Deputy Prime Minister Cited the Russian Energy Balance as an Example for Other Countries

Deputy Prime Minister Overchuk named the consequences of climate change, which Russia is facing Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk said at the COP26 conference that 86 percent of the country's energy balance is already accounted for by clean energy sources, which should set an example for other states. This is reported by RIA Novosti. “Eighty-six percent of our energy generation is based on the energy of the sun, wind, natural gas, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants. Russia is already an example of low greenhouse gas emissions, “Overchuk said. During his speech, he stressed that Russia is facing the consequences of climate change. Examples he cited included events such as permafrost thawing, wildfires and soil degradation. According to him, the country is making great efforts to fight climate change and is going to continue this fight further. Moreover, he spoke in favor of ending discrimination against other countries so that every

Who beat and blinded a Russian soldier sat down for four years

The Sochi court sentenced him to 4.5 years of military service for abusing a soldier, as a result he went blind who beat a soldier and blinded him with a laser pointer. This was reported to Interfax by the press service of the court. The defendant named Karasev, who served under a contract in the Sochi garrison, was found guilty under Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation health of the victim “). He was sentenced to 4.5 years in a general regime colony. The court established that on March 24, Karasev, who was on duty, beat the conscript for not arriving on time. After inflicting beatings, the sergeant shone a laser pointer into the soldier's eyes, as a result he lost his sight.

Philologist appreciated the new rules of the Russian language

Chief editor of “” Pakhomov: the project of the Ministry of Education updates spelling norms Editor-in-chief of the portal “” Institute of the Russian language named after V.V. Vinogradov Vladimir Pakhomov appreciated the project of the Ministry of Education to update the rules of the Russian language. The initiative will not become a global reform, the expert suggested in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. According to Pakhomov, the project of the Ministry of Education updates the spelling norms that are relevant for everyone who writes in Russian. They will cover new words and types of words that have emerged in the language recently. The philologist emphasized that in 1956, when the current rules were adopted, many words were not yet available. “Well, for example, how to write words with the first part of“ media ”? Or words with the first part “mini”, “business” and so on? Now such words are relevant

Germany allowed the freeze of “Nord Stream-2” because of Ukraine

Süddeutsche Zeitung: the new German authorities allowed the freeze of Nord Stream 2 because of Kiev to freeze the Nord Stream 2 project because of Ukraine. Columnist Stefan Cornelius wrote about this in an article for the Süddeutsche Zeitung. The author of the article claims that Germany has become dependent on Russia for energy, which has become the country's “biggest foreign policy problem”. At the same time, it is pointed out that such a problem appeared during the Cold War, but its importance was always tried to downplay. According to Cornelius, the argument that Germany and Russia need each other as a buyer and a supplier is correct only partly. Russia is willing to pay the highest price for this dependence on Germany in order to advance other interests, he said. As a result, he believes, Berlin may freeze the project in spite of Moscow, for the sake of Kiev

The final stage of the Big Change competition has begun in Artek

The final stage of the competition “Big Change” for high school students has begun in “Artek” Grades 9-11. The guests of the ceremony were the head of the presidential department for public projects Sergey Novikov, the head of the Big Change project, the director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Rospatriotcenter Natalia Mandrova, the deputy general director of the ANO Russia – the Land of Opportunities Anton Serikov and executive director of the Russian movement of schoolchildren Irina Plescheva. The opening ceremony kicked off the four-day program of the Big Change Final, which is being held at Artek for the second year in a row. The program of events includes motivational discussions, educational and creative workshops, which will be held for schoolchildren by scientists, journalists, artists, artists, athletes, bloggers and representatives of social movements. “I want to congratulate each of you on reaching the finals of this large-scale competition, which

The Federation Council advised Ukraine to stop relying on Europe

Senator Pushkov: the interests of Ukraine are not a priority for the European Union in difficult times … Thus, in his Telegram channel, he commented on the reports on the reduction of gas supplies to Ukraine. “We can wish Kiev to continue to rely on Europe and the” Euroassociation “in everything. In Ukraine, apparently, they never realize that Ukraine's interests are not a priority for Europe, especially in difficult times, “the senator emphasized. Pushkov added that Moldova also relied on Europe in the hope that the EU will pay the difference between the old and the new price for Russian gas, but faced a firm refusal. The operator of the gas transmission networks of Ukraine, in turn, reported on November 5 that, according to the results of 10 months of 2021, gas imports from the EU to Ukraine exceed exports , the country imported 2.535 billion cubic meters of gas,

The islands of Britain are under threat

Sky News: Scilly Archipelago Affected by Climate Change storms and rising sea levels. The Local Council has called for urgent action to address climate issues and protect the islands in order to avoid future evacuation of the population, Sky News reported. The Isles of Scilly Council has submitted a Climate Change Action Plan for the Climate Adaptation Scilly for public comment. The project involves an investment of approximately $ 4.8 million (£ 3.6 million) to protect the islands' infrastructure from the advancing sea. In recent years, the islands have seen an early start to the storm season, hotter summers and wetter winters. Storms are also becoming more frequent and violent, causing soil erosion and damage to farmers and pastoralists. Rising sea levels threaten the largest freshwater source on the archipelago's main island, St Mary's. Salty seawater entering a freshwater lake can seriously affect the lives of people and animals. Climate

Ukraine destroyed half a million doses of coronavirus vaccine

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine destroyed half a million overdue doses of AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19 press service of the department in response to a request from Specialists disposed of 500 thousand doses of the drug against COVID-19 at the end of October. The expiration date of the vaccine ended on October 31, the ministry added. The vaccination of the inhabitants of Ukraine began on February 24, 2021. At first, doctors only used the Covishield vaccine. CoronaVac was introduced on April 13, AstraZeneca on April 18, and Comirnaty on April 26. Since June 22, the Moderna vaccine has become available to Ukrainians, but in mid-September it ended. Last weekend, November 6 and 7, she again appeared in the laboratories. Earlier, the country's Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko accused Russia of failing the vaccination campaign. According to him, citizens are influenced by Russian propaganda. He expressed confidence that 70

The footballer of the Russian national team spoke about the absence of Dziuba in the team

Zenit player Karavaev said that the situation with the absence of Dziuba in the national team should be released »Artyom Dziuba must be released. This was stated by the defender of the St. Petersburg club Vyacheslav Karavaev, whose statement is quoted by “”. The player of the national team stressed that this topic is not discussed in the team. “It seems to me that this should not be done. Artyom is gone, we must let go and no longer talk about it, “said Karavaev. Dziuba was not included in the Russian national team for the final qualifying matches of the 2022 World Cup. On November 11, the team will play at home with Cyprus, and three days later on the road they will meet with Croatia. At the end of September, Dziuba refused to come to the Russian national team for matches with Slovakia and Slovenia. He motivated this by