The European Parliament explained the reason for the US sanctions against “Nord Stream 2”

MEP Maximilian Kra: the meaning of US sanctions against SP-2 in pressure Russian gas pipeline “Nord Stream-2” – to put pressure on Europe. This was stated by a member of the European Parliament Committee on International Affairs, German MP from the Alternative for Germany party Maximilian Kra in a conversation with Izvestia. Related materials00: 01 – July 8 ” America is looking for external enemies “Why, 150 years after the Civil War, the United States again found itself on the brink of a split? 00:02 – October 13 ” Sanctions are for life “The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? “The USA puts pressure on some European and, above all, German parties. It's no secret that Washington is wary of putting the pipeline into operation, ”he added. At the same time, the MEP did not explain the reason why the American authorities are afraid

New coronavirus found in UK bats

New coronavirus RhGB01 was found in horseshoe bats in the UK mice new coronavirus RhGB01. The found virus does not yet pose a danger to humans. However, scientists emphasize that there is a risk of recombination of this and similar viruses with SARS-CoV-2, which could lead to new outbreaks of infections among people. The findings were presented in an article published in Research Square. Although the natural source of SARS-CoV-2 is still unknown, it is believed that the precursor to the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic and has killed more than five million people worldwide was the sarbecovirus (a subgenus of coronaviruses) in Asian horseshoe bats or rhinolophids. The ancestor of SARS-CoV-2 could have passed from bats to an intermediate host, for example, pangolins, where the virus underwent mutations, the exchange of genetic material (recombination) with other viruses and other changes affecting the gene. Since the habitat of rhinolophids

New coronavirus found in UK bats

Horseshoe bats in the UK have found a new coronavirus RhGB01 mice new coronavirus RhGB01. The found virus does not yet pose a danger to humans. However, scientists emphasize that there is a risk of recombination of this and similar viruses with SARS-CoV-2, which could lead to new outbreaks of infections among people. The findings were presented in an article published in Research Square. Although the natural source of SARS-CoV-2 is still unknown, it is believed that the precursor to the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic and has killed more than five million people worldwide was the sarbecovirus (a subgenus of coronaviruses) in Asian horseshoe bats or rhinolophids. The ancestor of SARS-CoV-2 could have passed from bats to an intermediate host, for example, pangolins, where the virus underwent mutations, the exchange of genetic material (recombination) with other viruses and other changes affecting the gene. Since the habitat of rhinolophids

Russian scientists have found a way to solve a global problem

Altai State University developed meteorological stations to save water when irrigating land during a drought Russian scientists from Altai State University (Altai State University) together with researchers from Germany and Kazakhstan have found a way to prevent crop losses during drought. A new technology that allows to save water when irrigating agricultural lands can be used to solve the problem that has become aggravated in many countries against the background of global warming, according to the website of the educational institution. Instead of installing expensive irrigation systems, the developers suggested monitoring soil moisture. To do this, on farmland in the Altai Territory and Kazakhstan, scientists have installed meteorological stations with sensors – they measure the temperature, moisture level at different depths and the availability of water for plants. Data is received in real time on computers or smartphones – on their On the basis, drought can be predicted and the

Russian after watch in the North killed his wife and committed suicide

TFR: a resident of Kurtamysh shot his wife out of personal hostility and committed suicide and then committed suicide. This was reported to “” in the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). The murder took place on November 18 in the house of the spouses. According to the investigation, the man committed a crime motivated by personal hostility. Investigators opened a criminal case under article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Murder”). They intend to establish all the circumstances of the incident. Local residents said that the man returned from the North, where he worked on a rotational basis. There was a discord in the family, the spouses were going to divorce, perhaps this was the cause of the emergency, the Kurgan edition of “Meridiana” reports. The deceased was buried in a closed coffin, because her face was badly damaged from gunshot wounds. “She

Russian scientists have found a way to solve a global problem

Altai State University developed meteorological stations to save water when irrigating land during a drought Russian scientists from Altai State University (Altai State University) together with researchers from Germany and Kazakhstan have found a way to prevent crop losses during drought. A new technology that allows to save water when irrigating agricultural lands can be used to solve the problem that has become aggravated in many countries against the background of global warming, according to the website of the educational institution. Instead of installing expensive irrigation systems, the developers suggested monitoring soil moisture. To do this, on farmland in the Altai Territory and Kazakhstan, scientists have installed meteorological stations with sensors – they measure the temperature, moisture level at different depths and the availability of water for plants. Data is received in real time on computers or smartphones – on their On the basis, drought can be predicted and the

Russian after watch in the North killed his wife and committed suicide

TFR: a resident of Kurtamysh shot his wife out of personal hostility and committed suicide and then committed suicide. This was reported to “” in the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). The murder took place on November 18 in the house of the spouses. According to the investigation, the man committed a crime motivated by personal hostility. Investigators opened a criminal case under article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Murder”). They intend to establish all the circumstances of the incident. Local residents said that the man returned from the North, where he worked on a rotational basis. There was a discord in the family, the spouses were going to divorce, perhaps this was the cause of the emergency, the Kurgan edition of “Meridiana” reports. The deceased was buried in a closed coffin, because her face was badly damaged from gunshot wounds. “She

The Russian tourist business was predicted to “fall into the abyss”

Executive Director of ATOR Maya Lomidze: the tourist market is on a “thin line” news about the possible bankruptcy of 60 percent of tour operators and predicted the Russian tourist business “collapse into the abyss.” Her words are reported by Interfax. The speaker said that analysts do not confirm reports of massive bankruptcies of companies, so tourists can be calm. Nevertheless, she admitted that in recent months the market has been “on a fine line.” “And this is not connected with the financial condition, not with the stability of companies, but with the fulfillment of obligations for covid tours,” the expert explained. Lomidze noted that most of the agencies (70 percent) have already fulfilled their obligations – according to the Federal Tourism Agency, the total amount of debts to travelers initially amounted to 24 billion rubles, and now they have decreased to seven billion rubles. “According to our calculations, the