The famous TV presenter explained the fight with Dzhigurda with the phrase “I'm ready for that kind of money.”

Otar Kushanashvili about the fight with actor Dzhigurda: for that kind of money he is ready to go to bed endlessly the framework of the promotion “Our Business”. His words are quoted by “Soviet Sport”. Kushanashvili said that his rival's fee was 250 thousand rubles, and called the amount acceptable for participation in such a show. “I’m ready to go to bed indefinitely for that kind of money. I pretended to fight Dzhigurda for $ 17 million in cash. Oh, rubles, of course, bragging let down “, – said the presenter. The fight took place according to the rules of boxing with gloves for mixed martial arts (MMA). The 60-year-old actor defeated his 51-year-old opponent in the first round by knockout. This is Dzhigurda's second fight under the auspices of the Nashe Delo league. Prior to that, the actor defeated State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov on October 5. The fight

Doctors spoke about the condition of the victims of the explosion at the Listvyazhnaya mine

Four victims of the explosion at the Listvyazhnaya mine are in intensive care , including one mine rescuer, are in intensive care. Doctors told about their condition, TASS reports. Doctors of the miners' health center, where the victims of the emergency are located, said that the hospitalized rescuer is showing positive dynamics, the condition of one of the miners in the intensive care unit is assessed as serious. >

In the United States worried about the state of combat aircraft

19FortyFive: US Air Force F-22 and F-35 combat readiness decreased Air Force (Air Force) aircraft combat readiness The US has declined. Their condition is reported by 19FortyFive with reference to a report published in Air Force Magazine. The publication emphasizes that only one of the eight types of US Air Force combat aircraft increased the level of combat readiness – the A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft, to 72.54 percent. The author drew attention to the reduced share of fifth-generation aircraft ready to perform tasks. The F-22 Raptor's readiness rate was 50.81 percent, while the F-35A's readiness dropped to 68.8 percent. 19FortyFive emphasizes that in the event of a conflict with Russia or China, the US Air Force will have to use aging aircraft and a limited number of fifth-generation fighters. The US Air Force uses the concepts of combat readiness and full combat readiness. Fully operational aircraft are considered to

The Russian stock market opened with a drop

The Moscow Exchange Index fell 2.91 percent at the opening of trading The Russian stock market opened with a drop in major stock indexes on Friday, November 26. At the opening of the main trading session on the Moscow Exchange, the Moscow Exchange index fell to 3832.98 points (minus 2.91 percent), the RTS index – to 1601.01 points (minus 3.89 percent). By 10: 13 only two of the 15 blue chips of the Moscow Exchange came out in positive territory – Polyus (plus 1.25 percent, to 14,550 rubles per share) and Polymetal (plus 0.12 percent, to 1,358.4 rubles). Rosneft (minus 3.01 percent, to 573.1 rubles), Lukoil (minus 2.98 percent, to 6463 rubles) and Magnit (minus 2.93 percent, to 5878.5 Ruble). Brent crude oil fell immediately by 3.06 percent, to $ 79.66 per barrel, WTI crude oil – by 3.66 percent, to $ 75.52.

Detained inspectors carried out an inspection in the Listvyazhnaya mine a week ago

Detained employees of Rostekhnadzor were checked at the Listvyazhnaya mine a week ago a check in the mine a week ago, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia. A case was opened against two Rostekhnadzor employees under Part 3 of Article 293 of the Criminal Code (“Negligence, resulting in the death of two or more persons”) .

Morgenstern, who left for the UAE, canceled concerts in Russia

Concert director of Morgenstern: no solo performances are planned in Russia there will be no performances in Russia, and the show planned for November 26 at the Moscow club Gipsy has been postponed at least for spring. This is reported by REN TV. “No recitals are planned in the near future,” the artist's representative said. According to the artist's concert director, the reason for the cancellation of Morgenstern's performances is the coronavirus pandemic. However, he did not rule out the appearance of the rapper at private events in Russia. Earlier on November 25, the Gipsy club suspended the sale of tickets for the Morgenstern concert scheduled for November 26. it is known that Morgenstern left for the UAE amid accusations by the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, that the artist is selling drugs on social networks. The musician's lawyer Sergei Zhorin said that he fears pressure

В ФРГ за сутки выявили 76 414 случаев заражения коронавирусом

Предыдущий антирекорд был зафиксирован 25 ноября, когда за сутки выявили 75 961 случай заражения. С начала эпидемии инфекция была обнаружена у 5 650 170 жителей ФРГ. От последствий заболевания, вызываемого коронавирусом, за 24 часа в стране умерли 357 пациентов. Общее количество летальных исходов за все время пандемии в Германии достигло 100 476. Выздоровели 4 775 300 человек. Глава Минздрава ФРГ назвал смерть от COVID-19 альтернативой вакцинации Семидневный показатель распространения коронавируса в ФРГ (число случаев заражения в течение недели на 100 тыс. человек) в настоящее время также достиг нового рекордного значения — 438,2. В четверг он составлял 419,7, на прошлой неделе — 340,7, а месяц назад находился на уровне — 113. Число госпитализированных пациентов с коронавирусом на 100 тыс. жителей в течение семи дней — важный индикатор для возможных ограничений общественной жизни — составляет 5,79. В последние недели заболеваемость COVID-19 в Германии стремительно растет. 18 ноября и.о. канцлера ФРГ Ангела Меркель провела встречу с главами федеральных земель, по итогам которой был принят новый пакет мер, направленных на сдерживание темпов распространения инфекции. Если раньше основным критерием при выборе ограничительных мер со стороны властей был семидневный показатель заболеваемости, то теперь решающим фактором является индекс госпитализации.

Morgenstern, who left for the UAE, canceled concerts in Russia

Concert director of Morgenstern: no solo performances are planned in Russia Concert director of rapper Morgenstern said that there will be no performances in Russia, and the show planned for November 26 at the Moscow club Gipsy has been postponed at least for spring. This is reported by REN TV. “No recitals are planned in the near future,” the artist's representative said. According to the artist's concert director, the reason for the cancellation of Morgenstern's performances is the coronavirus pandemic. However, he did not rule out the appearance of the rapper at private events in Russia. Earlier on November 25, the Gipsy club suspended the sale of tickets for the Morgenstern concert scheduled for November 26. it is known that Morgenstern left for the UAE amid accusations by the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, that the artist is selling drugs on social networks. The musician's lawyer