Nutritionist describes the perfect dinner for losing weight

Dietitian Dick: Carbohydrates can be used for dinner with a diet, if they did not predominate during the day Dietitian Tatiana Dick described an ideal dinner for those who are losing weight. She pointed out in an interview with RIA Novosti that with a diet for dinner, you can even carbohydrates, if they did not prevail during the day. The specialist recommended starting from what was eaten during the day. If carbohydrate foods predominate, then in the evening it is worth eating protein and fiber, for example, fish, poultry, seafood with vegetable salad or stew. You can also eat cottage cheese with berries or fruits. “And if you haven't eaten carbohydrates, then add a side dish in the form of porridge or a couple of baked potatoes to your dinner. Carbohydrates for dinner are also possible, and sometimes they are even necessary, “Tatiana Dik explained. Earlier, psychologist, expert on eating

In the United States explained the mutations of the omicron strain COVID-19

US CDC: Omicron COVID-19 mutations may indicate vaccine resistance Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC The US explained that mutations in the omicron strain of COVID-19 could indicate resistance to existing vaccines. TASS writes about this. The regulator said in a statement that the American authorities have decided to consider the omicron strain an “option of concern,” since coronavirus mutations may indicate a decrease in the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID-19 and certain types of treatment monoclonal antibodies. The CPKZ also said that at the moment no cases of omicron-strain disease have been detected in the United States. Previously, Pavel Volchkov recalled that the omicron has 14 mutations that he “collected” from previously identified types of coronavirus, and there are special ones – 21. Scientists consider three changes to be the most dangerous. The newest strain COVID-19 B.1.1.529 was identified in South Africa, it was assigned the Greek

In Poland predicted the attack of Russian “old combat aircraft”

Defense24: according to the current state of the armed forces, Poland is similar to Armenia According to the current state of the armed forces, Poland is similar to Armenia, and Russia to Belarus – on Azerbaijan, writes Defense24, analyzing the last major conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, in which Baku, which had reconnaissance drones at its disposal, won a landslide victory over Yerevan. According to the Polish publication, Azerbaijan not only purchased a variety of modern weapons, including high-precision loitering ammunition and reconnaissance drones, but also managed to adapt old Soviet equipment to the conditions of modern combat for reasonable funds. “As it turned out in Nagorno-Karabakh, ground-based firing positions are more a target for drones than a refuge,” the publication says. The publication predicts an attack on Poland “old combat aircraft”. “Therefore, after Nagorno-Karabakh, it should be assumed that old combat aircraft converted into unmanned false targets, which on the radar

Akhmetov's response to Zelensky is described on charges of preparing a coup

Political scientist Bondarenko: oligarch Akhmetov will sue President Zelensky for libel .ru “described the likely actions of the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov on the accusations of President Volodymyr Zelensky of preparing a coup d'etat. The expert is sure that it is a matter of honor for a businessman to demand an answer from the head of state for his act. “He was slandered, this is a blow to his business and personal reputation. I think that he will sue, perhaps even internationally, since Akhmetov's companies are listed on the London Stock Exchange, “the political scientist said. He added that Zelensky's unfounded accusations hit foreign investors as well invested in Akhmetov's company. Bondarenko called the local oligarchs the immune system of the Ukrainian economy, which is holding the country back from the penetration of transnational corporations into its territory. Therefore, according to the specialist, the United States is interested in discrediting them.

