Named a way to make money on the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus

The head of SpringOwl invited investors to invest in travel companies' shares it is a temporary phenomenon. Subsequently, the securities will rise in price, and in this way investors, investing in them, will be able to earn, said CEO of the American company SpringOwl Asset Management Jason Ader in an interview with CNBC. Ader called the decline in quotations on the news of a new strain in November similar to that observed when the delta variant of the coronavirus was detected at the end of 2020. However, according to the head of SpringOwl, the current downturn will be short-lived. The head of SpringOwl noted that it is precisely when people are worried that investors are able to earn the most. “The pullback in stock prices right now definitely offers interesting opportunities,” the expert said. Casino promotions are particularly encouraging, especially in Macau, a special administrative region of the PRC, where

Virologist appreciated the creation of a universal vaccine against COVID-19 from an antibody

Virologist Voznesensky: universal antibody 35B5 is not applicable as a vaccine Monoclonal antibody 35B5 to coronavirus, which was not found in Chinese scientists vaccine quality. Sergei Voznesensky, associate professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the RUDN University, said this in an interview with RBC. The virologist explained that the antibody, which, according to Chinese researchers, is universal for use against all strains of infection, is a means for treating patients in the early stages … He said that most often such drugs are prescribed in infectious forms. “If a virus enters the human body, taking a monoclonal preparation of neutralizing antibodies will neutralize the viral particles, they will not cause disease,” Voznesensky emphasized. Previously, Professor of Virology, Chief Researcher of the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Anatoly Altshtein also doubted that a universal vaccine against COVID-19 could be created on the basis of a monoclonal antibody

The mansion from the movie “Home Alone” will be leased

The mansion from Chris Columbus's film “Home Alone” was posted on Airbnb “Will be available for rent on Airbnb. The announcement was placed on behalf of the brother of the main character of the film – Buzz McCallister. “The McCallisters left for Paris many years ago. Well, most of us. Although we are older and wiser now (I even have my own company), we will never be too old for holiday jokes. While we are leaving on vacation (this time we are all), I invite one group of mischievous people to let their inner eight-year-old children run freely around the house of my childhood on December 12, “- says the description. It is noted that the house is possible will only rent for one night, booking will open on December 7th. Earlier it was reported that the luxury cottage from Ridley Scott's “Gucci House” will be available for booking on

Johnny Depp's daughter walked the streets in a top without underwear

The network criticized the photo of Lily-Rose Depp without a bra in a translucent top Franco-American actress and model Lily-Rose actor Johnny Depp and singer Vanessa Paradis, walked the streets of Los Angeles in an outfit without underwear and was criticized online. Relevant photos and comments appeared on the Daily Mail. The paparazzi captured the 22-year-old celebrity wearing an orange sheer top, purple miniskirt, and black loafers paired with white socks. The pictures show that the girl was not wearing a bra. Depp also wore a small black shoulder bag, sunglasses and a golden pendant. Readers of the publication began to discuss the model's appearance in the comments below the frames. “Well, this is disgusting”, “Lord, what a terrible outfit. And she should wear a fucking bra. ”“ She dressed in the dark? ” I don't see a drop of beauty in Lily-Rose, “they said. In November, Lily-Rose Depp starred

White House commented on new contacts between Biden and Putin

Psaki about a possible meeting between Biden and Putin: the United States is in contact with Russia “on a number of levels” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki commented on a possible meeting between US President Joe Biden and Russian leader Vladimir Putin. This is reported by TASS. According to her, the American authorities are in contact with Russian officials “at a number of levels.” At the same time, Psaki stressed that at the moment she has nothing to announce regarding calls or other options for interaction between the heads of state. Earlier, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov disclosed information about the preparation of the summit of the leaders of the two countries. According to him, the situation with a possible meeting between Putin and Biden should be clarified soon. The diplomat said that at this stage we are talking about an inaccurate contact, which, in his opinion, does

USA allows new restrictions on air travel due to omicron strain

White House: US Considering New Restrictions on Air Traffic Due to Omicron Strain due to a new strain. This was announced by the press secretary of the White House Jen Psaki, writes RIA Novosti. “We are considering whether it will be necessary to impose restrictions on new countries. Obviously, we do not want them to remain in force all the time, but we will need more time, “- said Psaki at the briefing. She noted that about the omicron strain” much remains unknown “, and the restrictions already imposed air travel is needed to give specialists more time for research. Since Monday, November 29, the US authorities have banned the entry of residents of eight African countries in connection with the spread of the new strain of COVID-19 B.1.1.529. The restrictions affected South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique and Malawi.

Gunzburg spoke about the likelihood of omicron to displace the delta strain of coronavirus

Gunzburg: omicron will be able to supplant other strains with high infectivity TASS was told about this by the director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg. He suggested that the omicron may have an incubation period of about 12-14 days. If at the same time it turns out to be highly infectious, then it will be able to displace the delta strain and immunize the population. Earlier, Gunzburg said that experimental work on creating a vaccine against the new omicron coronavirus strain would take no more than ten days. According to the doctor, the approval of the new vaccine by the Ministry of Health may take another month and a half, if the department takes into account the conditions of the emergency. On December 1, the chief infectious disease specialist of the United States, Anthony Fauci, announced that the omicron strain of coronavirus could spread more easily. “The molecular profile

A student of a school near Moscow died while composing

RIA Novosti: an 11th grade student in Lyubertsy near Moscow died while writing 11th grade student of secondary school No. 25 in near Moscow Lyubertsy died during the final composition. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a source in the field of urban education. As the interlocutor of the agency said, during the final essay in the audience, the student lost consciousness. According to the preliminary diagnosis of doctors, a blood clot came off. Employees of the Investigative Committee worked on the spot. On October 29, a 15-year-old student lost consciousness during a geography lesson at a Krasnoyarsk school. Ambulance doctors took him to the hospital and tried to resuscitate him, but the boy died in the hospital.

Ural pensioner who threatened to blow up the house ran away from the police on the balconies

A 66-year-old Russian woman turned on the gas in her apartment and after the arrival of the police ran away along the balconies police on the balconies, according to “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. A 66-year-old woman from Sukhoi Log in the middle of the night opened the gas in the apartment and began to threaten with an explosion, and after the police arrived, she climbed over the bars from her balcony on the fifth floor to the fourth floor to the neighbors. “In order not to endanger citizens, the gas in the house was cut off. And everyone who was in the apartments was asked to go out into the street, ”Valery Gorelykh, head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, told the publication. 48 people were evacuated. Rescuers detained a Russian woman and handed her over to doctors. Earlier in Buryatia, pensioners without QR

Raising the age limit in figure skating was called a war against Russia

Bestemyanova on raising the age limit in figure skating: this is a war against Russia Skaters to raise the age limit in figure skating. Her words are quoted by Sport24. “There is nowhere to go, they will vote. We'll be alone. I don't really want this, our girls are the best in the world. Of course, this is an actual war against Russia, ”Bestemyanova said. She added that the audience will lose the opportunity to see a huge number of quadruple jumps, but they will be able to admire the beautiful women's skating. The Norwegians' initiative became known on November 30. They want singles to be able to transition to adult skating at the age of 17. The issue will be considered at the congress of the International Skating Union (ISU) in 2022. If the initiative is approved, the new rules will come into force in the 2023/2024 season. According