Sale of Japanese Iida Group to the largest Far East forestry company approved

RBC: Russia approved the sale to the Japanese of 75% of the largest forest company in the Far East Far East holding RFP Group. This was reported by RBC. An investor, the leader in wooden housing construction in the Japanese market, must fulfill three conditions. They were the demands of the Russian authorities to invest $ 150 million by the end of 2026 in the development of timber processing in the Far East; to double timber processing from the current 752 thousand cubic meters to 1.7 million cubic meters in 2026 and increase the production of deep processing products, as well as save jobs. RFP Group is one of the leaders in the export of timber from Russia to countries of Asia. The company leases plots with a permitted felling of 3.7 million cubic meters per year. Iida Group Holdings holds more than 50 percent of the Japanese market, builds

Russian woman who rested in Hurghada revealed the popular schemes of “divorce” of tourists

A Russian woman who rested in Egypt complained that the “divorce” of tourists starts at the airport three popular schemes to deceive tourists by local residents. She told about them in her personal blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. The girl complained that the “divorce” of tourists begins immediately after arriving at the resort, at the airport. For example, a Russian woman noted that a visa to Egypt costs 25 dollars (about 1.8 thousand rubles), while most travelers prefer to pay for an entry document upon arrival. “We did the same, and knowing full well, that a visa costs 25 dollars, led to 27 (1.9 thousand rubles), at the “anex tour” counter. Then they explained to us that if they had walked a little further from these intermediaries, they would have paid the normal price, “the traveler said. The girl also warned tourists against buying a SIM card at the airport.

The bride had an accident after the wedding and spent her honeymoon in the hospital

The newlyweds had an accident, and the bride instead of her honeymoon went to the hospital after the wedding, and instead of going on a honeymoon, the bride went to the hospital. This was reported on the website of the WTVR-TV channel. After the marriage, Quincy Smick and Rupert Harmon planned to go on a honeymoon trip. Shortly before leaving, the newlyweds had an accident on their way to New England. As a result of the collision, Harmon was not injured, and Smik was injured and was urgently taken to the hospital. During the examination, it turned out that the woman had a serious broken arm. She underwent surgery, and now Smick has a long recovery process. The American admitted that she felt unhappy and depressed because she had to spend one of the most romantic periods in her life in the hospital, but her relatives and friends helped her.

Nutritionist spoke about the consequences of daily consumption of kiwi

Nutritionist Drobysheva: kiwi helps in the prevention of heart disease and oncology According to Drobysheva, this fruit helps in the prevention of heart disease and oncology, because the most useful property of the product is the burning of fats that block arteries. Kiwi, the expert believes, is necessary for people with impaired lipid metabolism. It is rich in vitamins C and B6 and folic acid, therefore it is effective in the prevention of vitamin deficiency. “It also stimulates collagen production and prevents premature graying of hair. It can be safely called a product of youth and beauty, “the specialist said. She added that the fruit is especially useful for pregnant women. The potassium in kiwi helps your baby's heart function and aids in iron absorption. You should avoid eating kiwi if you have stomach diseases in the acute stage, allergies or a tendency to diarrhea. Earlier, the doctor and nutritionist

In Moscow, the rules for obtaining a medical record from vaccination have been simplified

On February 2, the Moscow Department of Health simplified the rules for obtaining a medical exemption from vaccination The Moscow Health Department simplified the rules for obtaining a medical exemption from vaccinations in the capital on February 2. This was reported on the agency's website. It is specified that Moscow has become a pilot region for the implementation of a single federal standard for issuing such certificates. Throughout Russia, a similar procedure will work from February 2022. To receive a medical treatment on the portal of public services, you must have a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy or be attached to the capital's polyclinic. The Kommersant newspaper was told by the Department of Health that the list of diseases and conditions for a medical treatment indicated in the instructions for vaccines is not long: it is recommended temporarily postpone vaccination in case of acute infectious diseases, exacerbation of serious chronic

Milonov offered to issue recommendations for Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens

Vitaly Milonov: let Rospotrebnadzor issue instructions for Santa Claus Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, issue recommendations for Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens who are going to visit families during the New Year's holidays. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. According to the politician, Santa Claus must be vaccinated, since this is a matter of the safety and responsibility of parents. “Santa Claus visits several families a day, and he can be a carrier of infection. Let Rospotrebnadzor issue instructions for Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, ”he explained. At the same time, Milonov noted that the tradition should not be canceled. The fact that the Russian Santa Claus from Veliky Ustyug was one of the first to be vaccinated against the coronavirus became known in October. In addition, he regularly takes COVID-19 tests and prepares for future

Explained the danger of plastic to the heart

Scientists at the University of California have found substances dangerous to the heart in plastic Scientists at the University of California at Riverside have explained the mechanism by which substances contained in plastics – such as bisphenol A and phthalate plasticizers – increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is reported in an article published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. Experiments in mice have shown that phthalate – a chemical used to increase the strength of plastic – is dangerous in that it increases plasma cholesterol levels … This is because one of these chemicals, called dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP), binds tightly to the X-pregnane receptor (PXR). As a result, the expression of key proteins required for the absorption and transport of cholesterol is increased. Scientists have also found in the intestines of mice exposed to DCHP, large amounts of circulating ceramides – lipid molecules associated with an increased risk

US court rejects multibillion-dollar claim of ex-Yukos shareholders against Russia

The US Court of Appeal dismissed the claim of the former Yukos shareholders against Russia for $ 50 billion of the YUKOS company. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the court ruling. Ex-shareholders of YUKOS demand $ 50 billion from Russia The judicial authority decided to reject the claim: the appeal granted the petition of the defendant in the person of Russia and rejected the petition of the former shareholders of the company to review the decision of the lower court, which suspended the case. “The petition was granted, the case was closed,” the resolution says. Related materials 10:07 – August 5 Adaptation for the economy .On preparing the country's economy for the global energy transition00: 00 – June 17 New greatness. Russia can lead the world energy revolution. What's stopping her? Earlier, Russia asked a court in the US District of Columbia not to reopen the

Russia has developed a cybersecure smartphone for the military

Kommersant: Aquarius and Kaspersky Lab have developed a secure smartphone for special services Aquarius Group (part of the National computer corporation, NCC) and Kaspersky Lab have developed a secure smartphone, including for the military and special services. Kommersant writes about this. NCC co-owner Alexander Kalinin told the publication that a batch of 200 gadgets has already been released. Three thousand more devices will be manufactured by the end of the year. He clarified that this is a completely Russian device. The project cost the company more than a billion rubles. The smartphone runs on the operating system KasperskyOS. It is focused on industries with high requirements for cybersecurity, for example, industry, energy, government agencies, transport In June, the deputy head of the information systems department of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Alexander Osadchuk, said that the department will create domestically produced smartphones and special applications. According to him, the

The girl revealed the secret of the ideal figure of bloggers in the photo on social networks

Georgie Clarke: bloggers hide body flaws with retouching apps Bloggers have revealed the secret of her colleagues' ideal figure on social media photos. The corresponding post appeared on her Instagram account. In a collage posted online, Georgie Clarke explained that most of the pictures on the Internet are fake. According to her, users often use special applications for retouching, with which you can hide all the flaws and emphasize the advantages of appearance. The girl published her photos in a red tracksuit before and after processing in the program. In the first frame, she showed her real figure: the blogger slightly rounded her back and showed the presence of a small amount of fat on her belly. In the second photo, Clarke has retouched her figure and face. In the description, she noted that she smoothed the skin on her armpits, face and arms, smeared veins, enlarged her hips and