56-year-old actress shared a photo in a bikini and thrilled fans

Elizabeth Hurley shared a photo in a black and white bikini of her own brand British actress, model and designer Elizabeth Hurley excited her fans. The picture appeared on her Instagram account. The 56-year-old celebrity is captured in the water in a black and white striped bikini of her own brand of beachwear Elizabeth Hurley Beach in the photo posted on the network. Hurley's hair is gathered in a bun, and her image was complemented by sunglasses of the fashion house Fendi. The publication received 110 thousand likes. Fans appreciated the appearance of the model and began to write compliments to her in the comments. “Stunning”, “You're just perfect”, “You look incredibly beautiful even in the water”, “Is there a more beautiful woman in this world than Elizabeth Hurley?”, “Sexy and charming,” they admired. < p> In October, Hurley was published in a frank manner and delighted fans. The actress

56-year-old actress shared a photo in a bikini and thrilled fans

Elizabeth Hurley shared a photo in a black and white bikini of her own brand British actress, fashion model and designer Elizabeth Hurley shared a photo excited her fans. The picture appeared on her Instagram account. The 56-year-old celebrity is captured in the water in a black and white striped bikini of her own brand of beachwear Elizabeth Hurley Beach in the photo posted on the network. Hurley's hair is gathered in a bun, and her image was complemented by sunglasses of the fashion house Fendi. The publication received 110 thousand likes. Fans appreciated the appearance of the model and began to write compliments to her in the comments. “Stunning”, “You're just perfect”, “You look incredibly beautiful even in the water”, “Is there a more beautiful woman in this world than Elizabeth Hurley?”, “Sexy and charming,” they admired. < p> In October, Hurley was published in a frank manner and

In the Russian region, the requirement to present QR codes was canceled

The authorities of the Tula region have canceled the requirement for QR codes when visiting shopping centers The authorities of the Tula region have eased coronavirus restrictions. In the region, the requirement to present QR codes when visiting shopping and entertainment centers (SEC) will be canceled. The corresponding decree, signed by the head of the region Alexei Dyumin, is posted on the portal of legal acts of the region. According to the administration's statement on Facebook, this step was taken based on the epidemiological situation in the region and taking into account the proposals of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Tula Region. It is noted that restaurants, bars and cafes were allowed to work at night with any restrictions on the number of visitors. However, when visiting such establishments, you must present a QR code about vaccination, past illness or negative PCR test. Earlier, the Governor of St. Petersburg

In the Russian region, the requirement to present QR codes was canceled

The authorities of the Tula region have canceled the requirement for QR codes when visiting shopping centers The authorities of the Tula region have eased coronavirus restrictions. In the region, the requirement to present QR codes when visiting shopping and entertainment centers (SEC) will be canceled. The corresponding decree, signed by the head of the region Alexei Dyumin, is posted on the portal of legal acts of the region. According to the administration's statement on Facebook, this step was taken based on the epidemiological situation in the region and taking into account the proposals of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Tula Region. It is noted that restaurants, bars and cafes were allowed to work at night with any restrictions on the number of visitors. However, when visiting such establishments, you must present a QR code about vaccination, past illness or negative PCR test. Earlier, the Governor of St. Petersburg

NSDC Secretary of Ukraine assessed the situation on the border with Russia

NSDC Secretary of Ukraine Danilov: there are no threats on the border with Russia mentioned by Budanov NSDC Secretary of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov assessed the situation on the border with Russia on the air of the 1 + 1 TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. In his opinion, at the moment there are no threats mentioned earlier by the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov. “We analyze everything and systematize everything. As the NSDC secretary, today I do not see any threats that Mr. Budanov spoke about, ”he said. According to him, in order for a direct invasion to occur, “certain things” must happen. At the same time, he noted that there is always a threat as long as Russia is nearby. “Is Ukraine ready? Yes! Will there be a war? This question is currently open, “Danilov concluded. On November 22, head

NSDC Secretary of Ukraine assessed the situation on the border with Russia

NSDC Secretary of Ukraine Danilov: there are no threats on the border with Russia mentioned by Budanov NSDC Secretary of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov assessed the situation on the border with Russia on the air of the 1 + 1 TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. In his opinion, at the moment there are no threats mentioned earlier by the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov. “We analyze everything and systematize everything. As the NSDC secretary, today I do not see any threats that Mr. Budanov spoke about, ”he said. According to him, in order for a direct invasion to occur, “certain things” must happen. At the same time, he noted that there is always a threat as long as Russia is nearby. “Is Ukraine ready? Yes! Will there be a war? This question is currently open, “Danilov concluded. On November 22, head

День в истории: 26 ноября

Всемирный день информации 26 ноября отмечается Всемирный день информации (World Information Day), который проводится ежегодно с 1994 года по инициативе Международной академии информатизации (МАИ), имеющей генеральный консультативный статус в Экономическом и Социальном советах ООН, и Всемирного информациологического парламента (ВИП). В этот день в 1992 году состоялся первый Международный форум информатизации. Сегодня Всемирный день информации отмечается во многих странах мира. Информация — чуть ли не главная ценность в современном мире. Все знают знаменитую фразу: «Кто владеет информацией — тот владеет миром». Причем ее количество с каждым днем растет. Цифровое будущее, о котором раньше и подумать не могли (ПК, мобильник, Интернет, планшет…), становится привычным цифровым настоящим.

The miner named the cause of the fire at Listvyazhnaya

The miner linked the fire at Listvyazhnaya to the demands of the coal mining authorities at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region may be associated with the requirements of the coal mining authorities. He told Lente.ru about this. “Our guys worked on the orders of the director: give more, get more money. For example, 100 thousand tons must be issued per month – we tried to give out such a volume. And if not, the boss swore: here, you are lagging behind, we need to increase the pace! And on the 25th the guys lagged behind, and the boss, you see, ordered more to go. They drove off and just didn't get there… “, – he explained. Timokhin also spoke about gross violations of working conditions by the management of the mine. “Six, seven, eight percent of methane – the lava [harvester] is moving. Put, he says, jumpers on

The miner named the cause of the fire at Listvyazhnaya

The miner linked the fire at Listvyazhnaya to the demands of the coal mining authorities Former miner Timokhin at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region may be associated with the requirements of the coal mining authorities. He told Lente.ru about this. “Our guys worked on the orders of the director: give more, get more money. For example, 100 thousand tons must be issued per month – we tried to give out such a volume. And if not, the boss swore: here, you are lagging behind, we need to increase the pace! And on the 25th the guys lagged behind, and the boss, you see, ordered more to go. They drove off and just didn't get there… “, – he explained. Timokhin also spoke about gross violations of working conditions by the management of the mine. “Six, seven, eight percent of methane – the lava [harvester] is moving. Put, he

Coal coupons began to be distributed in China

Bloomberg: Local Authorities Distribute Coal Coupons to 47,000 Chinese Families could heat their homes, Bloomberg writes. In Shuzhou (an urban district in Shanxi province), the authorities distributed coupons to 47 thousand families. Each coupon is designed for two tonnes of subsidized coal to last for the winter and early spring. Fuel shortages have led to higher prices and widespread power cuts. This caused record production (over 12 million tonnes per day), which has brought the market back into equilibrium for now. However, residents of the county, just in case, began to stock up on dried corn cobs that can be used for firewood. Issuance of coupons sparked a heated discussion, reminiscent of the Chinese era of Mao, when families were forced to buy basic necessities under quotas set by the government . Meteorologists warn that in the coming months there will be cold weather and prolonged drought. Chinese thermal coal