The professor explained the spread by doctors of myths about vaccination

Professor of the RAS Nestik: doctors can believe the myths about vaccinations because of their own psychotraumas For this reason, doctors can spread myths about vaccination. According to him, doctors, like people without medical education, lose their foothold and seek emotional support against the background of their own psychological trauma caused by the pandemic, RBC reports. “Regardless of the level of education, we are all vulnerable, and a person will find a structure that will make one or another conspiracy theory consistent for him. So he again finds a foothold, receives emotional support from other similar followers of the conspiracy theory, “the scientist said. According to a survey conducted by the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the summer of 2021, among two thousand people who refused from vaccinations, the reasons were that the doctors they knew did not advise them to get vaccinated. Nestik noted

The professor called the way to deal with the omicron-strain of coronavirus

Cape Town Mendelso Hospital professor: vaccination will help against omicron strain omicron-strain of coronavirus. He stressed in an interview with REN TV that only vaccination will help against him. “At the moment, nothing has changed, the main advice, the main way to prevent the spread of the pandemic is vaccination. This is the first element of prevention. A good vaccine is only a vaccine in someone's shoulder, not on the shelf, “the specialist said. Related materials 00:01 – September 8 “Lack of vaccines is a shame” The acute phase of a pandemic could drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? 17: 19 – 27 November A new strain of coronavirus has come to Europe from Africa. ? He added that vaccinations are the foundation of herd immunity. The professor recalled that the omicron strain, like others, is transmitted through the air, therefore it is necessary to maintain

The State Duma asked Golikova to reduce the cost of PCR tests

Deputy Chairman in the State Duma Leonov asked Deputy Prime Minister Golikova to reduce the cost of PCR tests – Russian Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, asking to reduce the cost of PCR tests for coronavirus. The letter is at the disposal of RIA Novosti. “Given the high social significance and the objective need to increase the number of tests, I ask you to consider the possibility of state regulation of prices for the service of diagnosing coronavirus infection by PCR,” the appeal says. Leonov proposed setting the maximum cost of one laboratory test for Russian citizens no more than one thousand rubles.

US and Taliban held talks

State Department Representative Price: US delegation held talks with Taliban in Qatar State Department spokesman Ned Price said Qatar talks with the Taliban ( The Taliban, a terrorist organization banned in Russia ), RIA Novosti reports. A press release from the State Department says that Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West 29- On November 30, he headed a high-level interdepartmental delegation. “At talks on issues of national interest with high-ranking Taliban officials and technocratic professionals in Doha, Qatar,” the ministry said. During the talks, the Taliban promised the United States not to allow the use of Afghanistan by forces that threaten other countries. The American side expressed concern over the continued presence of international terrorist groups in Afghanistan. In addition, the American delegation promised to continue to support the efforts of the UN and other humanitarian structures, which are aimed at expanding the satisfaction of vital needs in the coming

Nutritionist reveals the consequences of completely avoiding coffee

Nutritionist Panchenko: daily coffee consumption negatively affects the liver and blood pressure She recalled in an interview with RIA Novosti that the consumption of this drink in large quantities negatively affects the liver, pancreas and blood pressure. “I recommend everyone to give up coffee for at least two weeks (as an experiment). It can significantly disrupt gastric secretion, therefore, proteins and iron from food will be absorbed worse, and the pathogenic microflora in the intestine, on the contrary, will begin to grow, ”the expert explained. Panchenko noted that in some people, caffeine causes discharge of bile. For those who suffer from constipation, the effect will be positive, on the other hand, too fast passage of food does not allow the intestines to suck out useful substances from it. In addition, coffee stimulates the nervous system and increases blood pressure. For hypotonic people this is a beneficial effect, while for people

The United States admitted participation in the arms race in China

US Air Force Chief Kendall said the US is in an arms race with China US Air Force Chief Frank Kendall in an interview with Reuters acknowledged that Washington is participating in an arms race with Beijing to develop the deadliest hypersonic weapons. “An arms race is underway, the purpose of which is not necessarily to increase their number, but to improve the quality of weapons. This arms race has been going on for a very long time. The Chinese are acting very aggressively, “Kendall said. He noted that the US military has focused its attention and spending on Iraq and Afghanistan, almost forgetting about the need to develop hypersonic weapons. The minister stressed that this is not about the fact that the United States did nothing at all, but did not do enough. The Air Force chief added that the A-10 attack aircraft, the C-130 military transport aircraft and

Germany and the USA discussed measures against Russia because of the “Nord Stream-2”

Izvestia: Germany and the USA are discussing measures against the Russian Federation using energy as a weapon measures against Russia if it uses energy as a weapon. The Foreign Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany told Izvestia about this. This is how the Ministry commented on the publication of an unofficial document on the Axios portal, which discussed the appeal of the German Embassy in Washington to the US Congress, dated November 19, with a request to waive sanctions against the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. “The authenticity of the document has not yet been confirmed, but in many respects this coincides with the rhetoric of the federal government,” said Steffen Kotrets, a member of the Bundestag from the Alternative for Germany party. He noted that this document is partly a manifestation of the policy of appeasement. At the same time, it would be more logical to interpret

New strain of coronavirus identified in 20 countries of the world

The head of NIAID Anthony Fauci: omicron-strain of coronavirus detected in 20 countries in 226 patients world, said the director of the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the United States, Anthony Fauci, writes TASS. According to him, in total, 226 cases of infection with the new type of COVID-19 have been registered in the world. He noted that as early as Monday, November 29, this was 18 states and 205 cases. The head of the organization is confident that the numbers will grow steadily. Earlier, atypical symptoms of the new omicron strain of coronavirus became known. When infected with a new variant of COVID-19, the sense of smell and taste does not disappear, only an increase in temperature and loss of strength is noted. In addition, most patients also have a rapid heart rate. Doctors note that the omicron strain is primarily spreading among young people.

The chief infectious disease specialist of the United States called the problem that has worsened due to the coronavirus

US Chief Infectious Disease Officer Vauchi: The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously hampered the fight against HIV US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Anthony Fauci said The coronavirus pandemic has intensified the fight against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). He announced this at a meeting of the UN General Assembly, RIA Novosti reports. Fauci called the situation with HIV a problem, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to him, the coronavirus has seriously interfered with the fight against HIV/AIDS, “pulling off scientific and financial resources, interrupting supply chains and increasing the risk of contracting another deadly virus for people with HIV.” “To counter this challenges, we must intensify our collaborative research efforts and free supply chains. We must also ensure that people living with HIV in all countries have prompt access to vaccines and drugs for COVID-19, while supplies of HIV drugs are also maintained, ”Fauci said. Fauci previously named a way

Crimea appreciated the significance of Lukashenka's visit

Head of the Crimean Parliament Konstantinov: Lukashenka’s visit will give a start to joint projects As the head of the Crimean parliament Vladimir Konstantinov told RIA Novosti, this will give a start for the development of joint projects. “We saw the public reaction of the President of Belarus to the invitation to Crimea, now we are waiting. I am convinced that this will happen and give a start to joint projects that we and the citizens of friendly Belarus need, “the parliamentarian said. The head of the Crimean public chamber Alexander Formanchuk pointed out that Lukashenko should have visited the peninsula back in 2014, after the referendum. He added that the head of the Belarusian state has abandoned the policy of double standards and acts as a real ally of Russia. Earlier, Lukashenka recognized Crimea as Russian de facto and de jure. The head of the Belarusian state also spoke