The condition for the invention of a long-term vaccine against COVID-19 is named

Head of the Gamaleya Center Gunzburg: vaccine development for 5-10 years depends on COVID-19 strains Director of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and of microbiology named after Gamaleya Alexander Gintsburg told under what conditions scientists will be able to invent a long-term vaccine against coronavirus, RIA Novosti reports. The scientist explained that the creation of a vaccine against COVID-19 depends on the virus strains in 5-10 years. to face. He called this circumstance a decisive condition for the development process. Gunzburg recalled that during the development period of “Sputnik V” against the Wuhan and subsequent variants was much more than two years. are synthesized by memory cells, “explained the head of the Gamaleya Center.

The summit of Putin and Biden was considered necessary to prevent the Third World War

Political scientist Lozansky: the United States, Russia and China need to hold the Yalta Conference 2.0 Biden is needed to prevent a direct military clash between the two countries, which could result in World War III. This was stated in an interview with by the President of the American University in Moscow Eduard Lozansky. However, according to him, such a war is already being waged on the political, economic and information fronts. Related materials 16:32 – June 17 So we talked. How will the meeting between Putin and Biden change relations between Russia and the United States? October “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? At the same time, the specialist considered it much more necessary to hold a trilateral meeting of the leaders of the United States, Russia and China, a kind of “Yalta Conference 2.0”. “The current

Russians warned about dangerous household appliances in the apartment

Doctor Terentyeva: many household appliances emit dangerous electromagnetic waves Russians about dangerous household appliances in the apartment. According to her, they emit electromagnetic waves that can negatively affect the nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems of a person, RIA Novosti reports. The specialist noted microwave and induction ovens, fluorescent lamps, wireless technology, computers and means of cellular communication. She added that the effect depends on the intensity, duration and location of the radiation, as well as on the initial state of health. “This radiation causes non-specific changes in the body. The most sensitive to it are the nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems, “Terentyeva explained. The doctor added that because of this, degenerative processes in the nervous system, neoplasms, hormonal diseases and premature aging of the body can occur. Terentyeva recommended placing furniture and seating areas at a distance of two to three meters from electrical appliances in order to

Diseases causing loss of smell have been identified

Doctors said that a number of diseases in addition to coronavirus cause loss of smell Chief Physician clinic “Your Doctor”, therapist Tatyana Romanenko named a number of diseases that cause loss of smell. According to them, this can happen due to various respiratory diseases, allergies or damage to the nervous system. According to Chalenko, loss of smell is not only a symptom of coronavirus infection. Other respiratory viruses, such as allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, as well as diseases with damage to the central nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer's syndrome, may contribute to its appearance, the doctor said. Romanenko, in turn, added that this ailment can provoke any diseases of the nasal cavity, upper respiratory tract, any respiratory viral infection, runny nose, nasal congestion, as well as allergic diseases. The specialist noted that in order to diagnose the patient correctly, he needs to be examined by a

Spotify Turns Off Shuffle Songs On Adele's New Album

Adele asked Spotify to turn off shuffle songs on her new album “30” British singer Adele at her own request, since their established order is thought out on purpose so that the listener hears a thoughtful full-fledged story. The performer spoke about this on her Twitter page. The album, released on November 19, was named “30”. The album is the artist's fourth studio album and the first full-length release since 2015. “This was the only request I have ever made in our ever-changing industry. It's not without reason that we create our albums with such care and think over the tracklists. Our art tells stories, and they should be listened to as we intended. Thank you Spotify for listening, “Adele wrote. The platform reacted to the singer's gratitude by sharing her post on her Twitter account with the comment:” Everything is for you. ” It is noted that users of

Russian admiral named the version of the death of the submarine “Kursk”

Former commander-in-chief of the Sevflot Popov: “Kursk” died in 2000 from a collision with a NATO submarine Nuclear submarine (nuclear submarine) ” Kursk “died in 2000 as a result of a collision with a NATO submarine, whose name is known” with a 90 percent probability, “the commander of the Northern Fleet at that time, Admiral Vyacheslav Popov, told RIA Novosti.

The doctor warned about the development of diabetes mellitus with COVID-19

Endocrinologist Shokur: patients with COVID-19 increase the risk of diabetes from RIA Novosti she said that the risk of infection and severe course of COVID-19 increases in patients with chronic diseases, including diabetes. At the same time, the doctor warned that the results of recent clinical studies showed that this association also has the opposite nature: COVID-19 can provoke the development of diabetes mellitus. “The fact is that the SARS-Cov-2 virus binds to the ACE-2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme-2) receptors, which are present not only in the lungs, liver, kidneys and small intestine, but also in the pancreas, to enter the body,” – she explained. In this regard, the beta cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin and are responsible for lowering blood glucose levels, become target cells for the virus and are subject to destruction. “The greater the degree of damage, the higher the likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus,” the specialist

The biologist said the threat of the emergence of antibody-resistant strains of coronavirus

Biologist Baranova: Reducing COVID-19 Cases Threatens New Strains Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova said that a sharp decrease in the number of cases of coronavirus infection threatens the emergence of new, antibody-resistant strains. Her words are quoted by TASS. She suggested that the delta strain is indeed the final version of COVID-19, since the emergence of new variants would be accompanied by a weakening of the infectivity of the virus. At present, weaker variations cannot spread and become more frequent. “If the number of infections drops sharply, then there will be more vectors available, competition will weaken, and another, albeit less infectious strain, will be able to for distribution, “Baranova emphasized, adding that it is difficult to predict such a development of events in advance. According to the biologist, there is a danger that the delta strain will mutate, which will allow it to evade antibodies. However, if this

Fish oil replacement product named

Nutritionist Pigareva called linseed oil, traditional for Russia, a source of omega-3 V.V. Vinogradova, candidate of medical sciences, therapist, nutritionist Yulia Pigareva said that among all vegetable oils rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), linseed oil is the most optimal, reports the Prime agency. Nutritionist called flaxseed oil a traditional for Russia product that replaces fish oil. She explained that omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that the body only gets from food. “There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids that we need: alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA ) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The last two acids have the greatest number of beneficial properties, “the specialist emphasized. However, linseed oil contains only alpha-linolenic acid. Therefore, flaxseed oil should not be considered the only source of omega-3 fatty acids. The active forms of EPA and DHA are rich in fatty fish of the cold seas and seafood.

US Marines have the worst vaccination results

WP: US Marines Failed Worst Vaccination Campaign US Marines Failed Worst US Army Coronavirus Vaccine Campaign … According to the Washington Post, about ten thousand fighters do not have time to get vaccinated by the deadline. According to the newspaper, 94 percent of the Marines were vaccinated, the rest will not have time to do so until the deadline of November 28. According to the decision of the authorities, the unvaccinated will not be able to continue their service. The Washington Post noted that high discipline among the Marines is a matter of pride, so refusing to be vaccinated or choosing not to report on it is controversial. Moreover, the command urged employees to be vaccinated and threatened with dismissal from the ranks of the army if they did not do so. Earlier, on September 28, Axios, citing data from a survey conducted in conjunction with Ipsos, said, that most