Britney Spears posted a photo of the Ukrainian cat Stepan

Britney Spears has published a snapshot of the cat that has become a meme and announced a new film American pop singer posted a photo of Ukrainian cat Stepan. A snapshot of a pet who has become a meme, who is sadly sitting at a table with a glass of wine, appeared on her Instagram account. Thus, the performer announced the release of her new film. “I just finished shooting a movie called Idol. It will definitely have a lot of hits and bright pictures to throw in the pretty faces of my family. Hope you guys are having a good time because I am. If I disappear, you can find me somewhere with this cat, ”the artist wrote. Stepan became famous thanks to his TikTok account. Videos appear on his page in which the animal looks sadly at alcoholic drinks, while various old hits are playing in the background.

Russian doctor was sentenced to 12 years in prison for killing a nurse in the red zone

The court sentenced a doctor from Kursk who beat and strangled a nurse in the red zone freedom of the doctor Andrei Suragin. This was reported to “” in the press service of the court. He was found guilty under Article 105 (“Murder”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The court also granted civil claims in favor of the injured party. The convict will pay the parents of the deceased four million rubles: 1.5 million rubles were recovered in favor of the father of the deceased, and 2.5 million rubles were recovered in favor of the mother. During the investigation, the doctor partially admitted his guilt. He stated that he did not remember all the circumstances of the incident, as he was very drunk. “I don’t remember anything, and judging by all the data and facts, apparently, I caused bodily harm (…) I’m not running away from responsibility,

Britney Spears posted a photo of the Ukrainian cat Stepan

Britney Spears has published a snapshot of the cat that has become a meme and announced a new film American pop singer posted a photo of the Ukrainian cat Stepan. A snapshot of a pet who has become a meme, who is sadly sitting at a table with a glass of wine, appeared on her Instagram account. Thus, the performer announced the release of her new film. “I just finished shooting a movie called Idol. It will definitely have a lot of hits and bright pictures to throw in the pretty faces of my family. Hope you guys are having a good time because I am. If I disappear, you can find me somewhere with this cat, ”the artist wrote. Stepan became famous thanks to his TikTok account. Videos appear on his page in which the animal looks sadly at alcoholic drinks, while various old hits are playing in the

Russian doctor was sentenced to 12 years in prison for killing a nurse in the red zone

The court sentenced a doctor from Kursk who beat and strangled a nurse in the red zone freedom of the doctor Andrei Suragin. This was reported to “” in the press service of the court. He was found guilty under Article 105 (“Murder”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The court also granted civil claims in favor of the injured party. The convict will pay the parents of the deceased four million rubles: 1.5 million rubles were recovered in favor of the father of the deceased, and 2.5 million rubles were recovered in favor of the mother. During the investigation, the doctor partially admitted his guilt. He stated that he did not remember all the circumstances of the incident, as he was very drunk. “I don’t remember anything, and judging by all the data and facts, apparently, I caused bodily harm (…) I’m not running away from responsibility,

In Kiev, anti-vaccination activists went to a rally with posters with QR codes of “United Russia”

Deputy of Rada Goncharenko: Ukrainian anti-vaccination workers work for “Russian curators” in the hands of posters with the crossed out QR-code of the site of the United Russia party. Oleksiy Goncharenko, a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the European Solidarity faction, wrote on his Telegram channel. He said that when scanning the QR code from the protesters' posters, it was possible to go to the party's website, and accused the anti-vaccineers in working for “Russian curators.” Goncharenko called the protesters Russian agents and asked them how much money they received “for greasing the ruling party.” Earlier on November 24, in the center of Kiev about a thousand opponents of vaccination and quarantine came to the square in front of the Verkhovna Rada for a rally. Prior to this, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) announced the suspicion of the leader of the Ukrainian anti-vaccine activists in an

In Kiev, anti-vaccination activists went to a rally with posters with QR codes of “United Russia”

Deputy of Rada Goncharenko: Ukrainian anti-vaccines work for “Russian curators” in the hands of posters with the crossed out QR-code of the site of the United Russia party. Oleksiy Goncharenko, a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the European Solidarity faction, wrote on his Telegram channel. He said that when scanning the QR code from the protesters' posters, it was possible to go to the party's website, and accused the anti-vaccineers in working for “Russian curators.” Goncharenko called the protesters Russian agents and asked them how much money they received “for greasing the ruling party.” Earlier on November 24, in the center of Kiev about a thousand opponents of vaccination and quarantine came to the square in front of the Verkhovna Rada for a rally. Prior to this, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) announced the suspicion of the leader of the Ukrainian anti-vaccine activists in an attempted

Ученые нашли бивень мамонта на дне океана

“You start to 'expect the unexpected' when exploring the deep sea, but I'm still stunned that we came upon the ancient tusk of a mammoth,” said Haddock. — KITV4 (@KITV4) November 24, 2021 Специалисты из Исследовательского института аквариума Монтерей-Бей (MBARI) рассказали о необычной находке, которую они пока не могут объяснить. Еще в 2019 году инженер Рэнди Прикетт и ученый Стивен Хэддок в 300 километрах от берега на глубине более трех километров под водой обнаружили бивень колумбийского мамонта. Тогда они смогли взять лишь крошечную частичку бивня, но летом 2021 года у ученых получилось достать с океанского дна весь образец. В середине ноября они рассказали о первых результатах исследования находки, к которому присоединились другие специалисты со всей страны. Палеонтолог из Мичиганского университета Дэниел Фишер, специализирующийся на изучении мамонтов и мастодонтов, сказал, что это не похоже ни на что, что он когда-либо видел. По его словам, ученые и раньше находили останки мамонтов в морях и океанах, но они были гораздо ближе к берегу и на небольшой глубине, что вполне объяснялось простым увеличением уровня воды. Но как этот мамонт оказался так далеко и глубоко — пока остается загадкой. Различные

Багамы на фото из космоса поразили красками

Красочно яркие #Багамы с борта Международной космической станции. Знали ли вы, что наименование «Багамы» происходит от испанского термина #BajaMar, как «мелкое море»? ? — Anton Shkaplerov (@Anton_Astrey) November 24, 2021 Багамские Острова к северу от Кубы на снимках с орбиты выглядят очень эффектно. Фотографией красочно яркого архипелага поделился с борта МКС российский космонавт Антон Шкаплеров. Он напомнил что, согласно одной из гипотез, название «Багамы» возникло из испанского сочетания «baja mar», то есть «мелкая вода», «мелкое море». Именно благодаря мелководью вода вокруг островов Багамского архипелага выглядит ярко-бирюзовой и даже желтоватой из-за морского песка. Ранее Шкаплеров сфотографировал из космоса бывшую базу подлодок в Крыму. Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о природе