Two exoplanets discovered around Sun-like star

Astronomers have found super-mercury and cold Jupiter around a solar-type star solar type HD 137496 with an age of 8.3 billion years. Both objects have been identified as hot super-mercury and cold Jupiter. Details of the discovery are presented in an article available in the preprint repository. The planets were identified by the Kepler Space Telescope, which has detected more than 2,600 exoplanets to date. The discovery was made when the telescope observed HD 137496 as part of the K2 mission from August 23, 2017 to November 19, 2017. Scientists have identified transit signals on the light curve of HD 137496, arising when an object passes against the background of the star's disk, and determined their planetary nature. The closest exoplanet HD 137496 b is about 30 percent larger than Earth and approximately four times more massive than her. This planet is composed primarily of iron, and the core

Russians were given tips for safe road travel in winter

The Russians were advised to carefully prepare before the winter road trip Russian tourists were given advice on planning safe road trips around the country in winter. Igor Morzharetto, partner of the analytical agency “Autostat”, spoke about the preparation of the car before leaving, TASS reports. “Of course, I am in favor of road travel, but in winter conditions such a trip across Russia is not an easy task. Short daylight hours, slippery roads, poor visibility, blizzards and snowstorms, low temperatures – each season has its own specifics, all this requires caution and preparation, “the expert said and noted that every winter he encounters people who were seriously injured during long trips around the country. However, there is often only one reason – neglect of preparation. According to him, before any trip by car, it is necessary to carefully study the route of the trip: to find out about the

Two exoplanets discovered around Sun-like star

Astronomers have found super-mercury and cold jupiter around a solar-type star An international team of astronomers has reported the discovery of two exoplanets orbiting the star solar type HD 137496 with an age of 8.3 billion years. Both objects have been identified as hot super-mercury and cold Jupiter. Details of the discovery are presented in an article available in the preprint repository. The planets were identified by the Kepler Space Telescope, which has detected more than 2,600 exoplanets to date. The discovery was made when the telescope observed HD 137496 as part of the K2 mission from August 23, 2017 to November 19, 2017. Scientists have identified transit signals on the light curve of HD 137496, arising when an object passes against the background of the star's disk, and determined their planetary nature. The closest exoplanet HD 137496 b is about 30 percent larger than Earth and approximately four

Russians were given tips for safe road travel in winter

The Russians were advised to carefully prepare before the winter road trip Russian tourists were given advice on planning safe road trips around the country in winter. Igor Morzharetto, partner of the analytical agency “Autostat”, spoke about the preparation of the car before leaving, TASS reports. “Of course, I am in favor of road travel, but in winter conditions such a trip across Russia is not an easy task. Short daylight hours, slippery roads, poor visibility, blizzards and snowstorms, low temperatures – each season has its own specifics, all this requires caution and preparation, “the expert said and noted that every winter he encounters people who were seriously injured during long trips around the country. However, there is often only one reason – neglect of preparation. According to him, before any trip by car, it is necessary to carefully study the route of the trip: to find out about the

Putin's talks with Aliyev and Pashinyan come to an end

Peskov: negotiations between Putin, Aliyev and Pashinyan, which lasted for almost three hours, in Sochi ended Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani leader Ilham Aliyev ended. This was announced by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, the leaders' conversation lasted almost three hours. The parties discussed the situation in Karabakh, and also assessed what was done over the past year to stabilize it. Peskov also added that the politicians have made a press statement and will soon be available to journalists. At the moment, Putin is holding a separate meeting with Pashinyan. Prior to the trilateral talks, Putin spoke with Aliyev. The leaders of the two countries noted the importance of a peaceful settlement in Karabakh and the need to start demarcating the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan to establish stability in the region. Aliyev appreciated the role of Putin in maintaining peace

Putin's talks with Aliyev and Pashinyan come to an end

Peskov: negotiations between Putin, Aliyev and Pashinyan, which lasted for almost three hours, in Sochi ended Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani leader Ilham Aliyev ended. This was announced by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, the leaders' conversation lasted almost three hours. The parties discussed the situation in Karabakh, and also assessed what was done over the past year to stabilize it. Peskov also added that the politicians have made a press statement and will soon be available to journalists. At the moment, Putin is holding a separate meeting with Pashinyan. Prior to the trilateral talks, Putin spoke with Aliyev. The leaders of the two countries noted the importance of a peaceful settlement in Karabakh and the need to start demarcating the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan to establish stability in the region. Aliyev appreciated the role of Putin in maintaining peace

Germany criticized for lack of a clear plan to deal with the disaster

The new German government's climate targets have been criticized for the lack of a clear plan confirmed its intention to phase out coal by 2030, Bloomberg writes. However, politicians did not explain exactly how they will reduce carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, environmentalists criticized the authorities for the lack of a clear plan to combat a global catastrophe. Initially, German leaders wanted to reduce emissions of harmful gases by 65 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The new measures were expected to help increase value. Climate Action Tracker believes emissions need to be cut by at least 70 percent to contain the global average temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Then Germany may have a chance to achieve climate neutrality and avoid catastrophic consequences. The plan to abandon coal-fired power plants also raises doubts. The country expects to stop using the dirtiest fuel by actively

A protracted trial with officials ended in death for a sick 10-year-old Russian woman

In Moscow, officials refused to give medicine to a dying 10-year-old girl despite a court decision A 10-year-old girl from – for a protracted trial with officials. Maya Sonina, director of the Oxygen charitable foundation, announced this on her Facebook page. According to her, the Russian woman was diagnosed with respiratory system diseases from the age of three. A bacterial flora has formed in her lungs, which is dangerous for breathing. This condition is called cystic fibrosis. Sonina said that the mother of the sick girl began to sue for the drug “Trikaft” a year ago. received no medical equipment, ”wrote Sonina. In September, the court granted the claim for the issue of drugs. However, the health department of Nizhny Novgorod, according to Sonina, several times asked the girl's attending physician to change the decision of the council on the issue of drugs, so that the formulations were more correct.

Germany criticized for lack of a clear plan to deal with the disaster

The climate goals of the new German government were criticized for the lack of a clear plan confirmed its intention to phase out coal by 2030, Bloomberg writes. However, politicians did not explain exactly how they will reduce carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, environmentalists criticized the authorities for the lack of a clear plan to combat a global catastrophe. Initially, German leaders wanted to reduce emissions of harmful gases by 65 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The new measures were expected to help increase value. Climate Action Tracker believes emissions need to be cut by at least 70 percent to contain the global average temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Then Germany may have a chance to achieve climate neutrality and avoid catastrophic consequences. The plan to abandon coal-fired power plants also raises doubts. The country expects to stop using the dirtiest fuel by