The Federation Council responded to the call of the European Union to refuse to support Donbass

Senator Klimov recommended the European Union to force Kiev to comply with the Minsk Agreements Federation Council Senator Andrei Klimov recommended to the European Union to force Kiev to comply with the Minsk Agreements – this is how he responded to the EU's call to Russian President Vladimir Putin to refuse to support Donbass. In a conversation with, the politician added that helping the region and the Russians on its territory is a constitutional obligation. The EU called on Putin to cancel the decree facilitating trade with the unrecognized Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics ( DPR and LPR). Klimov reminded the allies that presidential decrees are a sovereign affair of the Russian Federation. Constitutional duty “A presidential decree is a sovereign affair of our country. And any attempts to influence our decisions, relationships with other subjects are unacceptable. In this case, the decree is dictated by humanitarian considerations, as

The Federation Council responded to the call of the European Union to refuse to support Donbass

Senator Klimov recommended the European Union to force Kiev to comply with the Minsk Agreements Federation Council Senator Andrei Klimov recommended to the European Union to force Kiev to comply with the Minsk Agreements – this is how he responded to the EU's call to Russian President Vladimir Putin to refuse to support Donbass. In a conversation with, the politician added that helping the region and the Russians on its territory is a constitutional obligation. The EU called on Putin to cancel the decree facilitating trade with the unrecognized Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics ( DPR and LPR). Klimov reminded the allies that presidential decrees are a sovereign affair of the Russian Federation. Constitutional duty “A presidential decree is a sovereign affair of our country. And any attempts to influence our decisions, relationships with other subjects are unacceptable. In this case, the decree is dictated by humanitarian considerations, as

The new general director of the Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky announced the temporary closure of the theater

The director of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater Kekhman announced the closure of the theater for renovations in 2022 theater for renovation. This was reported by the Izvestia newspaper on Wednesday, November 24. It is noted that the institution will be closed for four months from July 1 to November 1, 2022. Kehman explained that this must be done, since the stage complex is “in a pre-emergency state.” “We have investigated everything, it is in a safe condition, but there has been no renovation for 50 years,” said the theater director during a troupe meeting. On November 21, Zakhar Prilepin, deputy artistic director of the Gorky Moscow Art Academic Theater, said that Kekhman was given a certain task as the general director. Businessman Vladimir Kekhman was appointed general director of the theater in October, a month later the former director and artistic director Eduard Boyakov left the theater and wrote

The new general director of the Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky announced the temporary closure of the theater

Director of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater Kekhman announced the closure of the theater for renovations in 2022 theater for renovation. This was reported by the Izvestia newspaper on Wednesday, November 24. It is noted that the institution will be closed for four months from July 1 to November 1, 2022. Kehman explained that this must be done, since the stage complex is “in a pre-emergency state.” “We have investigated everything, it is in a safe condition, but there has been no renovation for 50 years,” said the theater director during a troupe meeting. On November 21, Zakhar Prilepin, deputy artistic director of the Gorky Moscow Art Academic Theater, said that Kekhman was given a certain task as the general director. Businessman Vladimir Kekhman was appointed general director of the theater in October, a month later the former director and artistic director Eduard Boyakov left the theater and wrote a

Efremov's film won the prison competition

The film “The Gospel of Fedor” based on the script by Mikhail Efremov won the prison competition Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Efremov Traffic accident on the Garden Ring, was the screenwriter of the film “The Gospel of Fyodor” based on Dostoevsky's novel “Crime and Punishment”. The work won the All-Russian prison video competition, Baza reports. The film took the prize in the Best Editing nomination. It is noted that the daughter of Efremov Vera took part in the film – she sent a video to the colony, in which she played Sonya Marmeladova. Also in the video were the employees and convicts of IK-4 in the Belgorod region, where Efremov is located. On September 15, the cassation court did not mitigate the sentence to Efremov, who was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for the death of a person in an accident. An accident involving the actor occurred on

Oscar Kucera responded to doctors' invitations to hospitals infected with COVID-19

Actor Oscar Kucera responded to the invitation of doctors to hospitals with COVID-19 infected area of ​​hospitals with COVID-19 infected patients. In an interview with the radio station “Moscow speaking” he said that he was not an anti-vaccine, but opposed compulsory vaccination. “I am struggling with only one thing – do not force anyone. Explain, bring, take responsibility, “the artist said. Kuchera suggested that the doctors who signed the invitation letter thought he was denying the disease. “I could, if I had the opportunity, invite tuberculosis, pneumonia and cancer patients to the“ red zones ”. They die too. However, I am not forced to vaccinate against these diseases, and there are many more deaths from them. Why did people invite me to the “red zone” of covid patients? ” – he was indignant. The presenter refused the invitation, stressing that “he is not an anti-vaccine.” “I am for the freedom