The sexiest female athlete in the world starred in a tight short top with a zipper

German runner Alisa Schmidt posted a photo in a white top from a stadium in Tenerife athlete of the world, posted a new photo on Instagram. The athlete posed in a tight white top with a zipper and short green shorts at a stadium in Tenerife. She wrote that she had finished the third week of training and was returning to Germany. At the same time, she stressed that she does not stop working and is ready for competitions. In the comments, users called the athlete's form ideal. The picture got more than 150 thousand likes. On October 2, Schmidt arranged a fashion show for her fans on Instagram. She posted several photos in different outfits and asked subscribers to rate them in the comments. In 2017, Schmidt took second place in the German national team in the 4x400m relay at the European Under-20 Championship. Two years later, the runner

Lukashenko named the approximate date of voting on the new Constitution of Belarus

Alexander Lukashenko: the referendum on the Constitution of Belarus will be held in February 2022 President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko named the approximate date of voting on the new Constitution interview with RIA Novosti. According to him, it is planned to be held in the third decade of February next year. “In February, on the 20th, something like this, we’ll still think about how convenient and better for us according to the law, according to the current constitution, we will submit it to a referendum, the constitution will be submitted to a referendum, “he said, adding that the voting will take place” if the war does not start. ” Constitution. According to him, this will happen before the New Year. He also noted that the draft document is already on his table. Prior to that, the Belarusian president emphasized that the constitution is not being developed for the current government.

Russians bought housing in one Eurasian country

Barnes International: in 2021, demand for Cyprus property grew by 35 percent percent will exceed the results of 2020, according to the materials of the Barnes International Moscow agency, available to Russians are also actively buying apartments and houses on the island. In 2022, a drop in demand for Cypriot real estate is also not expected, analysts say. According to their observations, cities with a coastal line are especially in demand among Russian home buyers in this Eurasian country: Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca. Also popular is one resort village – Protaras, where wealthy locals prefer to relax. “The republic recognizes the Sputnik V vaccine, which makes this destination convenient for Russian clients,” experts say. After the closure of the passport program in Cyprus, the objects that allow obtaining permanent residence (permanent residence) are in greatest demand: villas at a price of 800 thousand euros and turnkey apartments at a cost

Lukashenko reveals terms of publication of the draft of the new Belarusian Constitution

Lukashenko promised to publish the draft of the new Constitution of Belarus before the New Year President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has revealed the timing of the publication of the draft of the new Constitution of the country. He told RIA Novosti about this. Lukashenko noted that the draft document is already on his table. “Now I sit and watch. And every line, as it was before, “- said the President. The Belarusian leader also added that he himself wrote the Constitution. At the same time, the head of state stressed that lawyers wrote with a pen, and he dictated, because he saw, as the president, what powers are needed to keep the country. When asked about the exact timing of the publication of the draft, Lukashenka replied that, probably, two weeks. “Until the New Year,” he added. Earlier, Lukashenko said that the new Constitution of Belarus is not being

Demand for windshield wipers has grown in Russia due to bad weather

In Russia, the demand for windshield wipers has almost doubled due to cyclone Benedict Due to bad weather and heavy snow, which brought the cyclone “Benedict” in Russia, the demand for wipers almost doubled, the press service of HeadHunter RIA Novosti reported. According to the agency, the demand in the labor market of wipers in Russia increased by 93 percent, Moscow – by 129 percent, in St. Petersburg – by 134 percent. The median salary is 23,212 rubles – over the past week it has grown by 1 percent. Employers in the retail trade, hotels and catering, construction and housing and communal services are looking for street cleaners and cleaners in Russia at the beginning of winter 2021, reported in HeadHunter. Earlier it was reported that on Tuesday, November 30, cyclone Benedict will hit Moscow with the heaviest rainfall in 69 years. Forecaster of the Phobos center Yevgeny Tishkovets warned

The girl won the court against the mother's attending physician who allowed her to be born

