize QR codes, but not all states agree to provide” keys “To read the digital certificate. Since November 6,

The appearance of the rejuvenated Larisa Dolina delighted the fans

Larisa Dolina's appearance in the new photo made her fans happy Relevant photos and comments appeared on her Instagram page. The 66-year-old pop artist shared the backstage of a photo shoot for 7Dney magazine. In the frame, she is posing in a lush pink dress, designed by Jemal Makhmudov. The performer was captured sitting on the couch with her hair gathered in a bun and nude makeup. Her image was complemented by large silver earrings and several rings. “Good morning everyone and a fruitful day! And also good mood! Photoshoot “, – said the star in the description of the post. Subscribers admired the appearance of the Valley, which, in their opinion, had rejuvenated, in the comments under the publication. “Every day everything is more beautiful and more beautiful”, “Irresistible as always”, “Such dresses suit you very much!” in October, the ex-husband of Larisa Dolina revealed the truth about the

Areas of Moscow with a potential rise in housing prices named

“Azbuka Zhilya”: in 2022-2023, secondary apartments may rise in price in the Nagatinsky backwater metro, the cost of secondary apartments of apartments can increase by 8-15 percent. Experts from the real estate agency “Azbuka Zhilya” analyzed the potential for growth in housing prices in Moscow. metro – “Nagatinsky Zaton” and “Klenovy Boulevard”. The second line of the rating was taken by the Northern District – the Fiztech station is being built there. The list also includes the districts Nagorny, Dmitrovsky and Beskudnikovsky. In the future, an increase in prices is expected in Troitsk (by 2024), as well as in Western and Eastern Biryulevo (by 2027). Realtors managed to make a forecast based on an analysis of the dynamics of housing prices in areas where the metro was built in 2016 -2020. The maximum growth in prices for “secondary housing” is usually recorded within two months before the opening of a

Authoritative businessman Hayk was shot dead in his house near Moscow

In Krasnogorsk, a killer shot a reputable businessman Hayk Harutyunyan in his house Olga Vradiy, a representative of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia, told about this. According to her, on November 8, a body of a man with a gunshot wound to his chest was found in a summer kitchen in a private house in the village of Golyevo. The scene of the incident was examined by investigators. The killer made his way into the house and shot 61-year-old Hayk Harutyunyan from the sawn-off shotgun of an IZH-27 gun, specifies the Telegram channel “112”. The relatives took the wounded businessman to the hospital, but he died, despite the medical assistance provided. The investigation has already established that the gun was registered in the name of a resident of the Vladimir region. The criminals, presumably, fled in a yellow Gazel car in the Moscow City area.

Hundreds of illegal border crossing attempts reported in Poland

The Polish border service recorded 309 illegal border crossing attempts Hundreds of illegal border crossing attempts were recorded on the border between Poland and Belarus per day, most of them were suppressed. This was reported by the Polish Border Guard, RIA Novosti reports. The Border Service announced 309 attempts to illegally enter Polish territory. It is noted that 17 people were detained, most of whom turned out to be Iraqi citizens. Six people were arrested for aiding illegal immigrants. Two of them are citizens of Ukraine, one is a citizen of Uzbekistan, as well as citizens of Germany and Syria. According to the agency, 85 refugees were ordered to leave Poland. Earlier, the head of the German Interior Ministry Horst Seehofer said that Germany and Poland are not able to independently cope with the aggravating situation with migrants on the border with Belarus. He called on the European Commission to

DPR accused Ukraine of seizing a village in the gray zone

Earlier, the media reported that & nbsp; the Ukrainian armed forces occupied the settlement of Staromaryevka, which is located on the & nbsp; contact line in Telmanovsky Later, the DPR authorities said that & nbsp; more than 30 residents of Staromaryevka are citizens of & nbsp; RF. In & nbsp; turn in the & nbsp; press center of the 93rd brigade of Ukrainian security forces “ Kholodny Yar '' denied information about & nbsp; taking control of the village of Staromaryevka in & nbsp; Donbass. “ Ukrainian armed formations de facto took control of this settlement, although it & nbsp; was in & nbsp; & ldquo; gray zone & rdquo;, and was demilitarized ; was not & nbsp; was neither & nbsp; under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, nor & nbsp; under the control of the People's Militia of the DPR. But & nbsp; now the Ukrainian

In Kiev, a COVID-19 vaccination station was deployed right in the church

A vaccination station against COVID-19 was opened in the Greek Catholic Church in Kiev from COVID-19. It will be possible to get vaccinated against coronavirus infection right in the church from 10 to 17 hours daily. This was reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The newly opened vaccination station can be vaccinated with the Chinese CoronaVac, the Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca and the German-American Pfizer. You do not need to pre-register to receive the drug. It is planned that the “church” vaccination against coronavirus will soon become available in other Greek Catholic parishes in Ukraine and abroad. Opening the first center in the cathedral, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Patriarch Svyatoslav, during the divine liturgy, said that Ukraine is experiencing the peak of a pandemic. He urged parishioners not to be afraid of vaccinations, wash their hands, wear masks and observe social distance. During

Mother and son simultaneously hit two jackpots of three million rubles each

In the English city of Bootle, mother and son simultaneously won the lottery for 30 thousand pounds the son simultaneously hit two jackpots of 30 thousand pounds (three million rubles) each. This is reported by the Daily Mirror. 60-year-old Kathleen Miller admitted that she did not want to play the lottery, but she was persuaded by her 35-year-old son Paul. After the victory, the woman was so inspired by the game that she decided to attract friends and relatives to her. Miller plans to spend part of the money won on a trip to his sister in Abu Dhabi. According to the British woman, she is glad that now she will not have to worry about money for some time. Paul decided to divide his winnings into two parts: he will spend one on gifts for his son, and the second he will postpone. The cost of participation in the