The former model spoke about the “slaves” containing her

Financial dominatrix spoke about sponsors who pay for her jewelry and furs , California, spoke about the “slaves” containing her. Her story is published by the Daily Star. According to the Diamond Diva Princess, she has more than seven thousand “money slaves” who pay for her luxurious life. For example, Diva charges $ 50 (four thousand rubles) for a minute conversation on the phone, and $ 500 (37 thousand rubles) for a three-minute video in which she spends the money transferred to her. “I have a lot of videos, photos and audio recordings that cost from $ 100 to $ 500 per piece (from 7.5 to 37 thousand rubles), and my clients love to pay for them,” she said. Related materials00 : 02 – 15 November 2017 The buoy is to blame for everything She dreamed of a cruise with sex slaves, but got lost at sea with a fighting

Biologist described the course of the disease when infected with two strains of coronavirus at once

Biologist Baranova: it is possible to become infected with two strains of coronavirus, but the strong will drive out the weak their entry into the body, a struggle will begin between several varieties, in which, as a rule, the strong version of the virus displaces the weak one. So the course of the disease in the case of infection with two strains at once in an interview with “” was described by Ancha Baranova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia, USA). “These viruses will start competing with each other to occupy human cells,” Baranova said. – That is, it will not matter for a person whether he has become infected with three, two strains or one. Early on, some kind of virus will win. It is unlikely that several variants of the coronavirus remain for a long time. ” Baranova

Emelianenko threatened to beat Shlemenko in the ring after criticizing the fight with Santos

MMA fighter Emelianenko: Shlemenko is a hero only in the press, I won't fight with him, but I will beat him Russian MMA fighter Alexander Emelianenko replied to criticism of former Bellator middleweight champion Alexander Shlemenko after his defeat against Brazilian Marcio Santos. He threatened to beat his opponent in the ring, VseProSport reports. Emelianenko said that the opponent can only make statements in the press, but as soon as it comes to a real fight, he has other ambitions and fights, he immediately “Begins to slide out.” Would I like to fight him? I will not fight him, I will beat him, “the fighter emphasized. Earlier, Shlemenko advised MMA fighter Alexander Emelianenko to drink less. Thus, he commented on his defeat against Brazilian Marcio Santos. The athlete noted that he did not expect the victory of the Russian rival in the first round. The Russian mixed style fighter lost

The doctor named foods that increase the risk of thrombosis after COVID-19

Nutritionist Zaletova called foods with vitamin K that increase the risk of thrombosis thrombosis after COVID-19. According to the nutritionist, greens contain a lot of vitamin K, which can partially inhibit the work of some anticoagulants based on the active substance warfarin. “When we prescribe this drug, we recommend eliminating or evenly distributing green foods in the diet,” Zaletova said. Another risk factor is taking medications that increase blood clotting. In this case, the patient should also not overuse green vegetables. However, if a person takes drugs that affect the density of the blood, a previous coronavirus infection is a reason to reduce the portions of green food to reduce the likelihood of thrombosis. “For a person who is not on a drug that increases blood clotting, this is not important,” – explained the nutritionist, noting that when eating green vegetables in large quantities, the blood will clot faster, which

In Russia, applications for reading books will be massively installed on smartphones

Applications for reading and listening to books will be installed on gadgets in Russia This is stated in a document published on the website of the country's government. The resolution was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. “The list includes applications for reading, listening to electronic and audio books,” the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers said. The changes are expected to take effect from March 1, 2022. The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media should select free programs that will be massively preinstalled on devices from January 1, 2023. As noted in the government, the decision to preinstall such programs on smartphones was made in order to create equal competitive conditions for Russian developers and Western players. Owners of gadgets will be able to make their choice of programs on their own: install the necessary applications and erase installed ones if they are not needed.

Nutritionist named foods prohibited for heart disease

Nutritionist Konovalova forbade people with heart disease to eat fatty meats and sugary foods people with heart disease. She called for excluding fatty and sweet foods from the diet, RIA Novosti reports. Konovalova called fatty meats and poultry, fatty dairy products and highly processed foods prohibited for heart disease. “The WHO recommends to include in the diet up to 10 percent of the total daily caloric intake of saturated fat, and up to one percent of trans fats,” she stressed. In addition, there should be no more than five grams of salt per day. day. The nutritionist also called for reducing the proportion of foods with a large amount of added sugars to 5-10 percent of the daily calories. “These include not only sugar, but also honey, preserves, jams, syrups, concentrated juices,” the doctor said. The physician added that patients with a weak heart should include at least 500 grams

Created Cancer-Killing Cytokine Nanoparticles

Russian scientists have created a modified cytokine to suppress cancer Russian scientists have created polymer nanoparticles that kill cancer. These particles are associated with the anti-tumor protein TRAIL DR5, which causes cell death. The study is briefly described in a press release on the Godnauki.rf website. TRAIL is a cytokine that interacts with five cellular receptors. When binding to two of them – DR4 and DR5 – signals of apoptosis are triggered, that is, programmed cell death. However, the other three receptors inhibit signal transmission or block them altogether. In addition, the body itself may not produce enough cytokines to suppress tumor growth, and the artificially injected TRAIL is rapidly cleared from the body. Researchers have created modified cytokines that are more likely to bind to the DR4 or DR5 receptor. TRAIL DR5 targets DR5, and this modified cytokine is delivered to the target organ by nanoparticles consisting of amphiphilic

The European Union urged to recognize Russian certificates of vaccination

MEP Ushakov called on the European Union to recognize Russian COVID certificates Former Mayor of Riga, MEP Ushakov from Latvia N vaccinated against COVID-19 by the Russian Sputnik V should be recognized in the European Union, and the certificates of those vaccinated by Pfizer or Moderna – in Russia, he wrote on Facebook. “The EU, Russia and China must mutually recognize vaccines. Certificates with “Sputnik” must work in the EU, and with the same Pfizer or Moderna – in Russia. We cannot allow a new closure of borders, “Ushakov urged. Earlier, the European Union told about the tests of the Sputnik V vaccine. The representative of the regulator Fergus Sweeney said that experts from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) continue to evaluate the Russian drug. Sweeney promised to inform when the experts move on to the next stage of research.

Onishchenko assessed the danger of the omicron strain

Honored Doctor of Russia Onishchenko urged not to panic because of the omicron-strain of coronavirus Onishchenko, in an interview with RIA Novosti, assessed the danger of the new omicron strain of coronavirus, saying that there is no reason for panic because of its appearance. health organizations, omicron is more infectious, but this happens with all new variants of the virus. According to the physician, now it is impossible to say that this is “something out of the ordinary, it is impossible.” “As for virulence, that is, the danger, while we, fortunately, do not see any new, more severe symptoms,” Onishchenko noted. Earlier, Professor and Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Cape Town Hospital Mark Mendelso called a way to combat the omicron strain of coronavirus. According to him, the main way to prevent the spread of the pandemic is vaccination. On November 11, a new strain of coronavirus

A soldier who tried to knock out the door with an ax bit a policeman

In the Odessa region, a man under the influence of drugs tried to knock out a colleague's door with an ax with an ax the door of someone else's apartment and bit the policeman who came to the call, UNIAN reports. The police received a message that an unknown person in military uniform is trying to cut through the door of one of the apartments with an ax. Law enforcement officers arrived at the scene and tried to detain the suspect, but he resisted and bit one of the policemen by the hand. Later it was possible to establish that a conflict occurred between the detainee and his colleague, who lived in the apartment into which he tried to break in. Eyewitnesses said that the incident took place in the village of Limanskoye. The man had an ax with him, as well as an object that looked like a knife.