The cheapest apartments in doomed houses were found in Moscow

RBC: the minimum cost of housing in houses for demolition in Moscow is 5.5 million rubles sale of more than 1.2 thousand apartments in houses doomed to demolition. The cheapest was found on the territory of New Moscow, it costs 5.5 million rubles, RBC reports, citing data from the Azbuka Zhilya agency. According to realtors, the minimum cost per square meter for demolition is 115 thousand rubles. maximum – 635 thousand. For 5.5 million you can buy a 44-meter “kopeck piece” in a house for demolition in the annexed territories. The most expensive lot in the segment is a 105-meter lot for 50.7 million rubles (it is located in the Yuzhnoportovoy district, next to the Kozhukhovskaya metro station). According to experts, the cost of apartments in houses for demolition depends on the estimated time for dismantling the building. The sooner the house is demolished, the higher the price of the

The shooter in the MFC Moscow will be assigned a psychological and psychiatric forensic examination

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: the shooter from the MFC Moscow will conduct a psychological and psychiatric examination for sanity a psychological and psychiatric forensic examination will be carried out to determine the degree of his sanity. On Tuesday, December 7, “” was informed about this by the official representative of the Moscow department of the TFR Yulia Ivanova. The suspect was taken for questioning to the investigator. A criminal case was initiated under article 105 (“Murder of two or more persons”) and 222 (“Illegal arms trafficking”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. As previously reported, the man started shooting at the Ryazansky MFC, two people were killed – MFC employee and one of the visitors. The arrow was detained. He cannot testify yet, as he is in an inadequate state. The shooting was preceded by a conflict with a guard over a medical mask.

The shooter named in the media denied involvement in the incident in the Moscow MFC Sergei Glazov, named by the media as a “shooter from the MFC”, denied his involvement The man said this in an interview with A number of media outlets indicated that the shooting in the Moscow MFC was opened by a man with the same name and the same age. Photo from his page in “VKontakte” after the information about the incident were published by different publications. The man assured that he is now in one of the villages in the Moscow region.

The mechanism of hacking the immunity of the coronavirus revealed

Scientists in Japan and the United States have shown how SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus hacks immunity Researchers from Japan and the United States have revealed that CoV-2 can disrupt an important molecular pathway associated with an immune complex called the major immunocompatibility complex MHC-I. This could explain how the coronavirus escapes the body's defense systems. This was reported in an article published in the journal Nature Communications. Scientists have demonstrated how the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, hacks gene expression in the immune system of patients. This allows the study of the function of complex cellular signaling pathways that trigger immune responses to fight bacteria and viruses. The MHC-I mechanism plays a central role in the immune response against viruses, allowing the infected cell to attract cytotoxic T cells. The results showed that a protein from the SARS-CoV-2 virus called ORF 6, inhibits a host cell protein called NLRC5, which is responsible

The shooter in the MFC Moscow will be assigned a psychological and psychiatric forensic examination

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: the shooter from the MFC Moscow will conduct a psychological and psychiatric examination for sanity a psychological and psychiatric forensic examination will be carried out to determine the degree of his sanity. On Tuesday, December 7, “” was informed about this by the official representative of the Moscow department of the TFR Yulia Ivanova. The suspect was taken for questioning to the investigator. A criminal case was initiated under article 105 (“Murder of two or more persons”) and 222 (“Illegal arms trafficking”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. As previously reported, the man started shooting at the Ryazansky MFC, two people were killed – MFC employee and one of the visitors. The arrow was detained. He cannot testify yet, as he is in an inadequate state. The shooting was preceded by a conflict with a guard over a medical mask.

Russians gambling on the stock exchange were warned of a dangerous disease

The Ministry of Finance will seek to transfer players to a passive investment strategy Russia Ivan Chebeskov at the Finopolis 2021 forum, TASS reports. “Hemification sometimes develops into gambling ( a dangerous disease of gambling addiction – approx.” “). I read that there are polls from telephone lines where people with gambling problems call. They are already being approached by people who have problems with trading on the stock exchange (…) Here you need to pay attention so that it does not turn into dependence, “Chebeskov said. According to him, some market participants are too receptive to advertising.

An explosion thundered in the center of Kabul

A mine exploded in the center of the Afghan capital Kabul It is reported by TOLO News. The incident took place in the second police district. Said Khosti, a spokesman for the country's Interior Ministry, confirmed the explosion. According to him, the cause of the incident was a mine laid by the road. There is no information about the casualties yet. Earlier in Kabul on Dar-ul-Aman Avenue, near the Habibiye secondary school, a roadside bomb detonated. Five people were injured, no one was killed. Also, on November 23, a magnetic mine blew up the car of members of the radical Taliban movement ( a terrorist organization banned in Russia ). The explosions, during which at least six people died, occurred in the capital on November 15 and 17. After a radical group came to power, terrorist attacks in the republic became more frequent. Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said