Talks between Putin and Biden via teleconference ended

The conversation between the heads of state began at about & nbsp; 18:08 Moscow time. As previously reported, at the & nbsp; meeting it was planned to discuss the situation around & nbsp; Ukraine and & nbsp; the topic of NATO's advance to the & nbsp; east, strategic stability, bilateral issues, and & nbsp; also topics of regional security, in & nbsp; including the situation in & nbsp; Afghanistan. At the & nbsp; beginning of the teleconference, Putin and & nbsp; Biden exchanged greetings, while & nbsp; this the US President expressed his hope for a & nbsp; face-to-face meeting with the & nbsp; Russian leader in the & nbsp; future. Further negotiations took place behind closed doors. The teleconference was organized with & nbsp; using a secure video link designed for & nbsp; communication between the leaders of the two countries, it was used for the first time. Putin

CIAN accused of discrimination against Russians

Russian users of the CIAN website accused the service of discrimination against Russians The new rules angered some Russians, who on social networks accused the service of discriminating against Russians. Users began to give negative ratings to the CIAN app on Google Play. Outraged landlords began to express their dissatisfaction with the new rules in social networks. Commentators decided to boycott the service, explaining this by infringement of the rights of landlords, Russophobia and discrimination of the Slavs.

Negotiations between Putin and Biden come to the end

The talks between the presidents of Russia and the United States, Putin and Biden, have come to an end, they lasted 2 hours they lasted two hours. RIA Novosti writes about this. The parties have not yet revealed what issues were raised at the summit. The meeting was held via a special video link. The Kremlin said that this line was created during the previous administrations, but today it is being used for the first time. The first footage of the politicians' communication was shown to the journalists, but then the meeting was held in a closed format.

Former wife of the Supreme Ruler of Malaysia left Russia

Russian model Oksana Voevodina moved with her son to live in the UK Malaysia Muhammad V Oksana Voevodina left Russia and moved with her son to the UK. She announced this on Instagram. On Monday, December 6, a photo appeared on Voevodina's social network page in which she was captured with a child in the British capital. “We are back home – to London!” – she signed the post. The model said that life in London was her goal. “Getting an education for my son in the UK has always been my goal in life and I am glad that I am gradually fulfilling my plan!” – wrote Voevodina. Related materials 00:02 – January 16 “I fell in love with the Sultan” How the ruler of Malaysia married a Russian model and with what left her and her son after the divorce 00:05 – 31 December 2019 His Majesty Cheburashka

Japan: COVID-19 Deaths Close To Zero

Bloomberg: Japan almost reaches zero death rate from coronavirus became the lowest since the beginning of the second wave of the pandemic – July 2020. Bloomberg reports. Mortality in the country has almost reached zero, and the daily number of coronavirus infections has decreased from 25 thousand in August 2021 to 200 cases over the past three weeks. One of the reasons for the sharp decline in the incidence was the massive vaccination. As of Tuesday, December 7, about 97 million people – 77 percent of the population – are fully vaccinated in Japan. Among older people, immunization rates are approaching 100 percent: 92 percent of citizens aged 65 and over have completed the full course of vaccinations. However, many other developed countries that have launched similar campaigns to combat the virus are now seeing a rise in the number of infections and deaths. Related materials00:01 – November 25 “Almost

Biden forgot to turn on the microphone in talks with Putin

US President Biden forgot to turn on the microphone at the beginning of his conversation with Russian leader Putin US President Joe Biden at the beginning of his conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin forgot to turn on the microphone. The Daily Mail drew attention to the technical difficulties faced by the American politician in the negotiations. So, in the previously published first footage of the talks between the leaders of the two countries, one could see how Biden smiled, waved his hand to Putin and something said, but he was not heard. After that, the US President was distracted by the gadget on his desk, trying to turn on the sound. After a few seconds, he managed to do it. “Like this. Hello. Glad to see you again, “Biden said, having established a connection. Bilateral negotiations between Putin and Biden started earlier on December 7 and at the time