The Governor of Kuzbass announced new payments to the families of those killed at Listvyazhnaya

Tsivilev: families of those killed and injured at Listvyazhnaya will receive additional payments regions will receive additional payments. This was announced by the governor of the region Sergey Tsivilev in his Telegram channel. The head of Kuzbass clarified that the regional government will also pay one million rubles each to the families of the victims, 400 thousand rubles each – to the victims in serious condition, 200 thousand – victims in a state of moderate or mild severity. Prior to these payments after the explosion at the Listvyazhnaya mine, the region and municipalities sent 250 thousand rubles each to the families of the victims, 150 thousand each – to those hospitalized, 75 thousand rubles each – to those who is treated on an outpatient basis.

Russians warned about canned food with fake fish

Rosquality: producers instead of saury use cheaper fish Rosquality researched 53 percent of the market for canned saury. It turned out that producers instead of saury use other cheaper types of fish: Pacific herring and Far Eastern sardines. The results of the study are published on the organization's website. The department warned that the fish is being substituted for fake because of the cost of raw materials: saury is more than seven times more expensive than sardines. At the same time, the minimum price for canned saury, where it really is, is 44.40 rubles per 100 grams. However, Russian federal chains continue to buy counterfeit products, according to Roskachestvo. Only eight brands of canned food actually contained saury: Azbuka Morya, Vladimir Cannery, Dobroflot, Kapitan Vkusov, KitBay “,” Mamonovsky “,” 5 seas “,” Primrybsnab “. Saury was not found in the products of 11 brands: “Golden Choice”, “Istok Ideal 777”, “Sea

Smart watches called dangerous for children

Dr. Web: Most smartwatches for kids are poorly protected This was reported by the Bleeping Computer. Journalists refer to the report of the company Dr. Web, which analyzed several popular devices. According to the authors, in most cases, wearable devices designed to control parents over their children have weak protection and can be easily hacked. For example, in the popular Elari Kidphone 4G, they found three hidden modules that secretly transmit information about the movement of their carrier. By default, data transmission through the named interfaces occurs every eight hours, but the interval can be configured. The company's engineers were concerned that the device's modules could be configured to install malicious applications. The most affordable gadget in the collection – the Wokka Lokka Q50 tracker for $ 15 – was described by experts as a device with a weak password by default. The researchers also found that all data transmitted

The doctor called the consequence that occurs in half of those who have recovered from COVID-19

Cardiologist Yaroslavskaya: half of those who have undergone coronavirus develop heart deformity … Such a consequence of the coronavirus was named by Elena Yaroslavskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, a leading researcher at the Tyumen Cardiological Research Center, reports Doctor Peter. “If three months after discharge from the hospital, on the first visit, we diagnosed violations in 58 , 6 percent of patients, then a year later this percentage increased to 64.7 “, – said Yaroslavskaya. According to her, heart problems occur not only in elderly patients – the average age of those examined during the study of the consequences of coronavirus people was 49 years old for women and men. The doctor emphasized that someone had heart disorders for the first time, someone had an aggravated course of previously diagnosed diseases. Medic added that during the study, experts noted serious consequences on the part of mental health – about 60

The Russians were revealed a way to get a mortgage despite the refusal from the bank

Economist Barhota: Russian banks approve about 64 percent of mortgage applications take a loan to buy a home, contrary to the decision of the lender, if they accumulate the maximum possible down payment and create a good financial reputation for themselves. Experts have revealed ways to obtain a mortgage from RIA Novosti. According to independent economist Andrei Barkhota, in the last year the level of mortgage approval in Russia has been steadily declining. In early autumn, banks approved about 64 percent of mortgage applications, he said. If the current dynamics persist in 2022, this indicator may drop to 58-60 percent, the expert predicted. To find out the reasons for the refusal, you can contact either directly the bank or a mortgage consultant, experts said. According to Barhota, improving the credit history can help the borrower: for example, you can take out a consumer loan and repay it in good faith.

Panarin scored and made an assist in an NHL match

New York Rangers beat Philadelphia Flyers, Panarin has a goal and a pass New York Rangers at home defeated Philadelphia Flyers in a National Hockey League (NHL) regular season match. This was reported by the correspondent. The meeting took place on the night of Thursday, December 2, and ended with a score of 4: 1 in favor of the hosts. As part of the winners, one of the goals was scored by the Russian forward Artemy Panarin. He also made an assist. Panarin's compatriot Igor Shesterkin, who played at the Rangers goal, made 33 saves. The goalkeeper was recognized as the first star of the meeting. Panarin played 21 matches in the regular season this season. The Russian scored six goals and made 17 assists.

The prosecutor's office will check after the shooting in the Altai school

In the Altai Territory, the prosecutor's office will check the school after an incident with a shot in the head of a student Grade 10 fired an air gun and hit an eighth grader in the head. This was reported to “” in the regional supervisory department. The student was hospitalized. The circumstances of the incident are being established. The Investigative Committee announced that they would conduct a pre-investigation check of the incident. Based on its results, the issue of initiating a criminal case will be decided. The shooting took place on December 1 near the school building in the village of Altayskoye. Earlier on November 27, it was reported that a fifth-grader tried to attack a peer at a Novosibirsk school and teachers during the lesson. Local media reported that a student attacked a classmate with scissors, but the teacher managed to protect the child, so no one was

Russian diplomat assessed the risks of weapons abandoned by the US and NATO in Afghanistan

Russian Permanent Representative to the CSTO Agasandyan: Arms left by the United States in Afghanistan creates risks Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) spoke about the fact that the weapons abandoned in Afghanistan by the US and NATO pose uncontrollable risks. With a similar assessment of the situation, he spoke in an interview with RIA Novosti. The Russian diplomat noted that a huge amount of modern weapons remained in the country left by the coalition forces fled from Afghanistan. In August, The The Mirror reported that after the US left Afghanistan, many weapons fell into the hands of the Taliban (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) , which allowed the militants to become the most equipped terrorist army in the world. We are talking about new equipment that was delivered to the American military stationed in Afghanistan this year. Within weeks, as the US Army pulled out, the Taliban took possession

A mother of two with a body covered in tattoos talks about bullying

23-year-old Amy Smith with tattoos on her face and body spoke of criticism for her appearance A British woman whose body and her face is almost completely covered with tattoos, she spoke about bullying by others because of her appearance. The corresponding story is published by The Sun. 23-year-old mother of two children Amy Smith admitted that she became interested in tattoos at the age of ten, and she put the first drawing on her body three years later. Later, the heroine of the material was presented with a tattoo machine, and she began to learn this skill. According to Smith, her appearance often grabs the attention of those around her. When she took her sons to kindergarten, the parents of their peers criticized the woman's extraordinary appearance. “Some parents crossed to the other side of the road so that their children would not see me. In supermarkets, security guards

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines begin to vaccinate Crimeans at the Ukrainian border

At Ukrainian checkpoints, Crimeans began to vaccinate with drugs Pfizer, Moderna and Coronavac At Ukrainian checkpoints and Kalanchak, located on the border with Crimea, began to vaccinate against coronavirus with Pfizer, Moderna and Coronavac. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine. According to the department, from Monday to Friday, from 9 to 15 o'clock, special mobile teams will work at the checkpoint, which will be able to vaccinate Crimean residents with one of three prepositional preparations. After vaccination, Crimeans will receive a certificate of vaccination. Data about it will be entered into the electronic medical system. Earlier, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine Alexey Danilov explained the refusal of Ukrainians to be vaccinated by the “information war” between Moscow and Kiev. According to him, the Russian side is specifically “unfolding” the topic