Poland appreciated the pragmatism of Russians in artillery

Poland called the use of the 2S7M “Malka” guns an example of the pragmatism of the Russians Tulip “and the 203-mm heavy self-propelled guns 2S7M” Malka “, developed in the 1970s, are an example of the pragmatism of the Russians, writes the Polish edition of Defense24. ” The Russians are very pragmatic here. Having large stocks of unused ammunition and simple long-term artillery equipment, they decided not to take it out of service, but to try to adapt it to other realities and new tactics, “the publication says. field of teaching, writes that in Russia “they are doing everything possible to increase the accuracy of shooting and the speed of reaction to enemy actions.” Defense24 recalls that Orlan-10 drones were used to target the projectiles. In April 2020, TASS observer Dmitry Litovkin noted that Russian weapons deployed in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions have a range capable of penetrating the

Verstappen wins Mexican Grand Prix

Verstappen wins the Mexican Grand Prix, Hamilton is second … This was reported by the Lenta.ru correspondent. Competitions within the Formula 1 season were held on Sunday, November 7th. Second place went to Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton, 16.555 seconds behind the Dutchman. The top three were closed by Verstappen's team-mate in Red Bull Sergio Perez. He lost 17.752 seconds to his partner. Russian Haas pilot Nikita Mazepin finished the competition in 18th place. He was three laps behind the winner. The victory in Mexico allowed Verstappen to bring the number of points scored during the season to 312.5. He extended his lead over second Hamilton (293.5 points). Mazepin is in the 20th position in the overall standings. The next Grand Prix will be held in Brazil. The competition will take place from November 12 to November 14.

In Belarus, told about the new military doctrine of Minsk and Moscow

General Staff of Belarus: the military doctrine of Minsk and Moscow does not imply the outbreak of war Union State. He stated this in an interview with STV TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. The King noted that neither Russia nor Belarus had ever been aggressors. He added that although both countries are ready to defend themselves, they will never unleash a war themselves and “will not go to conquer something there.” “Our armed forces were not created for this,” the deputy chief of the general staff stressed. At the same time, according to the military, certain preparations are being made on the part of the country's opponents on the border of Belarus. He said that the leaders of neighboring states are trying to distract their populations from the deepest crisis by inflating the topic of the difficult situation at the border and migration problems. Earlier it was reported that Russian

Belarus will receive the second batch of military equipment from Russia

Russia will supply Belarus with attack helicopters and the second batch of BTR-82A armored personnel carriers Belarus will receive the second batch of Russian armored personnel carriers an upgraded version of the BTR-80. First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the country Igor Korol said this on the air of the STV TV channel, writes TASS. It is specified that the 6th mechanized brigade will receive military equipment from Russia in the coming month. In addition, by mid-2022, the Republic will also receive multipurpose attack helicopters, added the first deputy head of the General Staff. Earlier, the BTR-82A battalion set entered service with the 120th mechanized brigade, the Military Academy of Belarus and 72- th training center in Pecs. The Ministry of Defense of the republic noted that the rearmament of the republic's army is proceeding as planned and is aimed at replacing tracked armored

The passenger who tried to knock out the window was detained at Sheremetyevo

Transport police detained a passenger who made a riot during a Stockholm-Moscow flight a plane flying from Stockholm to Moscow. This was reported by the Moscow City News Agency with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District. The detainee was a resident of Belgorod. It is noted that the passenger was intoxicated. An administrative protocol was drawn up against the rowdy under Article 20.1 of the Administrative Code of Russia “Petty hooliganism.” The incident occurred while taxiing the aircraft: a man shouted, tried to damage the seat and broke the inner plastic glass of the window, injuring his right fingers. Deboshir received medical assistance. Earlier in Anapa, the police removed a passenger from the flight due to inappropriate behavior. The 28-year-old passenger made a riot while boarding the aircraft: she refused to take a seat, spoke obscenely towards fellow