Russia's failures in foreign policy were explained by obsession with the past

Political scientist Ageeva: Russia's foreign policy suffers due to obsession with the past Russia suffers from its negative agenda in foreign policy, because it does not attract a mass audience. Most of the positive is focused on the past – this also explains many of the failures. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg Vera Ageeva in a conversation with As an example, the political scientist cited the work of Russian media abroad – RT and Sputnik, which were repeatedly subjected to pressure from the authorities of Western countries. Ageeva believes that they are being “pressed” because of an overly negative agenda. “[These media] actively criticize migration policy in Europe, thanks to which they have occupied a niche on the alternative agenda, which is ignored by mainstream media abroad. But

The first Russian region began to require QR codes for flights

Air carriers began to demand QR codes from passengers for flights within the Khabarovsk Territory codes for flights within the subject, said the head of Khabarovsk Airlines, Yuri Kondratchik, REN TV reports. According to him, from June 18, most routes required a negative PCR test result. “As a matter of fact, nothing new has happened for the majority of passengers from today,” the head of the air carrier noted. In addition to the PCR test, they are now required to show a QR code during the planting phase. Flight attendants have a special device for reading the code. General Director of Khabarovsk Airport Yuri Kondratchik stressed that QR codes will be checked only on flights within the region. At the same time, people who do not have such a document can enter the air harbor, provided that they observe precautionary measures: use masks and antiseptics. Earlier, the Federation Council Committee

Humanity will have to give up beer and video games to save it from disaster

Credit Suisse: To combat global warming, we need to change our way of life … Credit Suisse analysts have found that, among other things, people will need to give up video games, frequent washing, drinking beer and meat to combat warming, RIA Novosti reports. The researchers studied the daily habits of the planet's inhabitants in different areas – food, travel, clothing, entertainment, home appliances, fitness – and suggested how they would change against the backdrop of global warming. Experts have found that, on average, 3.4 tons of annual carbon dioxide emissions are per person in the world. The population of developed countries harms the environment the most – emissions from one household reached 130 tons per year. Analysts have identified four categories of consumers – “travel little, buy online”, “buyers with medium mobility”, “active buyers with a high carbon footprint ”and“ avid travelers ”. For each type of person, they

US discussed with NATO support for Ukraine against “Russian aggression”

US Secretary of State Blinken, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg discussed support for Ukraine against Russia US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken held talks with NATO Secretary General They discussed cooperation in support of Ukraine against “Russian aggression” and arms control, RIA Novosti reports. State Department spokesman Ned Price said that Blinken and NATO Secretary General discussed the importance of continuing consultations and the unity of the alliance on various issues , including support for Ukraine against aggression by Russia. In addition, the parties considered the preparation of a new strategic concept for NATO, arms control and regional security. Blinken and Stoltenberg talked in Riga as part of the NATO ministerial meeting. Previously, Bely's press secretary Jen Psaki said at home that the United States is ready to impose sanctions on Russia because of the situation near the border with Ukraine. “We are always ready for any action, and we also

Russian planes flew to Afghanistan for evacuation

Three Russian military transport aircraft flew to Afghanistan for the third evacuation Three Russian military transport aircraft flew to Afghanistan for the third evacuation of citizens and delivery of humanitarian aid. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Russian Ministry of Defense. According to TASS, the first plane landed at the Kabul airport. “The first aircraft of the Military Transport Aviation of the Russian Ministry of Defense with humanitarian aid landed at the airport of Kabul of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,” the department said. Each aircraft carries humanitarian aid from Russia for the residents of Afghanistan. In November, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the Russian Ministry of Defense, on behalf of the head of state Vladimir Putin, was evacuating citizens from Afghanistan who needed to leave in an extremely turbulent situation there. According to the presidential press secretary, not only Russians were evacuated, but also

Russian senator named the reasons for the fall in Biden's rating

Senator Pushkov: Biden's rating is falling due to problems of domestic and foreign policy the reasons for the drop in the rating of US President Joe Biden. According to the senator, this is a natural phenomenon due to problems of domestic and foreign policy, including the imposition of tolerance and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. ” A natural decline in Biden's rating: there is no action program, foreign policy is indistinct, bedlam in the country has been and remains, plus the epidemic is not waning. Here is the result, “Pushkov emphasized. Earlier it became known that most of the American voters blame US President Joe Biden, Congress, corporations and China for supply chain disruptions that have led to higher prices and a shortage of goods. Such data follows from a Morning Consult poll. Prior to this, the approval rating of Biden's policy among Americans reached a new anti-record and dropped to