The professor called a way to reduce tension in society during a pandemic

Professor Baranova: voluntary vaccination against COVID-19 of children will reduce tension in society Professor, School of Systems Biology, George Mason University, Virginia , Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova said that vaccination against coronavirus among children will be more successful and will reduce tension in society during a pandemic if it is carried out on a voluntary basis. She named this method in an interview with TASS. According to her, in Russia now 22 percent of parents are ready to voluntarily vaccinate their children against COVID-19, and this is a lot. If this share vaccinates children, then at least another 10 percent may follow their example. “We need to calmly let them do this – then many of those who doubt or do not want to have someone who has already vaccinated their child, and now sleeps peacefully. This fact will relax everyone – people will see examples that the

The percentage of Russians fined at work is named

Research “”: a third of Russians faced a system of monetary fines at work Russians who were fined at work. Thus, a third of the respondents (38 percent) faced monetary penalties of up to a thousand rubles, RIA Novosti reports. Most of the respondents (62 percent) have not encountered such a practice in the companies where they worked. Of those who knew her, 33 percent received fines themselves, the rest answered that it did not affect them personally. 63 percent of respondents named the amount of recovery up to one thousand rubles, a fifth (19 percent) – from one to three thousand, every tenth – from three to five thousand, only eight percent were fined in the amount of more than five thousand rubles. Among the reasons why the employer could impose a fine, the Russians named improper performance of official duties (42 percent), tardiness (38 percent), safety violations (26

In Khabarovsk, planes were sent to alternate airfields due to a snow cyclone

Six planes flying to Khabarovsk were sent to alternate airfields due to bad weather airfields. Six flights have already been redirected, according to the air harbor's Telegram channel. “Due to worsening weather conditions and unfavorable meteorological conditions, the following flights went to the alternate airfield: 5627 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk – Khabarovsk (alternate – Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ), 1712 Moscow – Khabarovsk (spare – Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), 606 Okha – Khabarovsk (spare – Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), 4596 Nikolaevsk-on-Amur – Khabarovsk (spare – Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), 107 Irkutsk – Ulan-Ude – Khabarovsk (spare – Blagoveshchensk), 71 Zeya – Khabarovsk (spare – Blagoveshchensk) “, – the message says. Earlier it became known that the city was on high alert due to bad weather. 56 units of equipment and 50 workers will be involved in the work on clearing the tracks and sprinkling with anti-ice regents, at least 22 special vehicles are planned to be used at night. Snow will be removed primarily from

The State Duma described the action plan of the West against Russia

State Duma Deputy Matveychev: The West is spreading the image of Russia as an aggressor what plan of action do the Western countries adhere to, waging a confrontation with Russia. According to him, the West has chosen the most convenient tactic, which is to “knock their heads together” between the Slavic brothers and involve buffer countries in such conflicts … “And on the sly that” war-war-war “, to convince everyone: they say – aggressive Putin attacked Ukraine, and next time there will be Poland, then there will be Turkey or someone else. Then Hungary, the Czech Republic and all the rest, “the expert said. He explained that such manipulations allow European countries to be convinced that they need to be” under the wing “of the United States and spend money on weapons in anticipation of that. that Russia is about to attack them. Matveychev noted that London and Washington do

Italy called on to replace the “Normandy format” with a new

Italian political scientist Graziani: it is necessary to replace the “Norman format” with a new one the negotiation format, which over a fairly long period of time made it possible to achieve the set goals only partially. Tiberio Graziani, a political scientist and chairman of the Vision & Global Trends analytical center (Italy), said this in an interview with Materials on the topic00:01 – 27 October France controlled the former colonies in Africa for 60 years. How did Russian mercenaries push it back? 00: 02-10 April “The interests of Ukrainians are not taken into account” The US is sending warships to the Black Sea. What is expected in the West from the aggravation in Donbass? According to him, the situation is complicated by the fact that a change of chancellor will take place in Germany soon, and presidential elections will soon be held in France. The political scientist suggested

