In Ukraine, the Deputy Chief of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy will be condemned

The prosecutor's office of Ukraine decided to condemn in absentia the deputy head of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Federation Berezovsky to convict Denis Berezovsky, Vice Admiral, Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, by sending an indictment to the court. This is stated in a corresponding statement on Facebook. Berezovsky, whose name is not indicated in the statement, is being charged with high treason, as well as the creation and leadership of a criminal organization. The specified citizen of Ukraine in 1992 swore allegiance to the Ukrainian people, taking on the responsibility to defend Ukraine, and began military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine prosecutor's office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea The materials say that on March 1, 2014, Alexander Turchinov, who at that time was acting President of Ukraine, appointed the current Deputy Chief Commander of the Russian Federation to the post

Russian planes deliver humanitarian cargo to Afghanistan

Three Russian Il-76s arrived in Kabul to evacuate citizens and delivered 36 tons of cargo Three Russian planes flew to Afghanistan to evacuate citizens … In addition, they delivered 36 tons of humanitarian cargo, RIA Novosti reports citing the press service of the country's Defense Ministry. Three Il-76 military transport aircraft arrived at the Kabul airport and delivered the cargo – now they are landing evacuees citizens for departure from Afghanistan. In order to provide the necessary medical care and support to the citizens of Russia and other countries, each vehicle carries a medical and nursing brigade of military doctors with the necessary medical equipment and medicines. In addition, on all aircraft to ensure the flight of evacuees from Afghanistan there is an adequate supply of drinking water, blankets and individual rations. Earlier, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the Russian Ministry of Defense, on

The blogger came up with an original way to attract the attention of an ex-boyfriend

A TikTok user threw a fake wedding to get the attention of an ex-boyfriend A TikTok user using the name @dieschaklin. The blogger threw a fake wedding and even hired a photographer to capture the “special moments” and see her ex-boyfriend's reaction. Her video, published on TikTok in mid-November, drew the attention of The Mirror. The author of the video said that she once played her own wedding and held a professional photo session with the “groom” for this. The girl admitted that she did it in the hope that her ex-boyfriend would react to the pictures and write to her. In the photographs she posed in a white dress and with a wedding bouquet. “The worst thing in this story is that he still saw the photographs and still hasn’t written to me,” the blogger admitted. According to her, this method of attracting a boyfriend did not work for

Named vegetable to help significantly reduce stroke risk

Nutritionist Pflugradt: eating sweet potatoes can significantly reduce the risk of stroke helps to significantly (by 24 percent) reduce the risk of stroke in humans, according to the Medic Forum. The specialist noted that millions of people become victims of stroke every year, but there is a tendency towards a decrease in the number of deaths from this disease. This can be avoided by taking measures to improve cardiovascular health and by following a diet. The best foods for this are sweet potatoes and regular potatoes. She also said that she can help maintain healthy blood pressure, which is a leading risk factor for stroke. This will be irreplaceable foods high in potassium, such as potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, prunes, melons or soybeans. Previously head of the neurorehabilitation department, neurologist of the highest category Natalya Suponeva said that 80 percent patients who have had a hard time coronavirus infection develop neurological

Russians warned about the most common injuries in winter

Traumatologists Ternova and Katulin named falls and fractures the most frequent injuries in winter Traumatologist Artem Katulin, PhD, recalled that the risk of injury increases in winter. Experts warned about the most common injuries during this period, reports RT. Traumatologists called a fall from a height of their own growth and a fracture of the radius in the area of ​​the hand and elbow the most frequent injuries in winter. To avoid such damage, you need to choose shoes with tread soles and not be distracted when walking on your phone. “A small piece of ice can delay your life for two to three months. Look at your feet on potentially slippery areas, slightly bend your knees for better shock absorption and keep your hands free, ”Ternova warned Russians. damage. Katulin added that most often Russians get a fracture of the radius when falling, leaning on the arm. He also

Datsik described life in prison

MMA fighter Vyacheslav Datsik about life in prison: they wanted to break me, but it didn't work out Russian mixed style fighter (MMA) Vyacheslav Datsik on Instagram he talked about life in prison. “They wanted to break me, but it didn't work out. There were pressmen, cyclists, and Typhoon. Once they beat me so that my head literally cracked, and then I could not sleep for six months. I don’t know how I survived then, ”the athlete described. He added that he fought with other prisoners, but only by mutual consent. Datsik gained popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In his first official fight, he knocked out the future Absolute Fighting Championship (UFC) champion Andrei Orlovsky. Recently, Datsik has been focusing on performances in pop-MMA and fights according to the rules of boxing or kickboxing. The fighter has repeatedly had problems with the law, judges, served a sentence.

A friend of Gradsky spoke about the artist's “fatal mistake”

A friend of the singer Gradsky Karaulov: the show “Voice” gave him everything, but in the end took his life Singer and composer Alexander Gradsky accepted the offer become a mentor in the tenth season of the Voice show on Channel One, and this was his fatal mistake, journalist Andrei Karaulov said on his YouTube channel. He deeply experiences the death of an artist with whom he had been friends for many years. Karaulov believes that Gradsky himself brought himself to death. After the 72-year-old singer suffered the coronavirus in September, it became difficult for him to move. Due to the unsuccessful fall, the musician broke his leg in several places, and this aggravated the general condition. Despite feeling unwell, he agreed to become a mentor in the tenth season of the “Voice” project. “” Voice “is a project that gave him everything, and in the end took his life.

Pension growth linked to ruble risks

Alpari analyst Bodrova linked the prospects for the weakening of the ruble with the indexation of pensions the impact on the Russian currency may be oil quotes and the risks associated with a new strain of coronavirus. This is the conclusion reached by analysts interviewed by The announced indexation of pensions will require the allocation of more public funds. If commodity prices remain in the range of $ 65-75 per barrel of Brent, then it will be necessary to look for money to fulfill the promises. The easiest way to do this is to slightly devalue the ruble. We need to be prepared for a certain weakening of the Russian currency in the next six to eight months Alpari senior analyst Anna Bodrova According to the law on the budget of the Russian Pension Fund, which, as TASS reported, was adopted by the State Duma at the end of

Cuban doctors are developing a vaccine against the omicron strain of coronavirus

Cuban biomedical holding BioCubaFarma is working on a vaccine against omicron strain this was announced by the director of the organization Eduardo Martinez Diaz on Twitter. The work on the drug is planned to be completed as soon as possible. “We have carefully studied the reports on the new version of omicron. We are already developing special vaccines. If necessary, we will develop them as soon as possible, “said Diaz. Related materials 00:01 – September 8 ” Lack of vaccines – it's a shame. ”The acute phase of the pandemic could drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? 17: 19 – 27 November ? Earlier, Professor and Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Cape Town Hospital Mark Mendelso called a way to combat the omicron strain of coronavirus. He stressed that only vaccination will help against infection. The scientist added that vaccinations are the basis