The impact of the publication of diplomatic correspondence on relations with Ukraine was assessed

Political scientist Gratsiani: the publication of diplomatic correspondence will not harm the negotiations on Ukraine more than Europe's continued distrust of Russia. This is how the Italian political scientist, head of the Vision & Global Trends think tank Tiberio Graziani assessed the impact of the incident on the negotiations on Ukraine. 00:01 – October 27 France controlled the former colonies in Africa for 60 years. How did Russian mercenaries push it back? 00: 02-10 April “The interests of Ukrainians are not taken into account” The US is sending warships to the Black Sea. What is expected in the West from the aggravation in Donbass? In an interview with “” he noted that the migration crisis on the border of Belarus and Poland, not least of all, has a negative impact on Russia's relations with European partners. “As for trust, which is a very important element in any negotiation process, I

The US proposed to impose sanctions against Moscow in the “invasion of Ukraine”

Axios: Senator Menendez proposed to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation in the event of an “invasion of Ukraine” Menendez proposed to impose sanctions against Russia in the event of an “invasion of Ukraine.” This is reported by the Axios portal with reference to the amendment to the defense budget submitted to the Congress. The publication noted that the amendment is formulated in such a way as to leave room for maneuver in the definition of the very term “invasion.” > Banks, natural resources and national debt under attack According to the congressman's idea, US President Joe Biden will have to prohibit leading Russian military and intelligence personnel from entering the United States, as well as introduce a number of restrictions on Russian banks, government agencies, oil and gas companies and mining companies. Among among other things, all companies and persons participating in the planning of the Nord Stream 2

The United States saw Putin's ability to force the West to live by its own rules

WSJ: Putin dispelled the myth of a weak Russia and made the West live by its own rules that Russia is not a weak state on which it is possible to impose someone else's opinion. During his tenure in power, President Vladimir Putin dispelled this myth and forced the West to live by its own rules, writes The Wall Street Journal. Contributors Eugene Rumer and Andrew S. Weiss ) note that the Russian leader has modernized the army, improved the terms of international energy trade, surrounded Russia with a ring of friendly countries and sent a signal to NATO that it expects him to abandon the policy of expansion to the East. self-serving Western narratives about Russia as a dying power and any lingering skepticism about its ability to take its rightful place on the world stage, “say the journalists. They also believe that the increased cooperation between NATO and

Prominent journalist dies in explosion in Somalia's capital

Garowe online: an explosion occurred in the capital of Somalia Mogadishu, journalist Abdiaziz Afkira died powerful explosion. This is reported by TASS with reference to local media. It is specified that the incident took place in the central part of the city near the presidential palace. According to Garowe online, a well-known Somali journalist Abdiaziz Afkira, who headed the state radio station Radio Mogadishu, was killed in the explosion. According to other sources, several people were injured, including the head of the state TV channel, in whose car was an explosive device was installed. Earlier it was reported that an explosion in a private house in Volgograd killed a former assistant to the Minister of Finance Mikhail Korobkin. According to preliminary information, the man tried to saw through a certain object, which eventually exploded. It is known that Korobkin was a collector of weapons; cartridges for weapons of the Great

Xi Jinping hinted to Biden about heartburn due to US actions

White House: Xi Jinping made it clear to Biden that US actions in the Asia-Pacific region cause heartburn in China The summit made it clear to US President Joe Biden that US actions in the Asia-Pacific region (APR) in the security sphere are causing heartburn in Beijing. This was announced by the coordinator for the Indian and Pacific Oceans at the National Security Council at the White House Kurt Campbell, American journalist Jack Detsch wrote on Twitter. As an example, he cited the strengthening of relations with Japan. South Korea, Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, as well as “emerging partnerships of critical importance, such as Vietnam.” Campbell added that competition is now a major part of the China-US relationship. “We are competing in all areas,” he said, noting that Washington wants to maintain deep lines of communication with Beijing. During the summit, Xi Jinping also announced that he would study the

The US embassy called self-promotion the idea of ​​not recognizing Putin as president

The Russian Embassy in the United States declared Russophobia in connection with the idea of ​​not recognizing Putin's presidency recognize Vladimir Putin as president if he runs for presidential elections in 2024. This is stated in the ministry's message on Twitter. “Attempts by individual American parliamentarians to engage in self-publicity at the expense of rabid Russophobia are doomed to failure. This will not lead to anything other than exposing oneself in an absurd form, ”the diplomatic mission said. In addition, the Russian embassy advised the congressmen to “tackle the situation at home” instead of interfering in the affairs of Russia. Earlier, political scientist Alexander Filippenko, in an interview with, said that Steve Cohen, representing the Democratic party, and Republican Joe Whislon want to get the attention of voters. The expert considered the fact that the initiative was proposed by a Democrat and a Republican as an attempt to overcome

The conditions for the recognition of the Taliban government were named in the USA

US State Department: Taliban must fight terrorists and create a legitimate government The world community recognizes the legitimacy of the Taliban ( a terrorist organization banned in Russia ) in Afghanistan if the Taliban fight terrorists and create an inclusive government. This was stated by Thomas West, US State Department Special Representative for Afghanistan. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. The diplomat also called on the Taliban to respect the rights of minorities, women and girls. According to him, this means equal access to education and employment. Earlier it became known that during the US military operation in Afghanistan, Washington issued permits to a number of government agencies and NGOs to work with the Taliban, bypassing sanctions. There was also information that the main mistake of the United States in Afghanistan was an attempt to create an army on the American model.

Biden undergoes colonoscopy and regains power

US President Biden underwent colonoscopy and returned to his duties US President Joe Biden underwent colonoscopy (examination of the large intestine) and returned to fulfillment of their duties. This is reported by Reuters, citing White House press secretary Jen Psaki. The fact that the head of state was transferring powers to Vice President Kamala Harris during anesthesia became known earlier on November 19. In a short period while he was undergoing the procedure, she became the first woman in the history of the United States to hold the presidency. The administration promised to publish a summary of Biden's health later. Earlier it was reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping made it clear to President Biden at an online summit that US actions in the Asia-Pacific region (APR) in the security sphere Beijing heartburn.

Foreign Ministry assessed the possibility of non-recognition of the US elections

Zakharova on the possibility of non-recognition of the US elections: we have clear assessment criteria the future of the US elections. She stated this on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. Zakharova noted that Russia has “absolutely clear criteria” for assessing electoral processes in other countries. At the same time, she stressed that this is an internal affair of the state. According to her, Moscow, when assessing the elections, proceeds from facts and reality, and is also guided by certain criteria. Zakharova added that Russia is sending its observers as part of international missions to elections in other states. “And coming up with such schemes is not our approach,” Zakharova noted, commenting on the draft resolution of US Congressmen Steve Cohen and Joe Wilson, in which it is proposed not to recognize Russian President Vladimir Putin as the head of state if he decides to

The United States announced that it was not ready to announce the conversation between Biden and Putin

White House: US is not ready to announce future contacts between Presidents Biden and Putin Washington announced its unwillingness to announce future contacts Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, writes RIA Novosti. According to White House press secretary Jen Psaki, she will be ready to provide this information if the telephone conversation or meeting of the presidents is confirmed. “As soon as something is agreed, we will announce it,” said Psaki when asked by journalists about the upcoming contacts between the leaders of the United States and Russia. Earlier, US Congressmen Steve Cohen and Joe Wilson submitted a proposal to the House of Representatives , which called on not to recognize Putin as the head of state if he decides to run for this position in 2024. According to American politicians, the amendments to the Russian Constitution, which were introduced in 2020, contradict both the legislation of Russia itself and international