The Russian strangled the girl, wrapped her in a carpet and kept her in the closet for two months

A resident of Kirov killed the girl, wrapped her body in a carpet and took her to the common balcony at the entrance carpet and kept it in the closet for two months. This was reported to “” on Thursday, November 25, in the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) in the Kirov region. According to the department, the body was found the other day in one of the houses on Griboyedov Street … Soon, investigators tracked down a 35-year-old man who, at the end of September, during a drunken quarrel, killed a 19-year-old acquaintance. It turned out that after the man took the corpse out of the closet, he put it on balcony of the flight of stairs, where the neighbors found him. During interrogation, the Russian confessed to the murder, he was charged. On April 15, it was reported that a pensioner of the Ministry

China accused of provoking deficits around the world

Bloomberg: China provokes global supply disruptions due to COVID-19 measures with COVID-19 looks excessive and provokes new supply disruptions, which will worsen the shortage of goods around the world, writes Bloomberg. We are talking about new rules of mandatory seven-week quarantine for returning Chinese sailors. This is three weeks of quarantine outside the country, two – at the port of arrival, another two – in your province. For a long time, the country has banned the change of crews of foreign ships, but even ships that have renewed their crews are required to wait two weeks before entering a Chinese port. The shipowners accuse the port authorities that seafarers in need of emergency medical care cannot receive it. So, one of the ships had to urgently go to South Korea so that a crew member could get to the dentist due to an abscess. Due to delays in shipment and

Honored coach of Russia refused to judge without a mask

Merited Swimming Coach of Russia Ilyin was removed from court for refusing to wear a mask for refusing to wear a mask. This was reported on the Znak Petersburg Telegram channel. The incident occurred during a court hearing, where two administrative protocols drawn up in relation to the coach were to be considered. Instead, he was removed from the courtroom and the police were called. The meeting was postponed indefinitely. The arrest of Ilyin became known on November 23. According to his ward Vitalina Simonova, law enforcement officers knocked the 63-year-old coach to the floor, tied him up and handcuffed him. The reason was his refusal to put on a mask at the Pulkovo airport. Ilyin faces administrative responsibility. The trainer is suspected of disobeying the lawful request of a police officer. In addition, a criminal case was opened against Simonova. The swimmer is accused of insulting a government official

In Russia, they found a way to stop the rise in prices for housing and furniture

Russia has decided to restrict the export of timber in order to keep the prices of building materials down prices for building materials. Such a proposal to the government will soon come from the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises (AMDPR), Izvestia writes. Furniture makers have decided to introduce duties on the export of birch veneer and prohibit the export of logs used to make plywood. During the pandemic, these materials began to be actively exported from the country, which led to a shortage of plywood semi-finished products and an increase in their prices by 2.5 times. As a result, prices for wooden house kits and furniture have risen. Experts have found in the introduction of duties a real way to stop the rise in prices for private housing and furniture. Wood prices are currently 25-30 percent higher than in January 2021, and private houses have risen in price by

ПФР изменил порядок предоставления услуг

Речь идет о таких услугах, как установление накопительной, страховой пенсии, пенсии по государственному обеспечению, а также ежемесячной денежной выплаты и компенсационных выплат неработающим трудоспособным лицам, ухаживающим за такими гражданами. Заранее записаться по телефону или через интернет можно для подачи заявления о распоряжении средствами материнского капитала, оформления маткапитала, компенсации расходов на оплату стоимости проезда к месту отдыха и обратно пенсионерам, которые живут в районах Крайнего Севера и приравненных к ним местностях. Кроме того, можно запросить справку о размере пенсии, установить соцдоплаты к пенсии и получить ряд других госуслуг. Пенсии или другие выплаты будут назначаться на основании имеющихся у фонда данных, которые были получены во время межведомственного взаимодействия. Человека уведомят о принятом решении. В случае необходимости ему назначат время для предоставления документов, которые необходимы для подтверждения его пенсионных прав. Ранее премьер-министр Михаил Мишустин подписал постановление о том, что россияне могут оформлять обращение за единовременной выплатой пенсионных накоплений через сайт госуслуг.

Lukashenko announced plans of fugitive oppositionists to destabilize Belarus

Lukashenko: the oppositionists who left abroad have prepared a new plan to destabilize the country Representatives of the Belarusian opposition who have left abroad have developed a new plan to destabilize the country. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a joint meeting of the Constitutional Commission and the working group on finalizing the draft Constitution, BelTA informs.

In Russia, they found a way to stop the rise in prices for housing and furniture

Russia has decided to restrict the export of timber in order to keep the prices of building materials down prices for building materials. Such a proposal to the government will soon come from the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises (AMDPR), Izvestia writes. Furniture makers have decided to introduce duties on the export of birch veneer and prohibit the export of logs used to make plywood. During the pandemic, these materials began to be actively exported from the country, which led to a shortage of plywood semi-finished products and an increase in their prices by 2.5 times. As a result, prices for wooden house kits and furniture have risen. Experts have found in the introduction of duties a real way to stop the rise in prices for private housing and furniture. Wood prices are currently 25-30 percent higher than in January 2021, and private houses have risen in price by