Policeman who forced employees to commit illegal actions arrested

The head of the operational-search unit of the Security Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Transbaikalia Tokhsyrov was sent to the pre-trial detention center Sergei Tokhsyrov was arrested and sent to a pre-trial detention center; he was charged with abuse of office. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the region. “According to the investigation, the accused, exceeding their official powers, forced the head of one of the structural divisions of the police to commit illegal actions, threatening in the event non-fulfillment of their demands with negative consequences, “the Investigative Committee explained. Also, the charge was brought against the senior detective for particularly important cases in the same unit. The policeman was sent under house arrest. Earlier it became known that the head of the operational-search unit of the internal security department of the

Named five foods to improve memory

Nutritionist Razarenova advised eating avocado, chocolate and drinking green tea for memory. nutritionist Alexandra Razarenova, writes RBC. One of the five healthiest foods for memory, she named avocado, which is high in healthy fats, high in potassium, fiber and antioxidants. Pantothenic acid has a positive effect on long-term memory, and when it is lacking, a person feels tired. However, those who are overweight should not abuse avocado, it is very high in calories. Related materials 00:03 – March 13, 2020 “It's funny to get drunk on pizza” How people live, whose bodies produce alcohol by itself00: 04 – June 4, 2017 Superpeople among us Unusual fitness leaders are gaining popularity among fans of healthy lifestyles Rosemary has a beneficial effect on cognitive function and concentration, the specialist advised. It contains acetylcholine, which is needed to support thought processes. Regular consumption of olive oil will help to strengthen memory and neutralize

A high alert mode was introduced in a Russian city due to bad weather

City Hall: high alert mode was introduced in Khabarovsk due to snowfall and strong wind snowfall and strong winds are expected. This is reported on the website of the mayor's office of the Russian city. “On November 22, from 9.00, a high alert mode was introduced for the command and control bodies and forces of the RSChS link to prevent and develop an emergency situation associated with expected meteorological events. According to forecasters, strong winds and snowfalls are expected in the next two days, “the report says. 56 units of equipment and 50 workers will be involved in clearing the tracks and sprinkling with anti-icing regents; 22 special vehicles. Snow will be removed primarily from public transport routes, pedestrian crossings and stops. The Khabarovsk administration urged drivers to refuse to travel by car during heavy snowfall and not park cars along the roads so as not to interfere with cleaning.

The girl complained about the lack of money due to the huge breasts

A British woman with a 13th breast size talks about a difficult life with a large bust A resident of Bristol, England, with a 13th breast talked about the difficulties she faces in life because of the huge bust. Her story is published by the Daily Mirror. 26-year-old trichologist Shade Newberry said that her breasts began to grow in the sixth grade. According to the girl, it was then that she got her first real bra. In high school, the bust of the British woman reached the fifth size, and by the age of 17 – the ninth. Related materials00: 06 – 22 February 2017 Pull your ears upSix unusual reasons to contact a plastic surgeon00: 13 – 5 May 2017 For a dream under the knife Plastic fans turn into fantastic characters Big breasts are uncomfortable, Newberry admits. For example, she complained that due to her heavy chest weight

Caviar prices in Russia soared to historic highs

RBK: prices for salmon caviar for the first time exceeded 5 thousand rubles per kilogram Last October, the average cost of salmon caviar in Russia for the first time exceeded the mark of 5 thousand rubles per kilogram and reached an all-time high, RBC reports with reference to Rosstat data. Prices for this product for the first time demonstrated such an indicator in the entire history of observations since 2000. For 20 years, caviar has soared in price 7.4 times: in October 2000, one kilogram of the product cost 675.2 rubles in retail … At the same time, on the eve of the New Year, goods rose in price by about 30 percent compared to 2020. Prices for red fish also increased: the cost of one kilogram of chilled and frozen salmon fish increased in October 2021 compared to last year by 16 percent – from 726.9 to 845.3 rubles.