The first heated station will appear in the Moscow metro

Novomoskovskaya station will become the first heated ground-based metro station in Moscow the first heated underground metro station. The deputy mayor of the capital for urban planning policy and construction Andrei Bochkarev said this, according to the mayor's website. At the moment, Novomoskovskaya is 30 percent ready. It can be made heated with the help of a large number of ventilation equipment, which will increase the supply of warm air. The station will also insulate the lobbies and install additional double-glazed windows on the walls. The developers decided to place the equipment on the roof of the complex and used building information modeling (BIM) technologies to locate branched engineering systems. The Novomoskovskaya station is being built in the Sosenskoye settlement along the Solntsevo – Butovo – Varshavskoye highway. The builders are completing the construction of excavations and installing the structure of the station complex. In September 2021, Andrei Bochkarev said

Explained the true cause of loss of smell in coronavirus

US and Belgian scientists explain why COVID-19 patients lose their sense of smell loss of smell in COVID-19. The researchers were unable to find evidence that the infection affects the sensory neurons of the olfactory epithelium or the nerve cells of the olfactory bulb. Thus, coronavirus is not a neurotropic virus, however SARS-CoV-2 infects a different type of cells in the olfactory organs. This is reported in an article published in the journal Cell. When a cell is infected, SARS-CoV-2 binds to the ACE2 receptor on the cell membrane. This receptor is expressed on the surface of the sustentacular cells, but not on the olfactory sensory neurons, which transmit odor signals to the olfactory bulb. Sustentacular cells provide neurons with nutrients and maintain their structure. Both types of cells are continuously regenerated from stem cells of the olfactory epithelium throughout a person's life. Researchers analyzed samples of the olfactory nasal

Disclosed the optimal cost of vouchers to the favorite resort of the rich for the New Year

ATOR: the cost of a holiday in the Maldives for the New Year will cost 259 thousand rubles … This was reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). It is noted that from January 1 to November 17, the islands were visited by almost 1.1 million foreign tourists, of which 198.7 tourists came from Russia. “The ratio of organized and independent Russian tourist flow to the Maldives is now about 50 to 50 percent,” said the tourist office of the Maldives in Russia. Thus, a voucher to the favorite resort of the rich for the New Year with accommodation in a guesthouse and meals on the basis of breakfasts will cost 259 thousand rubles for seven days for two. A week-long tour with accommodation in a three-star hotel with breakfast included in the price will cost more – from 348 thousand rubles for two.

Dr. Myasnikov warned of the inevitability of the spread of the omicron strain

Doctor Myasnikov warned that the omicron strain would come to Russia in two to three months Doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov warned omicron-strain price Russia | In his Telegram channel, he suggested that the new strain would cause a new wave of coronavirus in two to three months. “Yes, because the omicron will come to us with an accuracy of 100 percent. And, most likely, it will become the dominant strain of the end of winter-spring. Even though we will close all the borders and cover ourselves with a glass jar. Will come! And we only have two or three months. Fortunately, now we are on the decline of the next wave, “Myasnikov said. According to the doctor, it is necessary to prepare for the next wave now. He noted that there is time to prepare, as the current wave of COVID-19 incidence has declined. The doctor urged the

Timati boasted a new car for 74 million rubles

Timati bought a vintage Mercedes-Benz 300SL for at least a million dollars showed the fans his new car. The corresponding publication appeared on his Instagram account. The 38-year-old musician bought a vintage Mercedes-Benz 300SL in silver with a red interior. He did not disclose the details of the configuration of the car. The cost of such a sports car starts at least one million dollars (74.9 million rubles). For example, in July, a similar Mercedes was sold for $ 1.3 million (98.3 million rubles). It is known that the Mercedes-Benz 300SL is the first sports car of the Mercedes-Benz trademark of the post-war period, the production of which began in 1955. In the story, Timati stressed that he plans to drive a car only in the summer. “A bit miscalculated with the season,” he wrote, boasting of a luxury purchase to fans. In May, Timati bought another sports car –

A new outbreak of coronavirus detected on the border of Russia and China

A new outbreak of COVID-19 was detected in China, in the border area with Russia new outbreak of coronavirus infection. 20 cases of infection in one day were detected in the Hulunbuir urban district of the northern autonomous region of the PRC Inner Mongolia, which is located on the border with Russia. This is reported by the State Health Committee of the People's Republic of China. In Hulunbuir, there is a border crossing between China and Russia Manzhuria-Zabaikalsk, which plays the role of an important trade hub between the two countries. Now in the border area, strict quarantine measures are in force: residents are prohibited from leaving Hulunbuir, public transport, markets and entertainment facilities have been suspended, and public events have been restricted. In total, 41 cases of COVID-19 infection were detected on November 28. The State Health Committee of the People's Republic of China said that 20 of them