Usyk appreciated his acting potential with the phrase “could play a fool”

Ukrainian heavyweight boxer Oleksandr Usyk said that he could play in a movie to the cinema. The interview with the athlete was published on the Parimatch Ukraine YouTube channel. The Ukrainian highly appreciated his acting potential. According to the boxer, he could play in both comedy and drama. “A fool could play well, just a schizo-schizon,” said Usyk. On November 30, the boxer spoke about the hardest workout in his life. The athlete recalled that once he had to swim 10 kilometers in the pool without stopping. On September 26, Usyk defeated Briton Anthony Joshua by unanimous decision and became the world champion according to the versions of the World Boxing Association (WBA), the International Boxing Federation (IBF) ), The World Boxing Organization (WBO) and the International Boxing Organization (IBO).

Formula 1 pilot got rid of penthouse in USA

British Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton sold a penthouse in New York for $ 49.5 million British Formula 1 driver for Mercedes Lewis Hamilton got rid of his penthouse in the United States. The name of the home buyer remained unknown, according to the New York Post. The racing driver's home is located in New York's Tribeca area, in a former 19th century bookbinding factory on Greenwich Street. Hamilton raised $ 49.5 million from the sale. According to the newspaper, the penthouse was empty all the time, since the racer had never lived there. He has owned the property since 2017, when he bought it for $ 43.9 million. In 2019, they asked for $ 57 million for housing. The penthouse consists of three apartments and covers an area of ​​almost 827 square meters and three floors. Inside there are five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a spacious kitchen, living room, library and

Usyk appreciated his acting potential with the phrase “could play a fool”

Ukrainian heavyweight boxer Oleksandr Usyk said that he could play in a movie to the cinema. The interview with the athlete was published on the Parimatch Ukraine YouTube channel. The Ukrainian highly appreciated his acting potential. According to the boxer, he could play in both comedy and drama. “A fool could play well, just a schizo-schizon,” said Usyk. On November 30, the boxer spoke about the hardest workout in his life. The athlete recalled that once he had to swim 10 kilometers in the pool without stopping. On September 26, Usyk defeated Briton Anthony Joshua by unanimous decision and became the world champion according to the versions of the World Boxing Association (WBA), the International Boxing Federation (IBF) ), The World Boxing Organization (WBO) and the International Boxing Organization (IBO).

Formula 1 pilot got rid of penthouse in USA

British Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton sold a penthouse in New York for $ 49.5 million British Formula 1 driver for Mercedes Lewis Hamilton got rid of his penthouse in the United States. The name of the home buyer remained unknown, according to the New York Post. The racing driver's home is located in New York's Tribeca area, in a former 19th century bookbinding factory on Greenwich Street. Hamilton raised $ 49.5 million from the sale. According to the newspaper, the penthouse was empty all the time, since the racer had never lived there. He has owned the property since 2017, when he bought it for $ 43.9 million. In 2019, they asked for $ 57 million for housing. The penthouse consists of three apartments and covers an area of ​​almost 827 square meters and three floors. Inside there are five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a spacious kitchen, living room, library and

Бэнкси пожертвует $13 миллионов, чтобы превратить бывшую тюрьму в арт-центр

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Награждение лауреатов просветительской премии «Знание». Видеотрансляция

Премия учреждена для признания достижений российских деятелей просвещения — преподавателей, лекторов, школьных учителей, блогеров, компаний, СМИ и других людей и проектов из разных областей, ведущих просветительскую деятельность.

Китайский ровер нашел на Луне «таинственную хижину»

El vehículo lunar chino Yutu 2 encontró una especie de cabaña “misteriosa” de 80 m2 sobre la superficie de la luna. Se espera que se acerque lentamente en 2 o 3 semanas para develar el misterio. ¿Qué es ese cubo? (Sólo respuestas incorrectas) — Fabricio Ballarini (@FabBallarini) December 6, 2021 Китайский луноход Yutu 2, отправленный на Луну почти три года назад, обнаружил на темной стороне спутника в кратере Фон Карман неизвестный выступающий объект квадратной формы. Получив снимки, Национальное космическое управление Китая назвало объект «таинственной хижиной» и изменило программу лунохода — теперь он направляется к этому месту, чтобы детальнее изучить находку. Правда, чтобы добраться до «хижины», Yutu 2 понадобится 2-3 месяца, что эквивалентно 2-3 лунным суткам.  Несмотря на загадочное название обнаруженного объекта, ученые полагают, что это просто валун, который выбило из поверхности в результате падения метеорита. Ранее такие валуны уже находили на Луне, но точно сказать ученые смогут лишь после прибытия ровера к месту. Напомним, что луноход Yutu 2 приземлился на Луну 3 января 2019 года вместе с космическим кораблем Chang’e-4. До этой