Russia reacted to the idea of ​​transferring five regions to Ukraine

Political scientist Solonnikov: the idea of ​​transferring five regions of the Russian Federation to Ukraine is a sick fantasy writer and philosopher Peter Kraluk transfer five Russian regions to Ukraine by virtue of their ethnic factors. This is reported by Izvestia. “In my opinion, Russia should not pay attention to the statements of not very healthy people. The percentage of sick people per head is approximately the same all over the world, in Russia the same as in Ukraine, in Ukraine – as much as in the whole world, “the expert emphasized. Solonnikov added that Kiev often nominates fantastic theories, altering the story in their own way. As an example, he cited statements that Alexander the Great and Christ were Ukrainians, and that they dug up ancient ukry in the Black Sea. According to the expert, the question of the belonging of the Russian regions to Ukraine is only the

In Ukraine, they took offense at Lithuania because of the purchase of electricity from Russia

Rada deputy Buzhansky took offense at Lithuania because of the purchase of electricity from Moscow and Minsk Belarus, decided to import it from Moscow and Minsk at prices lower than Ukraine is forced to do. This was stated by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from “Servant of the People” Maxim Buzhansky in his Telegram channel. The deputy recalled that in March this year, President of Lithuania Gitanas Nauseda, speaking in the Rada, called on Ukraine to refuse to purchase electricity from Russia and Belarus, which is why “I got wild applause from grateful listeners.” “Apparently,“ you ”didn’t mean“ us, either. ” Therefore, right now, on November 6, 2021, Lithuania received 522 megawatts from Belarus and 499 megawatts from Russian Kaliningrad. And Ukraine is an unfortunate five megawatts from Belarus, “Buzhansky took offense. Earlier, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Opposition Platform – For Life party, Vadim Rabinovich,

Ideal product for gastritis named

Nutritionist Ivannikova advised Russians with gastritis and ulcers to drink jelly for a snack people with gastritis and stomach ulcers, RIA Novosti reports. The specialist called jelly an ideal product for Russians with gastritis and ulcers. She also noted its nutritional value and calorie content. According to the nutritionist, jelly has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, as it reduces the volume of pathogenic flora and accelerates the growth of beneficial bacteria. The expert advised to drink it for a snack. “The starch in the jelly helps to lower blood cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases. This drink slows down the absorption of fats, so less cholesterol enters the bloodstream, “Ivannikova explained. However, the nutritionist stressed that for some people, jelly may be a harmful product. It is rich in carbohydrates, so patients with diabetes should use this drink with caution. Previously, Canadian

Prince William brought Kate Middleton to tears

Prince William refused to celebrate the New Year with Kate Middleton and brought her to tears British Prince William brought his future wife Kate Middleton to tears, refusing to celebrate the New Year with her at the beginning of their romance, writes the Daily Express with reference to the book of the royal biographer Katie Nicholl. A young man in 2006 promised a girl that he will celebrate the New Year with her, but in the end chose to stay with his family. According to the arrangement, the prince was to celebrate Christmas in Sandringham, as is customary in the royal family, and then travel to Kate's family home on New Year's. Middleton was upset when her lover changed his mind. Prince Uiyalm brought her to tears. Earlier, the Duchess and Duke of Cambridge appeared in old clothes, in which they had already appeared in public several years ago. Paparazzi

Russian billionaire considered a dangerous step too quick refusal of gas

Co-owner of Alfa Group Fridman: switching from gas too quickly can be a dangerous step Co-owner of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman considered it dangerous and irresponsible to move too quickly from gas to renewable energy sources. He stated this in an interview with the Financial Times (FT). The businessman noted that the recent energy crisis is partly due to the underestimation of the oil and gas industry, and the sharp jump in fuel prices in Europe indicates a lack of investment, especially in light of public pressure for the purpose of decarbonization. “The transition is a very complex and very difficult process. At the moment we have no real alternative to life without gas, “Friedman said, adding that gas will be relevant in the structure of energy consumption for decades to come. The billionaire promised to invest more in alternative energy to reduce the carbon footprint on climate on the

