Catastrophic changes in the Arctic predicted due to warming

Nature Communication: Snowfall in the Arctic will be replaced by rain due to warming Rain will replace snowfall in the Arctic decades earlier. This is the conclusion reached by an international team of scientists based on improved models. The results of the study are presented in an article published in the journal Nature Communication. It is known that the Arctic region heats up much faster than the rest of the planet, as a result of the melting of sea ice, which saturates the air with water vapor and is likely to lead to a significant increase in precipitation. Now scientists have shown that the transition from annual precipitation with a predominance of snowfalls to precipitation with a predominance of rain will occur one or two decades earlier, if the current rate of carbon dioxide emissions continues. On the other hand, if the goal can be achieved. Of the Paris Agreement

AvtoVAZ raised prices for all Lada models

Prices for the entire Lada model range have grown by an average of three percent since December 1 the entire model range of Lada, on average the cost of cars increased by three percent. According to Drom, Lada Granta has risen in price by 28 thousand rubles, Lada Vesta – by 40 thousand rubles, and Lada Largus – by 32 thousand rubles. This is the seventh price increase since the beginning of the year. In total, since the beginning of 2021, Lada Granta has risen in price by 20 percent, Lada Vesta – by 23 percent, Lada Xray – by 21 percent, Lada Largus – by 24 percent. Earlier, the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, noted that AvtoVAZ increased the cost of cars by an average of 9-12 percent over the year, that is, at the level of competitors. According to the head of Rostec, the growth in the cost

Ukraine offered NATO to strengthen sanctions against Russia

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba called on NATO to unite efforts to contain Russia Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba took part in a Foreign Ministers of NATO member states. This was reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. He called for uniting the efforts of Ukraine and NATO to deter Russia “from further aggressive actions” and suggested that the NATO member states tighten sanctions against Moscow, as well as strengthen the defense capabilities of Kiev. Related materials00: 01 – April 16 “We have nowhere to retreat” DPR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine 17:26 – 23 November The DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why are Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? “Ukraine is actively working with partners to implement a comprehensive containment package consisting of political,

Lavrov justified the words of Lukashenka about nuclear weapons by the recklessness of the West

Lavrov considered Lukashenko's words about the deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus as a warning Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov believes that Alexander the possibility of placing Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus is a warning to Western countries. RIA Novosti quotes the diplomat. “I would take this statement as a very serious warning, which is dictated, first of all, by the reckless policy pursued by the West,” Lukashenka justified the words of Lavrov. At the same time, the diplomat did not disclose whether he considers such statements to be realizable. The Belarusian president threatened that he would offer his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to return nuclear weapons to the republic if similar NATO systems ended up in Poland. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg previously spoke about plans to move American nuclear systems “to the east” if Germany refuses to deploy them. At the same time, in July 1993, Belarus officially

The Foreign Ministry explained the expulsion of American diplomats

Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov: the expulsion of the US Embassy staff is a compulsory measure in relation to Russian diplomats. This is how the expulsion of American diplomats was explained by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, RIA Novosti reports. Ryabkov added that Russia urges the United States to abandon such measures. He also noted that the American side still has time to stop the expulsion of Russian diplomats before Moscow retaliates. Earlier on December 1, the Russian Foreign Ministry ordered the US Embassy staff to leave Moscow. As stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, by January 31, 2022, employees of the US Embassy who have been in Moscow for more than three years must leave Russia. Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov said that 27 Russian diplomats will leave the United States January 30, and the same number will leave on June 30,

Shoigu gave the military two days off before the New Year

Russian Defense Minister Shoigu signed an order on days off for the military on December 29 and 30 The Russian military will receive two days off before the New Year holidays. The corresponding order was signed by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, TASS reports. The personnel of the armed forces will rest on December 29 and 30 for the previous working Saturdays, the minister explained.

Man overturned on a boat managed to survive on the high seas

A 69-year-old man who capsized on a boat spent 22 hours at sea and managed to survive , and, having spent 22 hours on the high seas, managed to survive. The Guardian writes about this. The 69-year-old man, whose name has not been disclosed, was the only person on the boat that was heading to the resort island of Yakushima from the southwestern Kagoshima prefecture on Saturday, November 27. When the ship crashed and capsized, the Japanese managed not only to get out of the water, but also to inform his colleague about the incident. Despite the fact that emergency services immediately began looking for the man, rescuers were only able to reach him the next day. The Japanese was noticed 22 hours later – according to the Coast Guard, he was sitting on the engine of an overturned boat, holding on to the propeller. The Coast Guard noted the

The Ministry of Health warned of exacerbation of heart disease after COVID-19

Cardiologist of the Ministry of Health Boitsov: after COVID-19, heart and vascular diseases worsen After COVID-19, people with heart and vascular diseases risks of exacerbation of chronic diseases. This was warned by the chief freelance cardiologist of the Russian Ministry of Health, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Boytsov, he is quoted by TASS. “The risk of decompensation or worsening of heart and vascular diseases increases. Often this requires correction of drug therapy after consulting a cardiologist or therapist, “Boytsov said. According to him, it is important for people with chronic diseases to undergo an in-depth medical examination and be monitored at a dispensary for the underlying disease, in order to correct treatment. The cardiologist stressed that the most effective way to prevent coronavirus is vaccination, along with compliance with all epidemiological restrictions, including wearing masks and social distance. Previously, hematologist Diana Kim called the post-covid symptom, which

Poland accused Belarus of shelling the border with pneumatic weapons

Ministry of Defense of Poland: lighting masts fired from the territory of Belarus pneumatic weapons. The Belarusian military attaché will be summoned for the proceedings. This is stated in the message of the Polish department on Twitter. The Ministry of Defense added that as a result the headlights on the masts were completely destroyed. The Minister of National Defense of Poland, Mariusz Blaszczak, called the incident a provocation by the Belarusian authorities. The situation at the border has worsened due to the thousands of migrants who are trying to break into the European Union. The Polish authorities have strengthened the protection of the borders, pulled together the military and thwarted attempts by illegal immigrants to enter the country. The Belarusian authorities are blamed for the outbreak of the crisis, in particular, President Alexander Lukashenko.