Beeline received a Runet award for the introduction of mobile ID

Beeline's mobile ID is a convenient way to log in, which allows you to forget about passwords awarded to the Beeline for the introduction of a mobile ID as a universal and secure method of identification and authentication on various Internet resources. This was reported to “” in the press service of the operator. Mobile ID is by default available for any subscriber of the Big Four and is a convenient way to log in, which allows you to forget about passwords, queues and paper documents. The function simplifies the customer journey, thereby increasing the conversion to sales, and provides a high level of security. A modern solution based on Mobile Connect GSMA technologies allows users to quickly and securely log in to any resources using their mobile phone number: both digital and in the real world. “Multifactor identification is a common headache both for the state and business, and

Belarusian and Russian car dealers will be checked for collusion

The antimonopoly authority will check the refusal of car dealers in Belarus to sell cars to Russians writes Earlier it was reported that Belarusian dealerships stopped selling new cars to Russians. They refer to agreements with Russian colleagues, which allow only buyers with Belarusian passports to issue documents for new cars. This information is of interest to the Department of Antimonopoly Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Commission. A check has begun, after which the department will make a conclusion about the presence or absence of a possible sign of violation of the general rules of competition. The situation resembles the division of markets and customers between themselves, sellers may become participants in a cartel agreement, lawyer Konstantin Erokhin believes. Participants can be punished with large fines and prosecuted, he added. There are many popular car models in Belarusian warehouses. They are sold without extra charges at the cost recommended

Russian doctor named ways to distinguish a mentally ill from an antivaxer

Treushnikova: if a person has dramatically changed behavior, it is worth contacting a specialist psyche from the adversary of vaccination. Her words are quoted by The interlocutor of the publication noted that it is impossible for a layperson to accurately distinguish a mentally ill person from an ordinary antivaxer. According to her, if a person does not sleep at night for a long time, answers inappropriately, or dramatically changes his behavior and lifestyle, he should contact a specialist. At the same time, it is impossible to diagnose a person on his own. According to the physician, now there is no increase in patients with mental disorders. “It happens that people with coronavirus suffer acute psychoses. However, there are not so many of them, this is not a mass phenomenon, “the Russian doctor says. Treushnikova noted that information about the coronavirus pandemic worries everyone, any information broadcast in the media

Russian doctor named ways to distinguish a mentally ill from an antivaxer

Treushnikova: if a person has dramatically changed behavior, it is worth contacting a specialist psyche from the adversary of vaccination. Her words are quoted by The interlocutor of the publication noted that it is impossible for a layperson to accurately distinguish a mentally ill person from an ordinary antivaxer. According to her, if a person does not sleep at night for a long time, answers inappropriately, or dramatically changes his behavior and lifestyle, he should contact a specialist. At the same time, it is impossible to diagnose a person on his own. According to the physician, now there is no increase in patients with mental disorders. “It happens that people with coronavirus suffer acute psychoses. However, there are not so many of them, this is not a mass phenomenon, “the Russian doctor says. Treushnikova noted that information about the coronavirus pandemic worries everyone, any information broadcast in the media

Roskomnadzor has blocked Tor in Russia

Roskomnadzor: the Tor browser website is included in the register of prohibited information and blocked in the Russian Federation Roskomnadzor (RKN) blocked access to the Tor browser website in Russia. The service page was also included in the register of prohibited information in the Russian Federation. This was reported to “” in the press service of Roskomnadzor. “On the basis of a court decision, the resource ( was included in A unified register of prohibited information, ”the regulator said. The RKN clarified that the reason for this was the posting of information on the portal that ensures the operation of means that provide access to illegal content. Access to the resource is limited, the department added. As indicated in the Unified Register of information prohibited in Russia, the browser's website was included in the register by the decision of the Saratov District Court. The corresponding verdict was issued in

Верховный суд России разрешил штрафовать нарушителей без маски по фото

За нарушение масочного режима будут штрафовать по фото. Теперь для этого не надо будет проводить расследование и назначать экспертизы, достаточно будет протокола и фотофиксации. Об этом сказано в постановлении коллегии по административным правонарушениям Верховного суда РФ. Новость дополняется.

Sobyanin announced financial assistance to an employee wounded during the shooting at the MFC

Sobyanin: Moscow authorities will provide financial support to an employee of the MFC wounded during the shooting as well as his relatives. Mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin wrote about this on his Twitter account. The mayor of the capital on Wednesday, December 8, visited the victims who are in the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine.

Russian pensioner burned down the market during an unsuccessful cleansing ritual

In Kamchatka, a pensioner burned down a market during a ceremony and caused damage worth 52 million rubles. In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, a 71-year-old pensioner who set a fire on a market during a cleansing ceremony will be put on trial. On Wednesday, December 8, the Prosecutor's Office of the Kamchatka Territory reported this to According to the investigation, in early January 2020, a woman worked as a seller in a market on 50 Let Oktyabrya Street. There, the woman decided to conduct two rituals: to cleanse the pavilion and to good trade. For a magical ritual, the woman lit a church candle. As a result, there was a fire in the market. Through the fault of the pensioner, property worth more than 52 million rubles was burned. At the time of the incident, investigators believe she was in a state of alcoholic intoxication. A case was initiated against the woman

В России за сутки зафиксировано 30 752 новых случая COVID-19

Наибольшее количество новых случаев за прошедшие 24 часа выявлено в Москве (3004), Санкт-Петербурге (2209) и Московской области (1854). Количество летальных исходов на фоне осложнений болезни за сутки составило 1 179, выздоровели 36 976 человек. Всего в России с начала распространения коронавируса выявлено 9 895 597 случаев COVID-19, скончались 284 823 человека, полностью вылечились 8 602 067 человек. Днем ранее премьер-министр РФ Михаил Мишустин заявил, что ситуация с COVID-19 в России остается напряженной, рост отмечен в 11 регионах. 6 декабря доцент кафедры инфекционных болезней РУДН Сергей Вознесенский указал на необходимость соблюдать прежний комплекс мер для предотвращения распространения COVID-19. Он призвал делать это добросовестно. Вице-премьер РФ Татьяна Голикова сообщала, что по данным на 3 декабря уровень коллективного иммунитета к COVID-19 в России составляет 53,7%. При этом необходимый уровень коллективного иммунитета к коронавирусной инфекции достигнут в Севастополе: там этот показатель составляет 80,8%. Глава Роспотребнадзора Анна Попова 2 декабря отметила, что ситуация с COVID-19 в России стабилизируется. Так, за прошлый месяц заболеваемость снизилась на 20%. Также Попова указала на то, что коронавирус обретает свою сезонность. Российские власти призывают жителей вакцинироваться, чтобы обезопасить свое здоровье и позаботиться о своих близких. Граждан прививают бесплатно. В стране зарегистрировано пять вакцин от коронавируса: