Details of the murder of a stockbroker eaten by a Russian have been disclosed

The first victim of a cannibal from St. Petersburg was a 38-year-old stock broker Egor Kazinyanov, detained for the murder of 50-year-old painter Arkady Kazinyan from St. Petersburg The interrogation revealed the details of another crime, reports the Telegram-channel Newsach/Dvach. The 23-year-old Russian specified that he is a cannibal. The man admitted that he had long wanted to try human meat and made attempts to do so. According to him, in 2020 he committed another murder. The first victim was a 38-year-old stockbroker whose body was found in a drainpipe in a park in September 2020. Many stab wounds to the abdomen, neck and arms were found on the corpse. The young man told the investigators that he had attacked a passer-by in the Sosnovka park. He cut off his tongue, brought it home. Later, he said, he made a dish out of it and ate it. As writes,

Russians reminded of tax cuts effective January 1

Honored Lawyer of Russia Soloviev: from January 1, 2022, catering will be exempt from VAT Honored Lawyer of Russia Ivan Soloviev Prime “recalled that the Russians are expected to reduce a number of taxes from January 1. According to the lawyer, from January 1, 2022, according to the amendments to the Tax Code, entrepreneurs in the catering sector will be exempted from VAT. He explained that restaurants, catering facilities, including catering facilities, will have the opportunity to improve their financial situation as a result of the tax break. In addition, for enterprises with 250 people or more, insurance premium rates will be reduced and will amount to: from the part of the remuneration above the minimum wage for pension contributions – 10 percent, for medical – 5 percent, and for sick leave contributions – 0 percent. Organizations are exempt from the obligation to submit financial statements to other government agencies

Rogozin predicted the timing of the emergence of the Internet from space in Russia

Head of Roscosmos Rogozin: “Sphere” will allow the Russian Federation to get the Internet from space in 2024 The head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin predicted the timing of the emergence of the Internet from space in Russia. He noted that the Sphere program will allow him to receive it in 2024, TASS reports. According to the general director of the state corporation, the first funds have already been received under the program for the formation of a scientific and technical reserve. In 2022, another seven billion rubles will be allocated to Sphere. “These funds will be used to create two flight prototypes of the Skif (Internet) and Marathon (Internet of Things) spacecraft. ” Express-RV “, which is paid by the Ministry of Digital Science. In September it became known that the production of the first satellite of the Skif system had begun in Russia, which, like its competitors Starlink and

A number of Russians will increase their income

Izvestia: The State Duma will increase the tax-free income of individuals from 4 to 10 thousand rubles thousand rubles the amount of income of individuals not subject to tax. The corresponding bill will be submitted to the State Duma by the leadership of the Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs. The department believes that the innovation will improve the financial situation of a number of Russians: disabled people, pensioners, students and other low-income citizens, Izvestia writes. “. The document proposes to increase the amount of tax-free income of individuals to ten thousand rubles. Most of the State Duma factions intend to support the initiative, but experts fear that it could be rejected amid a pandemic economy. established by federal law of June 30, 2005 No. 71-FZ “On Amendments to Article 217 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.” That is, more than 15 years

Bitcoin city to be built at the foot of the volcano in El Salvador

In El Salvador, a city will be built near a volcano, the energy of which will be used to extract bitcoins the foot of the Konchagua volcano in the southeast of the country, which will help in the extraction of cryptocurrency, reports BBC News. According to the head of the republic, the city will be in the form of a large coin, and it is planned to use the geothermal energy of the volcano to extract bitcoins. He added that the city will have everything necessary for the daily life of the people. “Residential areas, commercial areas, services, museums, entertainment, bars, restaurants, airport, seaport, railway,” Bukele said.

Revealed the benefits of coffee for brain function

PLOS Medicine: Chinese Scientists Claim Benefits of Coffee for Preventing Stroke and Dementia said Chinese scientists from Tianjin Medical University, the results of the study are published in the journal PLOS Medicine. Biologists have identified the benefits of coffee for brain function. They studied the data of 365,682 people. Experts selected those wishing to participate in the experiment from 2006 to 2010, the data of volunteers were registered until 2020. At the beginning of the study, the Chinese described how often they drink coffee or tea. Over the course of 14 years, 5,079 participants developed dementia and 10,053 had a stroke. After analyzing the collected data, scientists came to the conclusion: people who drink two to three cups of coffee or three to five cups of tea a day (or both drinks up to six cups daily) are less likely to experience strokes and dementia. They had a 32 percent

Infectionists estimate the scale of the spread of influenza this year

Infectious disease specialists: no large-scale spread of influenza is expected this year get vaccinated to prevent the overlay of this infection on the coronavirus. This is reported by TASS. “The only thing we can say is that all those anti-epidemic measures that are being taken in relation to coronavirus infection also help with the spread of influenza. And as we did not see the active spread of this infection last year, a low incidence of influenza is also expected this year, “said Elena Malinnikova, head of the Department of Virology at the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education. Associate Professor at the Department of Infectious Diseases in Children RNIMU them. NI Pirogova, infectious disease doctor Ivan Konovalov added that currently there is no serious rise in infections in the regions of Russia. According to him, now is the best time to get vaccinated against the flu. The infectious disease

It became known about the condition of Marina Khlebnikova, injured in the fire

Singer Khlebnikova, who was injured in the fire, was removed from the ventilator, her condition is still serious removed from the ventilator, but her condition is still serious. This became known to the StarHit edition. According to the publication, the singer now has a temperature of around 38.5 degrees. She cannot eat on her own, so food is passed to her through a special probe. The artist suffers severe pain from a second-degree burn of the respiratory tract. At the same time, the artist is conscious, she understands everything and behaves adequately. It is not yet known when the star will be transferred to a regular ward. The fire in the house of Marina Khlebnikova was reported on Thursday, November 18. The flame was extinguished at 22:50. The Emergencies Ministry officers who arrived at the scene carried the singer out of the fire in a state of shock. The artist

Ukraine predicted an imminent Russian invasion of the country

Head of the GUR Budanov: Russia is preparing to attack Ukraine in late January or early February Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov predicted an imminent Russian invasion of the country. He noted in an interview with Military Times that the attack would occur in late January or early February. According to him, Moscow has concentrated more than 92 thousand troops on the border and is preparing for an attack, which will be strikes of artillery, aviation, armored vehicles and airborne assault forces. The head of the GUR indicated that it would become much more destructive than any of those undertaken earlier. Budanov also pointed out that a series of psychological operations would follow before the invasion. He added that they are already under way to destabilize Ukraine and undermine its defenses. They want to stir up unrest through protests and rallies

In Russia, they decided to change the driver training program for the first time in 60 years

Izvestia: The Ministry of Education will consider a new program for category B drivers December 1 For the first time since the 1960s. The new document was created by representatives of the Union of Driving Schools of Russia and members of the Movement Without Danger expert center. The document will be considered by the Ministry of Education on December 1, Izvestia reports. In the new program for future drivers, they decided to reduce the theory hours, and also to break this block into modules. Experts propose to include in the training a series of video tests that help to work out the procedure in the event of an emergency. In addition, self-directed training will appear in the program, including using online tutorials. In addition to the final internal exam, drivers will have to pass intermediate ones after each topic studied. In case of failure, Russians will have to pay extra