Ученые нашли белок, который активирует сон

Исследователи из израильского университета Бар-Илан провели эксперимент на рыбках данио, чтобы выяснить, что заставляет организм чувствовать усталость и засыпать. Как известно, в часы бодрствования в нейронах накапливаются повреждения ДНК. Это повреждение может быть вызвано различными элементами, включая УФ-свет, активность нейронов, радиацию, окислительный стресс и ферментативные ошибки. Во время сна и бодрствования системы восстановления в каждой клетке исправляют разрывы ДНК. В своих экспериментах ученые стремились определить, может ли накопление повреждений ДНК быть движущей силой, которая запускает гомеостатическое давление (ощущение усталости) и последующее состояние сна. Используя разные воздействия, исследователи вызвали повреждение ДНК у рыбок данио и следили за реакцией их организма. Выяснилось, что с увеличением повреждений ДНК, увеличивалась и потребность во сне.  В ходе экспериментов ученые обнаружили, что процесс сна запускает непосредственно белок PARP1, который является частью системы восстановления повреждений ДНК. Он одним из первых реагирует на увеличение повреждений и сигнализирует, что нужно срочно отдохнуть и восстановиться. Ученые подтвердили это путем стимулирования или блокирования белка — большое количество белка заставляло рыбок буквально засыпать на ходу, в то время как подавление белка сбивало сигнал о накопившейся усталости и не давало заснуть. Кроме того, в ходе исследования ученые узнали минимальное время

The Russian offered to erect a monument to the elk killed by Rashkin

A resident of the Chelyabinsk region called for a monument to the elk killed by Deputy Rashkin whom Valery Rashkin, a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, killed during the hunt. The Russian citizen's appeal is addressed to the Governor of the Saratov Region Valery Radaev, URA.RU reports. The author of the initiative posted a petition on the change.org portal. He explained that the monument will symbolize a protest against illegal hunting and support for the country's natural wealth. “The monument should be installed in the place where he gave his life for the sake of other people's greed and greed. Let the life and death of an unnamed moose not be in vain, “Orekhov noted. The activist clarified that the damage from the death of an animal can be estimated from 240 to 400 thousand rubles. As another argument, Orekhov cited the fact that

Ukraine received hundreds of millions of dollars from the IMF

Head of the National Bank of Ukraine: the second tranche received from the IMF in the amount of $ 699 million ) for hundreds of millions of dollars, the head of the National Bank of the country Kirill Shevchenko said on Facebook. “Today Ukraine received the second tranche from the International Monetary Fund under the stand-by program in the amount of SDR 500 million (special drawing rights, SDR, special means of payment of the IMF – approx. “Lenta.ru” ) “, – Shevchenko wrote, indicating that we are talking about the equivalent of 699 million US dollars. The funds will go to the government's accounts with the National Bank of Ukraine and will increase international reserves, he said. President of the country Volodymyr Zelensky said earlier about the prospect of receiving funds. He expressed gratitude to the IMF Board of Directors and indicated that the funds will be used to support

Ukraine called the deadline for stopping the import of electricity from Russia and Belarus

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine: the country will stop buying electricity from Russia and Belarus by 2023 and Belarus by September 2023. The Ukrainian government announced the appropriate date on November 24 at a meeting, as part of the approval of a plan to combat the abuse of oligarchs. Interfax reports this. According to the plan, the Cabinet of Ministers will form a list of key objects of the country's fuel and energy complex. Further, these facilities will be included in the energy security strategy and will begin constant monitoring of threats to the energy sector. The document provides for tests on the autonomous operation of the energy system of Ukraine already in 2022. And a year later, Ukraine should stop buying electricity from Russia and Belarus. The Ukrainian government also paid attention to supplying the country with natural gas. By September 2023, the ministers plan to increase the number

The cheapest flights to travel across Russia in December have been announced

OneTwoTrip: a ticket from Moscow to St. Petersburg in December will cost from 1000 rubles The flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg turned out to be the cheapest destination for a trip to Russia in December. This is evidenced by a study of the travel planning service OneTwoTrip, Gazeta.Ru reports. An air ticket from the capital to St. Petersburg will cost an average of 1,000 rubles. In second place are Ufa and Kaliningrad, where you can go for 1.2 thousand rubles. Travel to Krasnodar and Sochi will cost 100 rubles more. You can get to Mineralnye Vody by paying from 1.3 thousand rubles, and to Vladikavkaz – from 1.4 thousand rubles. From St. Petersburg, the cheapest air tickets can be found to Moscow (from one thousand rubles) and Kaliningrad (from 1.6 thousand rubles). A flight to Arkhangelsk, Sochi, Makhachkala and Kazan will cost a little more: tourists will have to

The United States added 27 companies to the list of threats to national security

The US Department of Commerce has imposed export restrictions on MIPT The US Department of Commerce has included 27 companies on the list of organizations that threaten the country's national security. This was reported in a statement on the agency's website. The US Department of Commerce has also imposed export restrictions on the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), TASS reports.

Twenty thousand dollars found in the Palace of the Government of Peru

BBC News: Peruvian chief of staff Pacheco hid $ 20,000 in a palace Government Palace. This is reported by BBC News. According to the newspaper, the money was hidden in the building by the former head of the presidential administration, Bruno Pacheco, who resigned on November 19. The politician confirmed that the found amount belonged to him, but denied charges of breaking the law. According to him, the cache contained his salary and additional savings. It is noted that Pacheco received about 6.2 thousand dollars a month. The search in the palace was carried out as part of an investigation into allegations that the politician put pressure on the head of the Peruvian tax and customs department to provide better working conditions for a number of companies. Pacheco declared his innocence and stressed that his resignation was not related to the specified investigation. On October 7, it was reported that

The most popular song of all time named

Billboard: The Weeknd's Blinding Lights single became the most watched song of all time of all time according to Billboard magazine. The composition displaced the song The Twist by American singer Chubby Checker from the first place on the Hot 100. It is noted that the hit The Weeknd set a record, spending 90 consecutive weeks in chat. For this, Billboard declared the song “the greatest song of all time.” The Twist was released in 1960. Billboard named her the title of greatest song in 2008. In May of this year, The Weeknd triumphed at the Billboard Music Awards, receiving awards in ten categories at once. He also won the main nomination, receiving the title of Best Musician of the Year.

The most popular song of all time named

Billboard: The Weeknd's Blinding Lights single became the most watched song of all time of all time according to Billboard magazine. The composition displaced the song The Twist by American singer Chubby Checker from the first place on the Hot 100. It is noted that the hit The Weeknd set a record, spending 90 consecutive weeks in chat. For this, Billboard declared the song “the greatest song of all time.” The Twist was released in 1960. Billboard named her the title of greatest song in 2008. In May of this year, The Weeknd triumphed at the Billboard Music Awards, receiving awards in ten categories at once. He also won the main nomination, receiving the title of Best Musician of the Year.

U.S. Embassy in Ukraine warns of Russian military activity on border

The US Embassy in Ukraine issued a warning about Russia's actions on the border and in Crimea The US Embassy in Ukraine has warned American citizens about Russia's military activity on the border and in the Crimea. This was reported on the website of the diplomatic mission. In connection with the actions of the Russian military, the embassy urged the Americans not to visit Crimea and the “eastern parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions” because of the armed conflict. “We remind US citizens that security conditions at the border may change with little or no notice,” the message says. The embassy has also issued a memo for those traveling abroad. Diplomats advised, among other things, to follow international news, have a backup plan of action in case of unforeseen circumstances, get vaccinated against coronavirus. On Tuesday, November 23, it became known that the administration of US President Joe Biden is