The European Union announced its readiness to toughen sanctions against Belarus

Acting Foreign Minister of Germany Maas: The EU is ready to toughen sanctions against Belarus due to migrants Acting Foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas said that the European Union (EU) is ready to tighten sanctions against the Belarusian authorities due to the influx of migrants to the border with Poland. RIA Novosti writes about this. “We will impose sanctions on everyone who participates in the targeted import of migrants. [Belarusian President Alexander] Lukashenko must understand that his calculation is not working. By the way, this does not exclude the expansion of sanctions in other sectors of the economy in the future, “- said the interim Foreign Minister of Germany. He added that the European Union also considers it important to” explanatory work in the countries of origin “of illegal migrants. It is about the readiness not to give false promises, because of which migrants “pay thousands of dollars” and

Germany allowed the possibility of freezing “Nord Stream-2” due to Ukraine

Süddeutsche Zeitung: Germany May Freeze Nord Stream 2 to Avoid Dependency -2 “because of Ukraine and in order to avoid dependence on Russia. This opinion was expressed by the German columnist Stefan Kornelius in an article for the Süddeutsche Zeitung. According to him, Germany found itself in a difficult situation and was forced to look for a way out, which would become the most important political decision, since this problem was postponed for a long time. The author pointed out that “pseudo-arguments” seem less and less convincing, for example, reverse gas supply for Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. This may work at first. But when there is not enough gas and German gas supply companies start fighting for every cubic meter, the conflict will move to Western Europe. Therefore, there can be only one solution: to separate the gas owner and the network operator and get rid of Russian

A way out of the energy crisis was found in Ukraine

Ukrainian politician Dolzhenkov: the country can get out of the energy crisis by lifting the blockade from Donbass on the air of the “NASH” TV channel, which found a way out of the energy crisis developing in the country. He proposed to solve this problem by lifting the blockade from Donbass. “First, there is a shortage of coal. What are the challenges and opportunities for the authorities? For example, unblocking trade with Donbass. Until 2016, we supplied coal from uncontrolled territories, and taxes were paid to state budgets. Why not now turn to face the people of Donbass and import coal? ” – stressed the politician. Earlier, the press secretary of the President of Ukraine Sergei Nikiforov said that Kiev insists on the creation of a new subgroup within the trilateral contact group on Donbass. According to him, the subgroup will work to return Ukraine's control over the state border

Apple начала принимать к оплате карты «Мир»

О нововведении также говорится на сайте Apple. Среди возможных способов оплаты в учётной записи Apple ID по региону «Россия» появилось упоминание системы «Мир». Корреспонденту «Известий» удалось подвязать нацкарту к учетной записи на iPhone и в один клик оплатить подписку в Apple Music, а также купить приложение в App Store. Интеграция карт «Мир» в сервисы Apple началась весной 2021 года. Тогда российским кредитным организациям стал доступен функционал по подключению нацкарт к Apple Pay. Сейчас сервис доступен клиентам отдельных банков, которые провели необходимые технические доработки. Нацкарты оформляются работникам бюджетной сферы, госслужащим, пенсионерам, студентам и получателям государственных пособий. По данным ЦБ, их выпущено более 100 млн. «Мир» принимается на всей территории России и в ряде зарубежных стран — в том числе, в Турции, Вьетнаме, Армении.

The Gamaleya Center will check the possibility of replacing the vaccination with a nasal vaccine

Head of the Gamaleya Center Gunzburg: the study will decide on the use of a nasal vaccine the results of tests in the framework of clinical trials, said the director of the Gamaleya center Alexander Gintsburg, writes RIA Novosti. According to him, there is still no definite answer whether this drug can replace the usual vaccine. He also did not specify whether the nasal vaccine will be used as an adjunct to the vaccine, for example, during revaccination. “One of the questions that will be resolved during this clinical study will be the one that you have just asked me,” the head of the center replied to journalists. In the center of Gamalea, two nasal vaccines against COVID-19 based on the drug “Sputnik V”. The license to develop the second drug was granted by Generium. The center itself intends to produce a nasal form of “Sputnik V” in the form

