The Kremlin reported deep concern over the pulling of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into Donbass

Dmitry Peskov expressed deep concern over the pulling together of troops in Donbass by Ukraine Donbass and considers it a dangerous adventurism, said the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. He is quoted by TASS. Peskov noted that Moscow cannot take any measures to de-escalate. “We have seen reports that over 120,000 troops have been deployed to the conflict zone. This is what raises our fears that sentiments in favor of a military solution in Donbass may prevail in Kiev, “he added. The Kremlin spokesman added that Russia is doing everything possible to resolve the situation in Donbass. “It works in this context in the Normandy format, maintains its adherence to the Normandy format and the Minsk agreements and expects, first of all, to settle the fulfillment by Kiev of all the obligations it has assumed,” Peskov specified. Earlier on December 1, the official representative of the Russian

The Kremlin assessed the statement of Lukashenko on the recognition of Crimea

Peskov: the statement of the President of Belarus Lukashenko about Crimea is very important Jurassic Russian in the Kremlin is considered very important. This was stated by the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports. Earlier, Lukashenko admitted in an interview that Crimea is de facto and de jure a territory of Russia. The Belarusian leader also spoke about his visit to the peninsula: according to him, his joint trip there with Russian President Vladimir Putin would mean the recognition of Crimea as Russian.

Russia has decided to expand the experiment with online wine sales

The experiment with distance selling wine in Russia was expanded to three more regions March next year, can be extended to three more regions in addition to Moscow and the region, writes Izvestia. A newspaper source in the Cabinet of Ministers said that at the end of September, Presidential Aide Maxim Oreshkin held a meeting on the experiment, where a decision was made. will present them online on a specialized website of the Russian Post, after which the company will deliver the goods to the buyer. The pilot project should be launched in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Nizhny Novgorod regions, specified in the “Post of Russia”. The coverage of the regions was expanded at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry of Finance clarified that the bill is aimed at supporting Russian winemaking. Buyers are planning to check documents to control their age. The ministry

Kremlin announces date for Putin's press conference

Peskov: the final press conference of President Putin will be held in person on December 23 format, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, TASS reports. The press secretary of the head of state noted that the Moscow Manezh was chosen as the venue for the annual conference. In 2020, the event was held via video link and has become a kind of symbiosis with a straight line, Peskov pointed out earlier. The President of Russia has been meeting with journalists in the format of a press conference every year since 2001. Last year, the format of the event was changed: some of the journalists were with Putin at his residence near Moscow in Novo-Ogarevo, and some communicated with him via video link from the World Trade Center.

Russia threatened to expel American diplomats

The Foreign Ministry threatened to expel another group of US Embassy staff from Russia before July 1 Washington, until July 1, 2022, another group of employees of the US diplomatic mission in Moscow will leave the territory of the Russian Federation. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, quoted by RIA Novosti. “If Washington does not abandon the three-year rule and does not compromise, workers will still leave in a total number commensurate with the number of Russians announced by the State Department,” – the diplomat threatened. According to Zakharova, a similar demand is presented to Russian diplomats, in fact, they are expelled after three years of work. This is how the diplomat commented on Washington’s demand made against the employees of the Russian diplomatic mission in USA. 27 Russian diplomats are due to leave the country on January 30, and the same

FSIN confirms suicide in the colony of Akademovsky maniac Nikita Lytkin

Federal Penitentiary Service: a check has begun after a suicide in the Irkutsk colony of a prisoner; we are talking about Lytkin The Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Irkutsk Region is conducting an inspection in connection with the death of prisoner L., born in 1993. This was reported to “” in the department. We are talking about Nikita Lytkin, also known as the Akademovsky maniac. He was found after a suicide attempt in the dormitory of the IK-7 detachment on the morning of November 28, 2021. The paramedic on duty provided him with medical assistance, the convict was urgently hospitalized in the city hospital, where he died on November 30, 2021. Earlier, on December 1, it was reported about the death of 28-year-old Lytkin in a special regime colony in the city of Angarsk. >

Zakharova responded to Turkey's offer to become a mediator in Donbass

Zakharova rejected Turkey's mediating role in resolving the situation in Donbas During a briefing, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova rejected the proposal of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Ankara's mediating role between Moscow and Kiev, the recording is available on the Russia 24 YouTube channel. Related materials00: 01 – April 16 “We have nowhere to retreat” DPR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine 17:26 – 23 November DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why are Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? “All these attempts to use beautiful phrases in in the form of a kind of “constructive ambiguity”, under which the understanding of our country as a party to the conflict is supposedly hidden, “- the diplomat replied. Zakharova drew attention to the fact that the current

Putin spoke about the end of the coronavirus pandemic

President Putin said that life will return to normal after defeating the pandemic Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the end of the pandemic. He did not predict the timing of its completion, but stressed that “someday it must be defeated.” After that, life will return to normal, the head of state said during a speech before the new ambassadors of foreign states. The meeting is broadcast by RT.