The girl considered her birth a mistake and sued her mother's doctor for compensation who allowed her to give birth to the mother's attending physician, won the lawsuit and sued him for compensation. This is reported by the Daily Mirror. On December 1, at a court hearing in London, Judge Rosalind Coe ruled that 20-year-old Evie Toombs, who was born with spina bifida, should receive payments until the end of life. The historic decision of the judge set a precedent: now other doctors can be prosecuted for negligence during pre-conception consultations, after which the patients were born with children with a serious illness. Materials on the topic00: 04 – October 4, 2019 “I did not sleep only when I ate and went to the toilet” A mysterious disease confined the American to bed. After 11 years, he cured himself himself 00:04 – 15 August 2019 Children of the night These

Letter from Empress Catherine II about vaccination sold at auction in London

A portrait of Catherine II and a letter about smallpox vaccination were sold for 93.7 million rubles years of the Empress to Count Peter Rumyantsev on the need for vaccination against smallpox were sold at auction in London, RIA Novosti reports. According to the agency, the letter and the portrait were put up for auction in the British house of MacDougall's in a single lot. The buyer paid 951 thousand pounds (approximately 93.7 million rubles). The letter is the first historical document about the first vaccination in Russia, known at the moment. Earlier it was reported that jewelry of the royal Romanov family was sold at an auction in Geneva for 885 thousand dollars (62.3 million rubles). A brooch with a sapphire of 26.8 carats in a diamond frame and earrings with step-cut sapphires weighing 6.69 and 9.36 carats, framed with rose-cut diamonds, which belonged to the aunt of Emperor

The Rusnano crisis was called a threat to the entire Russian market

Experts from Otkritie and Finam banks linked the Rusnano crisis to undermining confidence in Russia The state investment company Rusnano paid off the coupon and redeemed unsecured state-guaranteed bonds of the BO-002R-01 series, which belong mainly to private investors, for a total amount of 4.7 billion rubles. Until the end of the year, Rusnano will have to pay interest on four more issues totaling a little less than 1.1 billion rubles. In a conversation with, experts from leading Russian banks said that the Rusnano crisis could undermine investor confidence not only in state corporations, but also in the state debt and Russian business in general. In November, Rusnano announced that it had accumulated a disproportionate debt in 2021 and is considering the possibility of its restructuring. In this statement, the market saw the threat of default, and on November 19, the Central Bank ordered the Moscow Exchange to stop

The former soloist of “VIA Gra” refused to sing with ex-colleagues on the same stage

Anna Sedokova refused to sing with former VIA Gra members at the New Year's show Former VIA Gra soloist Anna Sedokova refused ex-colleagues on the same stage. Her words are reported by StarHit. As the singer said, she recently received an offer to sing the song “Attempt # 5” on a New Year's show of one of the TV channels. “Even my PR director refused, knowing my answer in advance. There was so much hypocrisy and bad things that no creativity can justify these actions, ”she said. Sedokova expressed gratitude for the fact that this period “became history”, and noted that it was “as much pain as it was realization.” Anna Sedokova previously spoke about real estate in Moscow, which she acquired in mortgage. According to her, several years ago she began studying financial literacy in order to be able to handle earnings. At the moment, the singer is also

Drilling of wells at the Listvyazhnaya mine for the search for the bodies of the dead is almost completed

Ministry of Emergency Situations: drilling of three wells to eliminate the accident at Listvyazhnaya is 90% complete ended. In the near future, work will begin to eliminate the accident, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations TASS reported. According to representatives of the department, drilling has been completed by 90 percent, and rescuers have managed to stabilize the gas situation. This is necessary not only for the search and recovery of the bodies of the victims, but also for the preservation of the mine. Earlier it was reported that after the accident, the Prosecutor General's Office checked the coal enterprises of Kuzbass and initiated 180 administrative cases on the fact of 449 violations found. In addition, 19 submissions were made to eliminate violations, one protest and two warnings. A methane explosion in a mine in the Kemerovo Region took place on the morning of November 25. As a result, 51 people