High-ranking military man from Austria suspected of having links with Russia

Military Gustav Gustenau was suspected of having ties with Russia and was removed from office Head of the Office of Security Policy in the Austrian Ministry of Defense, which advises the military leadership and the Minister of Defense. It is reported by the Financial Times. His connection with the former manager of the Wirecard company Jan Marsalek was also revealed. The publication notes that Gustenau allocated funds from the budget for projects in which Marsalek participated, they also met several times. No charges were brought against Gustenau, and he himself said that “contacts with Russia were of an exclusively official nature and took place in accordance with orders.” Now Gustenau holds an “undefined research position” at the National Defense Academy, the newspaper notes … Also, the military man insists that he changed his place of work of his own free will. Former board member of the German payment system Wirecard

Russian diplomat spoke about the transportation of Ukrainian arms near Donbass

Permanent Representative to the OSCE Lukashevich: The Armed Forces of Ukraine have stepped up the transportation of weapons near Donbass (Ukrainian Armed Forces) stepped up the transportation of weapons near the contact line by rail near Donbass. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to him, over the past week the Ukrainian army transported 24 tanks through the Konstantinovka station, nine tanks and six Gvozdika howitzers through Druzhkovka, and twenty-seven Hyacinth howitzers through Rubezhnoye. -B “and” Msta-B “and five anti-tank guns” Rapier “. The Russian diplomat wondered where all this equipment was going, and urged to maximize monitoring at the contact line. Earlier, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on November 4 elected a party deputy as a new Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories “Servant of the People” Irina Vereshchuk. 260 deputies voted for her candidacy. Vereshchuk during the meeting answered the question about the time

Russian analyst arrested in the USA will be released from custody

Russian analyst Danchenko will be released from US custody on bail conditions. This was reported by RIA Novosti. According to the court's decision, Danchenko will remain in custody until he is equipped with an electronic tracking bracelet. It is noted that a $ 100,000 bail was assigned for the release of the Russian. During the hearings, they also said that the US authorities did not insist on Danchenko's arrest, and he was taken into custody due to information leaks to the press. In addition, the prosecutor's office said that the Russian faces up to five years in prison on each of the five counts of the charges brought against him. Later, there were reports that the judge canceled the condition for Danchenko to wear an electronic tracking bracelet after learning about their absence in stock. The Russian was also ordered to surrender his passport within 24 hours. Earlier it was

US Department of State to pay $ 10 million for information on hacker group

The US offered $ 10 million in reward for information about the hacker group for the recent attack on the American pipeline company Colonial Pipeline. This was stated by State Department spokesman Ned Price, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, the State Department announced an award in the amount of ten million dollars for data on the whereabouts or personalities of the leaders of the criminal organization. In addition, the authorities will pay $ 5 million for information that will help arrest individuals who participated or attempted to participate in the recent cyberattack with ransomware by the DarkSide group. Colonial Pipeline, the largest operator in the United States on May 8 fuel pipelines, reported that she was attacked by a ransomware virus. CNN journalists claimed that a group of Russian hackers and their DarkSide community were behind the cyber attack. US President Joe Biden stressed that Moscow is not behind

Russian who collected “dossier” on Trump released on bail

A US court released Russian analyst Igor Danchenko on $ 100,000 bail the guards of Russian analyst Igor Danchenko, accused of providing false information to the FBI. It is reported by Politico. This decision was announced by Justice of the Peace Teresa Buchanan. It is clarified that a bail of $ 100 thousand was assigned for the release of the Russian. Restrictive conditions Initially, prosecutors proposed to oblige Danchenko to wear an electronic bracelet tracking his whereabouts. However, due to the lack of devices available, the judge was forced to abandon this requirement. At the same time, the Russian was obliged to hand over his passport within 24 hours. In addition, Danchenko was ordered to refrain from any contact with possible witnesses in the case of the alleged ties of ex-US President Donald Trump with Russia. He is also prohibited from leaving Washington, CBS correspondent Katherine Harridge said on her

