Biden announced the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO

White House: President Biden did not promise Putin that Ukraine would remain outside NATO US President Joe Biden did not promise Russia to Vladimir Putin that Ukraine will remain outside NATO. In addition, the country's authorities plan to continue to provide defense assistance to Ukraine. This intention and the possibility of Ukraine's joining the organization were announced in the White House, RIA Novosti reports.

In Ukraine, they shared their expectations from the conversation between Putin and Biden

Zelensky's office advisor Mikhail Podolyak: the tone of the US statements in favor of Ukraine and the United States of Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden in a conversation with RBC-Ukraine, RIA Novosti reports. The dialogue is expected to result in increased diplomatic activity for de-escalation in the region, Podolyak said. According to him, the conversation is part of a wide dialogue, which was started six months ago and is not limited to just one or several conversations at the highest level. “The tone of the statements and basic positions of the American side is unambiguously in favor of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” he added.

In Ukraine, they shared their expectations from the conversation between Putin and Biden

Zelensky's office advisor Mikhail Podolyak: the tone of the US statements in favor of Ukraine and the United States of Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden in a conversation with RBC-Ukraine, RIA Novosti reports. The dialogue is expected to result in increased diplomatic activity for de-escalation in the region, Podolyak said. According to him, the conversation is part of a wide dialogue, which was started six months ago and is not limited to just one or several conversations at the highest level. “The tone of the statements and basic positions of the American side is unambiguously in favor of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” he added.

The State Department announced Russia's plans to attack Ukraine with half of all troops

Nuland: Russia is ready to attack Ukraine with almost all troops west of the Urals … Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said this to the Congress, RIA Novosti reports. According to her, Moscow plans to involve “about 100 battalion tactical groups, or practically all combat-ready ground troops west of the Urals” in the military operation. She also added that Russia's military and intelligence services “continue to develop the potential for decisive action against Ukraine if ordered, potentially in early 2022.” On December 4, US intelligence “discovered” that Russia was planning an invasion the territory of Ukraine, and made a map of the proposed offensive on several fronts. Intelligence officials said that Moscow plans to involve 100 battalion tactical groups of up to 175,000 servicemen in the offensive. At the same time, the Western term “battalion tactical group” is absent in the combat regulations of the Russian Armed Forces, instead

Putin and Biden announced the unsatisfactory state of cooperation between the countries

Putin and Biden: Russian-US cooperation is in an unsatisfactory state Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Joe Biden online -Negotiations on December 7 noted that bilateral cooperation is in an unsatisfactory state. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin. In particular, this is manifested in the difficulties experienced by the “curtailed” diplomatic missions of both countries in their work. As Vladimir Putin noted, the current situation is a consequence of the line of the US authorities, which “five years ago began to practice large-scale restrictions, bans and mass expulsions of Russian diplomats, to which we have to respond in a mirror-like manner.” In the press service The Kremlin also noted that the conversation between the two leaders was frank and businesslike. Earlier it became known that during negotiations with Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin proposed to nullify all existing restrictions on the functioning of embassies. It

The United States warned of the risk of the outbreak of three military conflicts

WSJ: military conflicts in Ukraine, Taiwan and Iran could become a drama for the United States The Wall Street Journal columnist Gerald Seibil the growing risk of the outbreak of three military conflicts that could become a drama for the United States. He wrote about this in his article for the WSJ. According to him, the United States and its allies are now going through a dangerous moment – perhaps even more dangerous than many Americans think. So, among the likely conflicts, he named Russia's invasion of Ukraine. As an argument, he cited the concentration of Russian troops on the border with the country. The second hot spot could be Taiwan, the author noted. He stressed that Chinese leader Xi Jinping has clearly signaled his intention to take control of Taiwan while in power. In addition, the observer said that a third possible conflict could arise if negotiations on the

The White House announced a conversation between Biden and Zelensky

White House: Conversation between Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskiy will take place on December 9 … This was reported by RIA Novosti. According to the American side, the conversation will take place on Thursday, December 9. Other details of the planned conversation are not given. On December 7, negotiations were held between Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin. In particular, the American leader voiced the concern of the United States and European allies with the build-up of Russian forces near the borders of Ukraine and made it clear that they would respond with decisive economic and other measures in the event of a military escalation. In turn, Putin pointed out that that NATO is making dangerous attempts to develop the territory of Ukraine. He noted that the responsibility for the situation in Ukraine should not be shifted onto Russia, since it is NATO that is building up its military