Apple will recall iPhone 12 worldwide

Defective iPhones will be recalled due to sound problems p> Journalists noticed that the American company began to accept smartphones with sound problems for return. First of all, consumers from the UAE complained about the problems. According to Apple, the problem is observed on “a very small percentage of iPhone 12 and 12 Pro.” As noted by the authors, pages with a corresponding notification appeared on the Apple support site in many regions – including Russia. This may indicate that the smartphone recall program has been launched around the world. The company documents clarify that sound problems may arise due to a component failure in the receiver module. This defect is found in some devices of the iPhone 12 series, released between October 2020 and April 2021. “IPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 Pro Max are not participating in the program,” the company said. At the end of September, Apple

Rusnano called the crisis a blow to all state-owned companies

Arikapital CEO Tretyakov: Rusnano's default will hit Gazprom, STLC and Aeroflot If the management “ Rusnano “will allow the restructuring of debts, not to mention the default, all Russian companies with state participation will suffer, as the shareholders will sharply reduce the assessment of the reliability of their securities. This was stated by Alexey Tretyakov, General Director of the managing company (MC) Arikapital, which holds part of Rusnano's bonds, Interfax reports. Among those for whom the situation could be a serious blow, the expert named such companies as Gazprom, VEB, GTLK, Aeroflot. All of them are perceived by the market not as full-fledged commercial structures, and the crisis of a 100 percent state-owned company will automatically lead to a revision of their ratings. Currently, Tretyakov stressed, the ratings of Russian quasi-sovereign companies depend on state support. Market participants believe that the authorities will not allow problems in their structures, but

A man played the lottery with the same numbers for four years and won 28 million rubles

An American wrote the same numbers on lottery tickets for several years and became rich played the lottery with the same numbers for a year and won in the end. This was reported by the UPI news agency. 62-year-old Curtis Olson purchased a lottery ticket in a store in Ironwood, Michigan. He wrote in the same numbers with which he had been playing for four years. As a result, the American hit the jackpot and became rich. “The next morning after the draw, I checked the numbers and recognized them immediately. For several days I could not move away from the shock: I could not believe it. My wife and I are in seventh heaven! ” – said the man. Olson chose to take the prize in the form of a lump sum, rather than receive $ 25,000 (1.8 million rubles) annually throughout his life. After taxes, his winnings amounted

Russian schoolchildren were sent to remote control due to frost below minus 50

In Yakutia, some schools were sent to distance learning due to frosts at 50 degrees for distance learning due to frost at 50 degrees. This was reported by the press service of the district administration on Instagram. They said that 695 students had switched to distance learning. The education department added that Russian schoolchildren did not attend full-time classes from the first in the fifth grades, in some villages, depending on the weather conditions – from the first to the seventh or the eighth grades. The lowest temperature was recorded in the village of Kylai – where the thermometers dropped to minus 50 degrees. Five degrees higher, to minus 45, the temperature rose in the village of Ogorodtakh. In other villages of the region, temperatures from minus 46 to minus 49 degrees were recorded. Earlier, in the village of Zelenoborsk in Yugra, children were transferred to remote control because of

A bill prohibiting mentioning the nationalities of criminals has been submitted to the State Duma

A bill has been introduced to the State Duma of the Russian Federation that prohibits mentioning the nationality of a criminal in the media The Parliament of the Chechen Republic has submitted to the State Duma a bill prohibiting mentioning the nationality of a criminal in the media. The corresponding document has been published in the chamber's electronic database, RIA Novosti reports.

Admiral Popov revealed his own version of the death of the submarine “Kursk”

Admiral Popov: The Kursk nuclear submarine died in 2000 as a result of a collision with a NATO submarine Former commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Vyacheslav Popov said that the nuclear submarine (nuclear submarine) K-141 “Kursk” was lost in 2000 as a result of a collision with a NATO submarine. The name of the western submarine is almost known for sure, Popov said in an interview with RIA Novosti. Admiral's version The ex-commander-in-chief of the Sevflot revealed his own version of the death of the Russian submarine. He assumed that the submarine that collided with the Kursk was tracking him. In those sea conditions and other circumstances, the western submarine failed to ensure safety, so it came too close to the Kursk. According to the admiral, she was later found off the coast of Norway. NATO submarine. And she was there, in the area where she collided with the

Economist assesses the cost of turning Ukraine into a second Switzerland

Economist Zubets: more than $ 200 billion will be required to restore Ukraine interviewed “” said that, according to the estimates of experts, the restoration of Ukraine requires 200-300 billion dollars, but the expert himself estimates such costs to be much higher amounts. Materials on the topic00:01 – April 16 “We have nowhere to retreat” Ukraine00: 02 – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky gets rid of political competitors. Why doesn't that help him hold on to power? According to the financier, in the case of planning funds not only for the restoration of the country's industry and infrastructure, but also for the restoration of roads and housing and communal services, the amount of $ 200 billion is far from the limit. “If we are talking about making a second Switzerland out of Ukraine, it will take up to $ 700 billion,” the economist believes. He also

Vilfand warned Russians about weather anomalies

Wilfand: in part of Siberia it will get 20 degrees warmer, in the Urals and the Volga region it will get colder warming by 20 degrees, and the Urals and the Volga region – a sharp cooling. The scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, warned the Russians about weather anomalies, he is quoted by RIA Novosti. “Forecast of significant negative anomalies. This is Evenkia in Siberia (10-11 degrees below normal), the minimum values ​​are 31-38 degrees below zero. In the center of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the anomaly is 10 degrees, up to minus 34 degrees in absolute value, “- said the meteorologist. He added that in the Irkutsk region frosts are predicted to minus 30 degrees, in Chukotka the temperature is expected to be ten degrees below normal – minus 35-37 degrees. According to the forecaster, residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory should expect a sharp change in the

The State Duma explained the purchase of vegetables abroad

State Duma Deputy Suleimanov: Russia buys potatoes abroad because of profitability URA.RU explained the purchase of potatoes by Russia in Egypt and other countries by the fact that it is more economically profitable than producing agricultural products on our own. “We import a large amount of potatoes from abroad, because the cost of this agricultural product will be lower if you buy it in Egypt or other countries than to produce it here, ”Suleimanov said. According to him, in Russia, the system of consumer cooperation, which used to be engaged in harvesting, has been significantly destroyed. The State Duma deputy also said that the country's products are lost, since about half of the vegetables are grown in subsidiary farms, and “people in the countryside are becoming less and less “. He noted that so far Russia can only provide itself with grain. “There are problems with vegetables, and we see

The reasons for frequent headaches explained to the Russians

Neurologist Boyarinova: headaches can talk about a lot of malfunctions in the body Izvestia explained to the Russians the reasons for frequent headaches. According to her, this can indicate a variety of malfunctions in the body. So, the pain can be primary – it is a migraine, tension headache, cluster pain, or secondary, it is caused by some other factor. Among them, the specialist named alcohol poisoning, taking pills in the wrong dosage, pathologies of the cervical spine, or diseases such as meningitis, encephalitis, vertebral artery syndrome, acute cerebrovascular accidents. “As a rule, it is impossible for a person himself to determine the causes of his headaches, many do not even try to do this, but simply drown out the pain with various painkillers, which is fundamentally wrong, because precious time can be lost for the timely correct diagnosis of diseases,” pointed out Boyarinova. She added that it is necessary