Kremlin responds to Zelenskiy's accusations of Russia's involvement in coup

Sands about Zelensky's statement: Russia has no plans to stage a coup in Ukraine on Friday, November 26, the President of the Republic Vladimir Zelensky said. This is how the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov responded to the accusations of Moscow's involvement, he is quoted by TASS. “Russia had no plans to take part. And Russia never deals with such matters at all, “- said the official representative of the Kremlin. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that he had received information about the planned coup d'etat in Ukraine on December 1. According to Zelensky, he was informed that businessman Rinat Akhmetov was involved in the upcoming coup, and billions of dollars were allocated for this. At the same time, the head of state stressed that he himself did not believe in a coup and that this an entrepreneur is involved.

Apple VR headset release dates revealed

Apple to release first VR headset in 2022 Apple will release an augmented reality headset with VR functionality in 2022. This is reported by the 9to5Mac edition. Journalists have read a note for investors, which was drawn up by an authoritative insider Ming-Chi Kuo. The specialist describes the new device as an AR headset with virtual reality functions. According to the author, the device will receive a processor that will not be inferior in performance to the M-series chips in Apple computers. Also, the gadget will have a second processor focused on collecting data from sensors. The analyst noted that the VR headset will work independently of a computer or smartphone and support a “wide range of applications.” The information from Min-Chi Ko contradicts early rumors about the device, according to which the VR headset will only work in conjunction with an iPhone. The specialist also revealed the timing of

Russians who have recovered from COVID-19 will automatically extend QR codes

Murashko: Russians who have had COVID-19 will automatically renew their certificates up to 1 year Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko announced survivors of COVID-19 will automatically renew certificates and QR codes. The documents will be valid for one year, not six months, as it is now. The words of the head of department are reported by RIA Novosti.

The Kremlin commented on the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass

Peskov: President Putin receives all information about the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass Russian President Vladimir Putin is in constant contact with Governor of the Kemerovo Region Sergei Tsivilev, and also receives the necessary information about the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine, where the miners and rescuers died as a result of the explosion. This comment was given by the representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, writes TASS.

Apple VR headset release dates revealed

Apple to release first VR headset in 2022 Apple will release an augmented reality headset with VR functionality in 2022. This is reported by the 9to5Mac edition. Journalists have read a note for investors, which was drawn up by an authoritative insider Ming-Chi Kuo. The specialist describes the new device as an AR headset with virtual reality functions. According to the author, the device will receive a processor that will not be inferior in performance to the M-series chips in Apple computers. Also, the gadget will have a second processor focused on collecting data from sensors. The analyst noted that the VR headset will work independently of a computer or smartphone and support a “wide range of applications.” The information from Min-Chi Ko contradicts early rumors about the device, according to which the VR headset will only work in conjunction with an iPhone. The specialist also revealed the timing of

The Kremlin commented on the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass

Peskov: President Putin receives all the information about the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass Russian President Vladimir Putin is in constant contact with Governor of the Kemerovo Region Sergei Tsivilev, and also receives the necessary information about the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine, where the explosion killed miners and rescuers. This comment was given by the representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, writes TASS.

Kremlin responds to Zelenskiy's accusations of Russia's involvement in coup

Sands about Zelensky's statement: Russia has no plans to stage a coup in Ukraine Russia has no plans to stage a coup in Ukraine, about which on Friday, November 26, the President of the Republic Vladimir Zelensky said. This is how the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov responded to the accusations of Moscow's involvement, he is quoted by TASS. “Russia had no plans to take part. And Russia never deals with such matters at all, “said a Kremlin spokesman.

Мурашко раскрыл эффективность комбинации «Спутника V» и «Спутника Лайт»

Защита от коронавируса при вакцинации «Спутником V» и ревакцинации «Спутником Лайт» составляет более 92%, сообщил глава Минздрава Михаил Мурашко, передает ТАСС. «Буквально вчера я получил данные выгрузки из регистра вакцинированных. Комбинация вакцины “Спутник V” и ревакцинация вакциной “Спутник Лайт” показывают наиболее хорошие результаты, защиту протективную больше 92%», — сказал Мурашко. «Спутник V» стал первой вакциной от коронавируса, которую зарегистрировали в России. Препарат одобрили в августе 2020 года, а в мае 2021-го была зарегистрирована его однокомпонентная версия «Спутник Лайт». Их эффективность составила 97,6 и 79,4% соответственно. Однокомпонентный «Спутник Лайт» Минздрав посоветовал использовать именно для ревакцинации, а также вакцинации тех, кто уже переболел COVID-19. Привиться этим препаратом можно спустя полгода после первичной вакцинации или перенесенного коронавируса. В России продолжается вакцинация от COVID-19. По данным оперативного штаба, число прививок первым компонентом, включая первичную и повторную вакцинацию, в том числе «Спутником Лайт», составило 66,4 млн. Число курсов полной вакцинации, также учитывающих «Спутник Лайт» и ревакцинацию, достигло 58,7 млн.