Turkey accused of preparing a coup d'etat in Kyrgyzstan

WarGonzo: a coup d'etat in Kyrgyzstan was prepared with the participation of Turkish NGOs and foundations … This was reported by the WarGonzo Telegram channel of the war correspondent Semyon Pegov, citing sources in the law enforcement agencies of Kyrgyzstan. According to the security officials, the attackers have already been caught in ties with Turkey. It is noted that behind them are non-profit organizations (NPO) associated with Turkey and various Turkish foundations that are actively working in Kyrgyzstan. So far, however, it is unclear whether these are organizations sponsored by the religious preacher and public figure Fethullah Gülen, or structures funded by official Ankara. Law enforcers added that currently there are several more in the country “Sleeping” groups that also planned to participate in the overthrow of the current government and support the organizers of the rebellion. “The arrest of the group preparing the coup is a signal to all

Turkey accused of preparing a coup d'etat in Kyrgyzstan

WarGonzo: a coup d'etat in Kyrgyzstan was prepared with the participation of Turkish NGOs and foundations … This was reported by the WarGonzo Telegram channel of the war correspondent Semyon Pegov, citing sources in the law enforcement agencies of Kyrgyzstan. According to the security officials, the attackers have already been caught in ties with Turkey. It is noted that behind them are non-profit organizations (NPO) associated with Turkey and various Turkish foundations that are actively working in Kyrgyzstan. So far, however, it is unclear whether these are organizations sponsored by the religious preacher and public figure Fethullah Gülen, or structures funded by official Ankara. Law enforcers added that currently there are several more in the country “Sleeping” groups that also planned to participate in the overthrow of the current government and support the organizers of the rebellion. “The arrest of the group preparing the coup is a signal to all

Australia has found a new alternative to coal and gas

Bloomberg: Australia plans to build a wind farm in 2025 Australia has found an opportunity to reduce its dependence on coal. The country has adopted a bill on the marine power supply infrastructure, which will partially switch to wind power. Bloomberg reports. The move drew a positive response from the country's first billion-dollar Star of the South wind project. “This bill is critical to kickstart a new industry, to realize Australia's offshore wind power, job creation and economic benefits,” said Star of the South CEO Casper Frost Torkhauge. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to start construction of a wind turbine with a capacity of 2.2 gigawatts already in 2025. Offshore wind power could provide a new fossil fuel alternative for Australia, which has been criticized for using coal. 52 percent of the country's energy is generated from this type of fuel, which is considered the most

Australia has found a new alternative to coal and gas

Bloomberg: Australia plans to build a wind farm in 2025 Australia has found an opportunity to reduce its dependence on coal. The country has adopted a bill on the marine power supply infrastructure, which will partially switch to wind power. Bloomberg reports. The move drew a positive response from the country's first billion-dollar Star of the South wind project. “This bill is critical to kickstart a new industry, to realize Australia's offshore wind power, job creation and economic benefits,” said Star of the South CEO Casper Frost Torkhauge. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to start construction of a wind turbine with a capacity of 2.2 gigawatts already in 2025. Offshore wind power could provide a new fossil fuel alternative for Australia, which has been criticized for using coal. 52 percent of the country's energy is generated from this type of fuel, which is considered the most

The drawing bought for a song turned out to be the work of a famous artist

The drawing purchased by the man of 2.2 thousand rubles turned out to be the original of Durer that this is the work of the famous German artist Albrecht Durer, which can cost up to $ 50 million (3.7 billion rubles). This is reported by The Mirror. The man, who wished to remain anonymous, in 2016 liked the unframed drawing with a beautiful image of mother and child on a yellowed canvas, exhibited at a sale of property of the family of the late architect Jean-Paul Carlian. He purchased the image for $ 30 (2.2 thousand rubles). Before that, the image was in the Carlian family and was passed down from generation to generation. Related materials 00:04 – November 17, 2017 Million Dollar BabyLegendary Wild West thug said hello from the past 00:03 – May 27, 2017 Treasures for nothing junk The buyer did not suspect that the drawing would

В Европе обнаружили первый случай заражения штаммом коронавируса B.1.1.529

По словам министра, вирус был выявлен у женщины, вернувшейся в Бельгию из неназванной страны. «Я бы хотел повторить, что это подозрительный вариант [коронавируса], но мы не знаем, является ли он очень опасным», — сказал министр в эфире телеканала LN24. О новом варианте коронавируса B.1.1.529, который может получить название «ню», стало известно на этой неделе. Впервые он был внесен в базы данных 11 ноября. Первый случай заражения был зарегистрирован в Ботсване, впоследствии 77 случаев обнаружили в ЮАР, о зараженных туристах сообщали в Израиле и Гонконге. Отличительная особенность B.1.1.529 — большое количество мутаций S-белка, с помощью которого коронавирус входит в клетки тела. Несколько из них затрудняют обнаружение патогена антителами, что может сделать новый штамм более устойчивым к действию существующих вакцин. По мнению ученых, уровень мутаций мог быть спровоцирован в организме пациента с ослабленным иммунитетом (например, больного ВИЧ или СПИД), который не смог побороть вирус. Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) проводит чрезвычайное совещание, на котором обсудит новый штамм. Эксперты ВОЗ в ближайшее время решат, к какой группе его отнести — к вызывающим обеспокоенность или же вызывающим интерес вариантам. Для определения заразности B.1.1.529 потребуется несколько недель. С 26 ноября Великобритания внесла в список запрещенных для посещения своими гражданами стран ЮАР, Ботсвану,

Жителю Британии установили первый в мире напечатанный на 3D-принтере глаз

A British man has become the first patient in the world to be fitted with a 3D printed eye, according to Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. https://t.co/T54WDrlpn6 — CNN International (@cnni) November 25, 2021 Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Екатерина Гура

The drawing bought for a song turned out to be the work of a famous artist

The drawing purchased by the man of 2.2 thousand rubles turned out to be the original of Durer that this is the work of the famous German artist Albrecht Durer, which can cost up to $ 50 million (3.7 billion rubles). This is reported by The Mirror. The man, who wished to remain anonymous, in 2016 liked the unframed drawing with a beautiful image of mother and child on a yellowed canvas, exhibited at a sale of property of the family of the late architect Jean-Paul Carlian. He purchased the image for $ 30 (2.2 thousand rubles). Before that, the image was in the Carlian family and was passed down from generation to generation. Related materials 00:04 – November 17, 2017 Million Dollar BabyLegendary Wild West thug said hello from the past 00:03 – May 27, 2017 Treasures for next to nothing junk The buyer of the drawing did not