Political scientist predicted the transformation of the Belarusian-Polish border into a “second Donbass”

Political scientist Ishchenko: Russia may be forced to intervene in the conflict on the Belarusian-Polish border -Polish border in the “second Donbass” in the event of an escalation of the situation. In his opinion, Russia will be forced to intervene in the conflict if Western countries decide to completely close the borders of Belarus for crossing, and the Poles will ensure the presence of a limited number of military personnel on the territory of the republic to create a buffer zone. The expert believes that Poland can benefit from this state of affairs. “Poland will be happy with it, because there will be an army, the border will become a demarcation line, and an attempt by refugees to cross the border will be regarded as an attempt to attack army positions. You can do it like in Donbass – conclude a truce, keep troops in the field all the time,

In Russia called the timing of the reduction in the incidence of COVID-19

Infectionist Timakov: In mid-December, the incidence of COVID-19 in Russia will decrease incidence of coronavirus in Russia. In his opinion, this will happen in mid-December, if the population takes precautions. According to the specialist, the process will stabilize for about a month, then the incidence of COVID-19 will decrease if there is control over the sources of infection … “At least observe the mask regime. Then everything will be fine, we will celebrate the New Year normally, “Timakov noted. He also said that the restrictions will remain. However, they will not prevent the Russians from fully spending the holidays. Timakov also expressed the hope that the introduction of a lockdown in Russia will no longer be needed. Earlier, immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov said that one or two more outbreaks of coronavirus incidence are expected in Russia by the end of spring. Kryuchkov called the coming months a difficult period in the

Six main rules for driving in the dark

Autoexpert Gudkov: safe driving at night will be ensured by clean glass and working headlights Nikita Gudkov, editor of the Za Rulem publishing house, writes Vechernyaya Moskva. According to him, at night it is important to focus on the right side of the road. “The most illuminated area with headlights is the right shoulder. When we look at the right side, we are less blinded by oncoming headlights, “he named one of the main nuances. We must not forget to turn off the high beam on the highway in time. The auto expert recalled that these headlights cannot be turned on in the city. It is important to park your car correctly at night. If you had to leave the vehicle on an uninitiated roadway, you need to mark it with the included dimensions and alarm signals. For safe driving at night, clean windows of the car are necessary, in

The blogger showed fat folds on the body and delighted fans

Blogger Nelly London captured herself in the mirror and showed fat folds on her belly Blogger and plus-size London model Nelly London ) showed her figure in the photo without processing and delighted netizens. The corresponding post appeared on her Instagram account. In a frame posted on the network, the girl captured herself in the mirror. She demonstrated fat folds on the abdomen and stretch marks on the thighs. In addition, the photo shows a scar located near the chest of London. She emphasized that there is no retouching in the picture. “I love myself the way I am at the moment, without any conditions or reasons,” she signed the publication. Fans supported the blogger in the comments to the publication. “So simple, but so powerful! I needed it today, thank you! ”,“ I am pleased with your posts. They really help me to accept my body as it is

The Russians have revealed the size of a decent pension

SuperJob poll: 28 percent of Russians will work and live on a salary in retirement believes that after reaching retirement age they will be able to live on money that will be paid by the state. This follows from the data of the SuperJob poll, RBC reports. On average, 28 percent of the respondents across the country said that after reaching retirement they will work and live on a salary. Almost every fourth (24 percent) counts on the state pension, 14 percent are going to live on savings, and another 4 percent – on payments of non-state pension funds. In addition, another 7 percent named other sources of income, for example, income from renting real estate, dividends. When it comes to the level of pension, the answers here depended not only on the level of income, but also on age. Thus, Russians under 24 consider a pension of 35.8 thousand

The head of the Federal Tax Service spoke about the reason for the interest of the service in cryptocurrencies

Head of the Federal Tax Service Yegorov: cryptocurrencies can create erosion of the tax base interest in cryptocurrencies. According to him, they allow entrepreneurs to go into the shadows and evade taxes. “If we talk about cryptocurrencies, then we are now quite closely involved in this market, realizing that this settlement system can create quite significant erosion for the tax base “, – emphasized Egorov. He added that recently he has not seen any innovative or particularly surprising tax evasion schemes. According to the head of the Federal Tax Service, when entering the digital space, in any case, there is a trace, the only question is when it will be revealed. Earlier, the First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets Elena Perminova said that there may be a future for cryptocurrencies, but they are characterized by serious volatility. She noted that it is too

The details of the meeting of the G7 foreign ministers were announced in the UK

UK Foreign Office: G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting will be held December 10-12 in Liverpool The Big Seven (G7). RIA Novosti writes about this. According to the British Department, the summit of the G7 foreign ministers will be held on December 10-12 in Liverpool. “Foreign Minister Liz Truss will meet with her counterparts from the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan and the EU,” the message says. It is also indicated that for the first time, ASEAN countries will participate in the meeting. notably Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. In October, the G7 countries demanded that their economies be able to cope with health risks, climate change and the growing influence of China. According to the G7, the situation with supply chains, the distribution of vaccines, access to minerals, cyber threats, the introduction of a digital tax, cryptoassets and climate change require dramatic changes in how to manage the global economy.

Top Causes of Depression Revealed

American psychologists have named stress and social problems as the main causes of depression failure, stroke and seizure, said American scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), writes Eat This! Not That !. According to them, today it is impossible to reveal the main causes of depression. Researchers believe that biological, environmental and psychological factors can cause depression. Psychiatrist Mark Pollack named the main symptoms of depression as constant feelings of sadness or anxiety, refusal from activities that were previously enjoyable , irritability, insomnia, lack of appetite or overeating, stomach pain, lump in throat, trouble concentrating, remembering or making decisions, feeling tired all the time, feeling guilty, worthless or helpless. “People may be predisposed depression on a number of factors, including changes in brain function, family history, stressful life events, adverse social problems such as poverty, and medical problems, ”he added. Earlier, researchers at the Pennsylvania State

Several people were injured as a result of a car hitting a crowd in the United States

11 adults and 12 children injured under the wheels of a car in Wisconsin among the victims there are 11 adults and 12 children. This is reported by TASS with reference to the police. “At about 16:39 (01:39 Moscow time), a red SUV rammed the participants of the Christmas parade,” said Dan Thompson, whose speech was broadcast on American TV channels.

Golfer Tiger Woods Returns To Training After Accident With Critical Injuries

American golfer Tiger Woods posted on Instagram a video of a training session American golfer Tiger Woods resumed training after an accident in which he got in February 2021 year. The athlete posted a video of his training on the social network Instagram. Woods returned to training after an accident with “critical” injuries. On the video, an athlete hits the ball with a club on the golf course. “Making progress,” he signed the publication. On February 23, Tiger Woods rolled over in an SUV and suffered “critical” injuries, including multiple fractures. He underwent several operations and a metal rod was installed in the area of ​​the tibia.