American general advises Ukrainian military to move closer to NATO

General Hodges: English-speaking officers will help bring Ukraine closer to NATO membership the military, which will help bring the country closer to NATO membership, on the air of the YouTube channel Iceland. According to the American general, it is necessary to update the officers of the Ukrainian troops with young soldiers who speak English. “Officers who need to be given the opportunity to learn English as they will carry out more and more operations with the Western military, especially if we continue to move towards NATO membership,” he said. Hodges added that if the officers are able to communicate in English, then “it will pay off huge dividends.” The politician noted that the Ukrainian “paper” army should remain in the past, and also announced his intention to change the approach to personnel policy in the army.

Doctors talk about the deadly danger of stains on the tongue

Express: British doctors said that spots on the tongue and mouth could indicate cancer British doctors said that red or white stains on the tongue and mouth can signal fatal danger. This is reported by the Express edition. According to doctors, such spots can be a sign of oral cancer. They explained that ulcers that do not heal for several weeks, an abnormal lump on the neck, and persistent pain in the ears or throat may also be indicative of cancer. In addition, experts emphasized that problems with swallowing or changes in speech may indicate this disease. If such symptoms occur, doctors advise contacting an appropriate specialist. However, they note that such signs can appear in other diseases. Earlier, oncologists from Ningbo University and Shanxi Agricultural University in China said that the Toxoplasma gondii parasite helps in the fight against malignant diseases. According to doctors, they have found an effective

Austria assessed the importance of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline for Europe

Austrian Foreign Minister: Nord Stream 2 contributes to Europe's energy security energy security of Europe in the context of the current gas crisis. The significance of the project in an interview with RIA Novosti was assessed by the new head of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Michael Linhart. According to him, Vienna, despite ambitious goals in addressing climate issues, will continue to use gas until complete decarbonization. “In this context, Nord Stream 2 contributes to energy security,” Linhart stressed. Bloomberg analysts have previously accused Russia of unwillingness to save Europe with additional gas supplies amid the ongoing energy crisis. In addition, Moscow has been criticized, claiming that it wants to use the energy crisis in Europe to put pressure on Brussels and speed up the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. On November 4, it became known that German Bundestag deputies doubted in the launch of

Russian diplomat who died in Germany turned out to be the son of an FSB general

Kommersant: Russian diplomat Kirill Zhalo, found dead in Berlin, turned out to be the son of an FSB general FSB for the protection of the constitutional order of Lieutenant General Alexei Zhalo. His identity was revealed by Kommersant. Previously, Kirill Zhalo fell from one of the upper floors of the embassy building on Berenstrasse in the Mitte district of Berlin. Since the summer of 2019, he has been accredited as the second secretary of the diplomatic mission. However, later, an undercover secret service officer was suspected of him. At the same time, from November 1 to 4, his name was removed from the diplomatic list of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. The body of the 35-year-old diplomat was transferred to Russia, Moscow did not allow an autopsy to be carried out in Germany. The Russian Embassy in Germany, for ethical reasons, declined to comment

Doctors spoke about the state of the President of the Czech Republic after hospitalization

Reuters: Doctors believe that Czech President Zeman cannot fully fulfill his duties Czech President Milos Zeman, who was hospitalized in October, in currently unable to fully fulfill their duties. This was reported on Friday by Reuters with reference to the head of the medical council Tomasz Zima. According to the agency, doctors noted an improvement in the state of health of the head of state, but believe that it is better for him to stay in the hospital. Zima also did not say when Zeman will be discharged. It is planned that the president on Saturday, November 6, will receive in the hospital the candidate for the Czech prime minister from the two coalitions of liberal parties that won the recent elections in the country, Petr Fialu, as well as instruct him to form a new government for the republic. So, the question of temporarily removing the powers of the