The FSB general spoke about the interest of the US intelligence services in the correspondence of the Russian security officials

FSB Major General Mikhailov: NSA is interested in the correspondence of Russian security officials US intelligence services, including the National Security Agency (NSA), are interested correspondence in the messengers of the Russian security forces. On Wednesday, December 1, retired FSB Major General Alexander Mikhailov told the portal. According to Mikhailov, the NSA may have access to WhatsApp correspondence. The American intelligence services constantly “scan” some users, but do not tell about it. At the same time, he noted that they have no interest in representatives of the marginalized environment and the opposition, and that Americans are much less interested in politicians than in the security forces, but they can watch their correspondence. Mikhailov noted that the Americans can do this because of for a small amount of domestic software and instant messengers, with the exception of Telegram and VKontakte. On November 30, it was reported that American intelligence officers,

Anti-vaccine preacher dies of COVID-19

TV preacher who has repeatedly opposed vaccinations dies due to COVID-19 Multiple anti-vaccination TV evangelist Markus Lamb died after contracting COVID-19. This was reported on Twitter by the conservative Christian broadcaster Daystar Television, which Lamb founded. Lamb passed away at the age of 64. His wife said that after the infection, her husband developed pneumonia, but he kept everything under control. She noted that her husband followed the advice on treatment, which were allegedly voiced by experts in the programs of his television company, because he “believed 100 percent in everything they said.” Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Daystar Television has been spreading misinformation about vaccines. Some guests on airtime promoted conspiracy theories and treatments for COVID-19 that have nothing to do with medicine. For example, one of the doctors on the air advised the treatment of coronavirus with hydroxychloroquine. The Daystar Television Network, headquartered in Texas, is the largest Christian

Matvienko joked about Russians fleeing to the military registration and enlistment office

Matvienko joked that in difficult times Russians flee to the military enlistment office when difficult times come, Russians do not become refugees, but immediately “run to the military registration and enlistment office.” Her words are quoted by RIA Novosti. The politician mentioned a joke as part of the “government hour” in the Federation Council, where Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke. A number of senators raised the topic of the aggressive rhetoric of Western opponents towards Russia. “I saw a joke on the Internet: why, unlike other countries, Russia does not have refugees when the hard times are because Russians immediately run to the military registration and enlistment office.” , – Matvienko shared. She called on the so-called partners of the country “to keep this in mind.” opinion on the source of the data for the approval of the new boundaries. The Federation Council speaker added that these will be Soviet

Russians are targeting a special type of apartment

“Dom.rf”: 78 percent of families in Russia when buying new housing will choose apartments with finishing 78 percent of Russian families planning to buy an apartment in a new building in the next five years. The fact that Russians are targeting this type of property is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the development institute Dom.rf and VTsIOM (available to The majority (49 percent) of potential new settlers prefer a fine finish, another 29 percent would like to choose an apartment with a pre-finish (white box). At the same time, at present, the share of finished housing under construction in Russia does not exceed 40 percent, according to and live. “This option is convenient for everyone: both for those families who have invested the last funds in the purchase of an apartment and no longer have additional money for repairs, and for business-class home buyers

Putin instructed to allocate funds to increase salaries of state employees

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to allocate money for salaries to some state employees Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to allocate funds for increasing salaries to certain categories of state employees. This is reported by TASS. The government will need to submit “agreed proposals on additional volumes of interbudgetary transfers to provide the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to increase the wages of certain categories of workers in the budgetary sector of the economy, taking into account the actual growth rate in the current year of the average monthly the accrued wages of workers employed in the economy. “

Russia wants to fight forest fires using neural networks

Rosleskhoz plans to use neural networks to predict forest fires forecasting and extinguishing forest fires. The relevant data are contained in the Rosleskhoz digital transformation program published on the FSIS KI portal. In total, digital transformation will cost the department 6.7 billion rubles. It is planned to spend 35 million rubles on a remote sensing system for 100 percent of risk zones using AI in 2022 and 30 million in 2023. The creation of an automated system for forecasting the development of forest fires based on artificial intelligence will cost 30 million and 25 million, respectively. Cost indicators in the document are given in thousands of rubles. In addition to the systems that will be used to predict forest fires and remote sensing, Rosleskhoz plans to digitize a number of state services related to the work of the department: forest inventory database with digitization of materials, creation of an automated

Zakharova responded to Britain's words about the “Russian threat”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova: London is hiding behind Russia to increase military power Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova said Nick Carter's Great Britain on the “Russian threat” – wild and vague. reports the diplomat's response. Related materials 00:02 – October 13 “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? 00: 02 – July 6 Wars for naval domination are a thing of the past. beyond the straits and channels? “It can be concluded that the general message of the British military is to re-present our country as a key factor allegedly pushing London to increase the modernization of its own military power,” Zakharova said. In her opinion, Great Britain is hiding behind imaginary threats emanating from Russia in order to justify an increase in the military budget. Zakharova also stressed that the Russian Foreign Ministry is not engaged in

Most Ukrainians are disappointed in Zelensky's course

Sociologists: more than 65 percent of Ukrainian citizens believe that the country is going in the wrong direction More than 65 percent of Ukrainian citizens are sure that the country is going in the wrong direction. Such conclusions were made by sociologists from the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) based on a study conducted at the end of November. A telephone survey of respondents – citizens of Ukraine over 18 years old – was conducted from 26 to 29 November 2021. The sample included 1,203 people from all regions of the country controlled by the Kiev authorities. The maximum error of the research results does not exceed 3.2 percent. Related materials00: 02 – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring Zelenskiy gets rid of political competitors. Why doesn't this help him to hold on to power? 17: 26 – 23 November The DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling