Russians prepared to take out loans to celebrate the New Year every tenth Russian is ready to take out a loan to celebrate the holidays well Every tenth Russian (11 percent) is ready take out a loan before the New Year to celebrate the holidays well. However, the majority (89 percent) do not consider such an opportunity for themselves. This is evidenced by the results of a survey by the service, excerpts from it are quoted by TASS. Of those who are ready to borrow money, 38 percent would like to take 50 thousand rubles, and 25 percent – up to 100 thousand, another 6 percent said they were ready to take more than 150 thousand rubles from the bank. 7 percent are ready to borrow up to 200 thousand rubles, and 5 percent – up to 250 thousand rubles. Over this amount, 19 percent of respondents are ready to borrow on New Year's holidays. Speaking about spending, the

Hundreds of Russian tourists stuck in the Dominican Republic

Hundreds of Russians could not fly from the Dominican Republic and were stuck in the country for a day in the country for at least a day. This was reported by the REN TV channel. As noted, the Russians were supposed to take off on Tuesday, November 30, but it turned out that the plane did not arrive. “We were supposed to take off at eight in the morning local time, and now it is four o'clock the next day. The board, which we will be returning to, is now in St. Petersburg. It departs from St. Petersburg with a delay, but the airline did not respond, “said one of the tourists. The flight is delayed for more than 20 hours. The tour operator of the stranded Russians does not have accurate information about the departure time. Nevertheless, the hotel made a concession to tourists and allowed them to stay

Ukraine explained the lack of mobilization

The adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine explained the lack of mobilization by the economy The recording is available on YouTube. Arestovich said that mobilization is a huge burden on the country's economy. “We can keep reservists ready for a month, and since there is a strategic initiative in Russia, they can move attack for a month. We will dismiss the reservists – and here they will attack or they will pretend to attack, bringing the crisis in Ukraine to a peak, ”he explained. Arestovich said that the call for reservists will take place when there are real signs of an offensive. “So far there are no such signs, there is a transfer of the Russian group to the highest degree of combat readiness,” he added According to Arestovich, if Russia decides to attack Ukraine, it will be visible in at least three days.

FSB came with searches to the Russian morgue

FSB operatives came to the Orenburg morgue with a search On Wednesday, December 1, the site reports. According to the newspaper, operational measures were carried out in the funeral hall and in the department for paperwork. At this time, the special forces ensured the safety of the employees, controlling the perimeter. After the completion of all the measures, the materials were transferred to the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the initiation of a criminal case. However, it is not yet known under which article the case was initiated. According to Izvestia, a number of media outlets wrote that a few months ago a conflict broke out in the forensic medical services of Orenburg. On November 25, it was reported that large-scale searches were carried out at the Sevastopol market in Moscow, initiated by the FSB.

Russian companies will be obliged to report on saving the planet

The Ministry of Natural Resources will oblige Russian companies to report the amount of greenhouse gas emissions Companies will be required to report the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The corresponding project was prepared by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. The law approves the methodology for calculating the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The new rules will affect all enterprises, but from January 1, 2023, only companies that emit more than 150 thousand tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere will have to report. By 2025, the requirements will apply to organizations responsible for the emissions of more than 50 thousand tons of greenhouse gases. Reducing CO2 emissions is one of the goals needed to save the planet. The data will be transferred to Roshydromet, which will compile a national inventory of emissions and removals. The document will be presented to the UN in the

The Governor of the Kemerovo Region spoke about the condition of the victims in Listvyazhnaya

Governor Tsivilev: 16 victims of the accident in Listvyazhnaya are in hospitals mine “Listvyazhnaya”, one of them is in serious condition. This was stated by the Governor of the Kemerovo Region Sergei Tsivilev in his Telegram channel. According to him, three victims who are being treated in hospitals are in a state of moderate severity, 12 – in a satisfactory one. Another 60 people are being treated on an outpatient basis.

Sobchak showed the figure in the photo in a bikini and surprised fans

The figure of Ksenia Sobchak in a purple bikini on a beach photo amazed her subscribers Corresponding pictures and comments appeared on her Instagram page. The 40-year-old celebrity is captured in a purple bikini set, lying on a sun lounger against the background of the sea. The image of Sobchak was complemented by sunglasses. The picture is known to have been taken in Dubai. The publication received more than 38 thousand likes. Subscribers appreciated the journalist's appearance and began to write compliments to her in the comments. “The figure is perfect”, “Ksenia, how do you manage to be in shape when you have time for everything?”, “Sobchak is good!”, “Ksenia, you have lost a lot of weight, super!” – they admired. In October, fans did not recognize Ksenia Sobchak on the cover of the fashion magazine Tatler. In the photo, she is captured on a pink background with hair extensions

British Foreign Minister drove a tank near the borders of Russia

Times: British Foreign Minister Truss rode a tank near the Russian border in Estonia borders of Russia in Estonia. This is reported by The Times. According to the newspaper, the Foreign Minister wanted to cause an association with the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher. The latter made a similar trip in a tank in 1998 during a visit to Germany. Trass accused Russia of malicious acts and urged not to make a strategic mistake by invading Ukraine. According to her, NATO foreign ministers will gather in Latvia to discuss strategies for responding to the build-up of Russian military forces near the Ukrainian borders. On November 14, it became known that the British called Rouss incompetent and condemned her after statements that Russia is responsible for the migration crisis on the Belarusian-Polish border. Daily Express readers expressed uncertainty about the diplomat's knowledge of foreign policy and hoped

At the airport of Chelyabinsk reported on the mining of the runway

Chelyabinsk airport e-mail received a message about the bomb At the Chelyabinsk airport, they reported about the mining of the runway. URA.RU writes about this with reference to the regional ministry of transport. According to the Ministry of Transport, at 9:45 am, the airport received information about the mining of the runway at Kurchatov International Airport. “This information is now being verified,” the department said. Earlier in October, police detained a man at Moscow's Domodedovo airport who joked about the presence of a bomb. It was noted that the passenger approached the information desk and informed the security service that he had brought an explosive device with him. Police officers detained the intruder and put him on the floor.