The head of Pfizer spoke about the timing of revaccination against coronavirus

The head of Pfizer considers an annual revaccination against coronavirus infection necessary take place about every year. He spoke about this, speaking via video link at the Washington Atlantic Council, reports TASS. “I think that the booster dose, the third dose, provides a very, very high level of protection. The question is how long it will last, “the specialist said, adding that protection against COVID-19 decreases within six months after the second vaccination. The head of Pfizer noted that it is necessary to monitor the condition of people who have made booster vaccine, after six months, to understand when their level of protection will decrease and they will need a new dose of vaccine. In his opinion, the most likely scenario is an annual revaccination. Earlier it became known that the Ministry of Health of Ukraine destroyed half a million overdue doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine against coronavirus. Specialists disposed

Wasserman appreciated the purchase of a certificate of vaccination against COVID-19 by Russians

Deputy Wasserman on the purchase of a vaccination certificate: to commit suicide for your own money appreciated the purchase of certificates of vaccination against coronavirus. “At least several hundred thousand of our fellow citizens decided to commit suicide for their own money,” said the deputy, answering the question of how many have certificates of vaccination against COVID- 19 Russians did not get a real vaccine. Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that Russians will be able to receive a paper certificate of vaccination against COVID-19 from November 16 at the MFC. Mishustin stressed that for many citizens the paper version of the certificate is more convenient than the electronic one, therefore a corresponding decree was signed. The document is available in English and Russian, you can get it in paper and electronic form. In October, the director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Gintsburg,

Doctors have refuted the popular myth about the depth of sleep

Doctors from the University of Lausanne have denied the connection between the depth of sleep and the waves of brain activity the connection between the depth of sleep and the waves of brain activity, writes Medical Xpress. They dispelled the myth that with slow waves of brain activity, a person is immersed in deep sleep. For a long time, doctors believed that it was possible to determine the depth of sleep by observing brain waves using electroencephalogram (EEG) readings. In the course of the study, experts examined data from ten patients with insomnia and 20 people with good sleep. Scientists repeatedly woke volunteers to get instant feedback and track the quality of sleep at different stages. In insomnia sufferers, tests have shown a match between sleep with both slow brain waves and fast ones. This suggests that they were awake and asleep at the same time. According to experts, this

Three regions of Russia with the most expensive mortgage are named

RIA Novosti: the highest mortgage rate of 8.7 percent was recorded in Sevastopol The highest average mortgage rate in Russia recorded in Sevastopol, while in September 2021 it decreased from 8.77 to 8.7 percent, RIA Novosti reports, citing data from the Central Bank. The top three regions with the highest mortgage rates were also included Ingushetia and Chechnya – where the rate for the first autumn month increased to 8.57 and 8.51 percent, respectively. Relatively expensive housing loans also turned out to be in Crimea, Tuva, Kranodar Territory, Samara Region and Moscow – in all of these regions the average indicator exceeds eight percent. Experts called the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District the cheapest in terms of mortgage costs … In the Primorsky Territory, the rate was 6.25 percent per annum, in Chukotka – 6.5 percent, in Yakutia – 6.53 percent, in Magadan – 6.67 percent, on Sakhalin

Ukraine proposed to close the border with Belarus

Former deputy of the Rada Tyagnibok called to close the border with Belarus because of the “12 hot spots” , ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Oleg Tyagnibok said that there are 12 checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, which can become “places of invasion” for migrants. The politician wrote about this on his Facebook page. Tyagnibok said that the current situation on the Belarusian-Polish border is “very serious and dangerous” for Ukraine. In his opinion, migrants will try to get into the country through “12 hot spots that can become places of invasion.” Therefore, the politician called on Kiev to “act immediately and comprehensively” and close the border with Belarus in advance. In addition, the party leader suggested that the Ukrainian authorities “strengthen military protection, declare a state of emergency in nearby areas, demand real protection and assistance from international partners “. In his opinion, Russia is involved in the migration

The European Union is preparing to introduce new sanctions against Belarus due to migrants

Reuters: The EU is preparing to impose sanctions against 30 individuals and legal entities in Belarus about 30 individuals and legal entities, including Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei and the Belarusian airline Belavia, reports Reuters, citing diplomats familiar with the situation. The EU and NATO accuse President Alexander Lukashenko of using migrants as a weapon of pressure on the West. A new round of sanctions is directed against Belarusian officials, who, according to the European Union, organized the arrival of migrants in retaliation for restrictions on Minsk. On Wednesday, November 10, as a decisive step, 27 EU ambassadors intend to formally agree with the fact that the growth in the number of migrants on the border of Belarus with Poland constitutes a “hybrid war” and can serve as a legal basis for the imposition of sanctions. According to diplomats, they are also considering the possibility of expanding economic sanctions against Belarus,

Yermolova's theater fired a number of artists

Actress Burkhanova spoke about the dismissal of a number of artists from the Yermolova Theater artists. They plan to seek reinstatement through the courts. “We will sue and seek reinstatement, this is our main goal. We will demand compensation. We have a lawyer we trust. She will draw up and formalize our requirements, “- said the actress. According to her, she was fired on November 8 along with eight other actors, and before that a number of layoffs took place in September. She also added that since one of those who left the theater left by agreement of the parties, it is difficult to name the exact number of those dismissed. The press attaché of the theater refused to comment on the possible dismissal. Earlier, the new general director of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater, Vladimir Kekhman, spoke positively about the need for censorship in the theater. He believes that

The DPR called the conditions for the start of hostilities in Donbass by Kiev

Ex-DPR officer Astrakhan: Kiev will start active hostilities in Donbass by decision of NATO Military expert, ex-officer of the People's Militia of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Dmitry Astrakhan called the conditions for Kiev to start active hostilities in Donbass. He noted in an interview with RIA Novosti that this will happen by NATO decision. According to him, since 2014, the North Atlantic Alliance has been developing the territory of Ukraine for a future war, sequentially, stage by stage, this is called “settling the territory in the theater of military operations.” The expert pointed out that the United States and Great Britain are doing this, the first country is engaged in naval bases and operations in the Black Sea, the second is in land operations. Related materials00: 02 – October 7 ” The crisis will come by spring “Zelensky gets rid of political competitors. Why doesn't this help him

Zakharova advised Europe to show creativity and help migrants at the border

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova invited the EU to show creativity to help migrants crisis with migrants on the border of the European Union (EU) with Poland and Lithuania, without resorting to the assistance of international humanitarian institutions. She announced this on the air of the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on the TV channel “Russia 1”, reports TASS. “They could well show their creativity. Including in public space. For this, there are all international legal mechanisms, including those related to humanitarian law, in order to simply use them, “Zakharova advised, answering the question about the possibility of providing humanitarian assistance to migrants from Europe. According to the representative The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, everything that should now be involved “is used to criticize those countries that the Western community considers uncivilized for some reason.” Zakharova recalled that the European Court of Human Rights demanded that Poland and Latvia provide

21-year-old champion cyclist killed by car in training

21-year-old cyclist from Eritrea Tekeste died in an accident during training Cyclist from Eritrea Desiet Kidla. This is reported on Twitter by the International Cycling Union (UCI). The 21-year-old champion athlete was hit and killed by a car during training. The incident took place in the capital of Eritrea – the city of Asmara. The UCI and the International Olympic Committee expressed their condolences over the incident. In 2018, Tekeste won the African Junior Championship. In the same year, she took part in the Youth Olympic Games. The athlete took 11th place in the team competition on the highway. On November 8, it became known about the death of 21-year-old Russian volleyball player Aliya Khambikova. The athlete died due to illness.