The colonel spoke about the “unpleasant surprise” for the United States from Russia

Viktor Litovkin: the new Russian drone may become an “unpleasant surprise” for the United States an unpleasant surprise “for the United States from Russia in an interview with PolitRussia. According to him, it could be a new Russian unmanned aerial vehicle with drop wings. “Based on the information that is already available, we can assume that we are getting a real unmanned transformer rocket,” the expert said. In his opinion, it will work at subsonic speeds, but at the same time it will have the ability to change flight variations. Litovkin explained that the development will be able to perform the functions of a reconnaissance drone and a homing missile. When flying at extremely low altitudes along a pre-laid route, the device will scan the space under and in front of it. And after finding the desired object, it will throw off its wings and rush in its direction like

European Swimming League explained the deprivation of the Russian team silver at the European Championship

European Swimming League: the Russian national swimming team was deprived of the European Championship silver due to violation of the regulations water in the mixed relay 4 x 50 meters freestyle is associated with the violation of the competition regulations by the team. This was reported to “Sport-Express” in the press service of the European Swimming League (LEN). The Russians violated the declared order of the arrangement for the swim. “The incident was examined by the judges after the fact, analyzing the video of the swim,” they explained in LEN. Vladimir Morozov, Kliment Kolesnikov, Arina Surkova and Maria Kameneva played in the Russian national team. They tied for second place with the Italian national team and won silver medals. They were deprived of their awards after the protest of the Polish national team. The tournament was held in Kazan. The competition ended on Sunday, November 7th.

Assange sues the head of the British Ministry of Justice over the ban on marriage

Daily Mail: Founder of WikiLeaks and his fiancée sue Justice Minister Raab Morris is suing the head of the UK Justice Department, Dominic Raab, because they are not allowed to marry. This is reported by the Daily Mail. Assange and Morris also filed a lawsuit against the head of the prison where the founder of WikiLeaks is being held. The couple are confident that the UK is creating obstacles to their marriage due to the political war of the US authorities against Assange. “Julian needs things to hold on to, because everyday life for him in Belmarsh is a struggle,” Morris said. Founder of WikiLeaks and his chosen one have been together for about five years, the couple have two children in common. Julian Assange is in custody in the UK, he is being held in Belmarsh prison. In May 2019, the US Department of Justice filed 17 charges against

Ukraine will increase imports of electricity from Belarus by almost 27 times

Ukraine will increase electricity supplies from Belarus to 400 MW from November 8 instead of 15 MW Ukraine will increase electricity imports from Belarus by almost 27 times from November 8. This is evidenced by the data of the European Network of Electricity Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E), TASS reports. Deliveries will take place from 00:00 to 23:00 without interruptions, increase or decrease in capacity. It is planned to import 400 MW instead of 15 MW announced the day before. On November 6, the press service of the Ministry of Energy of Belarus said that electricity began to flow into the Ukrainian energy system. The schedule of resumed supplies was formed by Minsk taking into account the available technical capabilities: operating modes of the power system and the capacity of generating equipment. Later, State Secretary of the Union State of Russia and Belarus Dmitry Mezentsev urged not to dramatize the sale

The defense will appeal the arrest of the participants in the brawl in New Moscow

Masyutenko's lawyer: the defense will appeal the arrest of the accused in the attack in Novaya Moscow Moscow. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the lawyer of one of the participants in the fight, Roman Masyutenko. According to Masyutenko, in such cases, when the principal does not agree with the decision of the court and the prosecutors, an appeal is always planned. He stressed that, probably, a similar decision will be made for all the defendants. Earlier it was reported that four participants in the attack in Novaya Moscow were arrested. The defendants in the criminal case refused to plead guilty to the attempted murder, but do not deny participation in the fight. They also called the victim the instigator of the conflict. On November 4, a man with a child was attacked in the Novye Vatutinki area. Law enforcement agencies opened a criminal case. The Moscow