The general director of the Moscow Art Theater explained the cancellation of the performance with Buzova with the words “only business”

The general director of the Moscow Art Theater Kekhman explained the cancellation of the play with Buzova with financial problems TV presenter Olga Buzova financial problems became. He stated this in an interview with Izvestia. “A pragmatic solution. 225 tickets sold – how to show it? With an empty hall, or what? And we simply do not have money to promote the play, “Kekhman explained. According to him, he contacted Buzova to warn about the filming of the play. “I wrote to her right away so that she would not be offended, because nothing personal is just business,” he said. to be held at the Moscow Art Theater on Tuesday, November 2. Later, the singer, commenting on the cancellation of the performance with her participation, wished the theater that ticket sales for all performances were the same as for “Wonderful Georgian” and attached a screenshot from which it follows that

Russians named ideal currencies for storing savings

Analyst Shulgin urged Russians to keep their savings in dollars and Swiss francs people think about how to maintain and increase their existing savings. This can be done most effectively with the help of a portfolio of currencies, reports the Prime agency. Shulgin explained to the Russians that, unlike the conservative portfolio, which includes the ruble, dollar and euro, an effective portfolio also involves other currencies, potentially more profitable at some point. Among the currencies of the G10 countries, it included the US dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Swiss franc. The analyst called dollars and Swiss francs ideal currencies for storing savings and urged to keep funds in them. In addition, he spoke about the growth of the Russian ruble. “Since the beginning of 2021, the Russian ruble has been the growth leader against the dollar (+4 percent) among the EM currencies. He is the beneficiary of the rise

The embassy disclosed details of the detention of a Russian ship in Denmark

The Russian Embassy in Denmark: the ship “Akademik Ioffe” was detained at the suit of the Canadian company – research vessel “Akademik Ioffe”, was supplied by the Canadian company One Ocean Expeditions Ltd. due to his previous activities. Such details of the incident were disclosed at the Russian embassy in Copenhagen, TASS reports. Attaché of the Russian diplomatic mission Maria Syrovatko noted that she had no information about the trial. Earlier, the embassy reported that at 38 crew members and 23 scientific workers are on board the detained vessel, contact has been established with them. The diplomats noted that, if necessary, the crew and researchers will be provided with consular assistance. It became known about the detention of the vessel on November 4. “Akademik Ioffe” belongs to the Institute of Oceanology. P.P. Shirshov of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The ship is named after the Soviet scientist physicist Abram Fedorovich

Russian analyst arrested in the United States

New York Times: Danchenko was arrested in the US as part of an investigation into Trump's ties to Russia Russian analyst Igor Danchenko, who took part in the investigation ties of former US President Donald Trump with Russia, was arrested in the United States. This is reported by The New York Times. “Federal authorities on Thursday arrested an analyst who in 2016 collected information about Trump's possible ties with Russia, people familiar with the situation said,” the authors of the published material said./p> It is noted that the indictment has not yet been published. Sources of the publication claim that the analyst was arrested as part of an investigation by Special Prosecutor John Durham. In October 2020, The Wall Street Journal reported that a Russian official was the source of accusations against Trump about collusion with Moscow … The media wrote that we are talking about a native of Perm,

The RAS named a possible reason for the detention of a Russian vessel in Denmark

The detention of the Russian ship “Akademik Ioffe” may be related to the transportation of tourists the fact that in the past the scientific ships “Akademik Ioffe” and the “Akademik Sergei Vavilov” built with it according to the same project were used for the transportation and travel of foreign tourists. The possible cause of the incident in an interview with was named by a source from the Russian Academy of Sciences, familiar with the situation. The interlocutor of the publication specified that in the past Academician Ioffe was used as a tourist boat. “An agreement was concluded with a tourist company, who was either an intermediary or an organizer of tourist trips. When our legislators suddenly became concerned with the work of scientific courts for tourists, they banned the use of the ships as tourist liners, ”he said and added that after that the contract was terminated, and the