The model complained about problems due to her incredible beauty and sexuality

A model from Austria proved to those doubting the naturalness of her breasts that she did not perform surgery A model from Vienna, Austria, complained about problems that arise from her incredible beauty and sexuality. The story of the beauty is published by the Daily Mirror. 25-year-old Veronica Raek said that her Instagram page is periodically deleted due to complaints from users who consider her a fake. “It's more difficult for beautiful people to live. I am so sexy that many do not believe that I am real, ”complained Raek. The finalist of the beauty contest“ Miss Slovakia 2016 ”regularly faces doubts about the naturalness of her breasts. The girl decided to prove to all doubters that her bust is a gift of nature, and not the handiwork of a plastic surgeon, and went to Dubai to do a breast scan. “My doctor was very surprised, because at first he

World leaders urged to “push all levers” to save the Earth

Prime Minister Johnson called for “pushing all the levers” on COP26 to combat climate change planet, reports TASS with reference to the statement of the office of the politician. Johnson said the negotiating teams are making every effort in the final days of COP26 to deliver on the promise of climate change. According to the politician, there is still much to be done. He also announced that on November 10 he will hold a meeting with world leaders (ministers and negotiators) to learn about their successes. the 2015 Climate Agreement. To do this, countries should identify market and non-market approaches to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the sixth article of the document. In addition, states are seeking agreement on the amount of payments from developed countries to the countries in greatest need. This support will help them move towards a green agenda. “It's time for countries to put their differences

Russians were reminded of a way to get money back for medicines

Lawyer Kurkulite: Russians can get a tax deduction in the amount of the cost of drugs that the state can return money to Russians for medicines. According to the expert, there are several ways to get the money back. So, you can get a tax deduction for personal income tax in the amount of medical services provided, as well as in the amount of the cost of drugs prescribed by a doctor's prescription and purchased at your own expense for yourself, your spouse, parents and minor children, during the tax period for which you are requested deduction and no later than three years after the end of the year during which the drugs were purchased. At the same time, the tax deduction cannot be obtained if the Russian received the drugs free of charge. In addition, the tax deduction can be used only if during the tax period an individual

Russian arrested for refusing to take his seat on the plane

A passenger on the Kemerovo-Moscow flight was arrested for refusing to transfer to his seat that he took someone else's seat on the plane and refused to change to his seat, writes “Ministry of Internal Affairs Media.” other citizens. In this regard, the representative of the airline refused to fly the violator of public order, ”the message says. It is noted that the Russian was in a sober state. He was taken to the duty station of the transport police and brought to administrative responsibility under the first part of Article 20.1 of the Administrative Code of Russia “Petty hooliganism”. He was sentenced to ten days of administrative arrest, which he will hold in a special detention center in Kemerovo. Earlier it became known that at the capital's Sheremetyevo airport, the transport police detained a passenger who made a riot on board an aircraft flying from Stockholm to Moscow. The

Apple CEO reveals his attitude to cryptocurrency

CNBC: Apple CEO Cook owns cryptocurrency and is interested in it from a personal point of view Apple CEO Tim Cook said he owns cryptocurrency he is only interested in it from a “personal point of view,” reports CNBC. Cook stressed that he considers it prudent to own cryptocurrency as part of a diversified portfolio. “By the way, I don’t give anyone investment advice,” he joked. The Apple CEO said that he had been interested in cryptocurrencies for some time and had carefully studied this issue. He also denied suggestions that the company is going to use this type of funds as a possible option for paying for the goods and services of the corporation. He also ruled out the possibility of Apple buying cryptocurrency for corporate funds as an investment. “I would not invest in cryptocurrency, not because I would not invest my own money, but because I don’t