On the day of the emergency in the Listvyazhnaya mine, the smoke was reported after half an hour

TASS: the dispatcher informed the Ministry of Emergency Situations about smoke in the Listvyazhnaya mine after half an hour On the day of the explosion in Listvyazhnaya mine in the Ministry of Emergency Situations about smoke only after half an hour. Such details are disclosed by a source, TASS reports. From the mine of the city of Belovo, Kemerovo region, where 51 people died as a result of the explosion, the mine rescuers raised the previously discovered bodies of two dead miners.

The Federation Council appreciated the words of Stoltenberg about the absence of a sphere of interests of Russia

Senator Tsekov: NATO Secretary General Stoltenbreg has taken on a hawkish role Sergei Tsekov, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, negatively assessed the statement of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about the unacceptability of the thesis that Russia has its own sphere of interests. The senator said that the head of the alliance took on the role of a hawk who, during the crisis of leaders in Europe, decided to aggravate relations with Moscow. He spoke about this in an interview with Lenta.ru. Earlier, Jens Stoltenberg said that the thesis about the sphere of interests of Russia is unacceptable and causes caution, since all of the country's neighbors are sovereign states. According to the secretary general, the recognition of this fact is tantamount to the actual recognition of Moscow's right to control the actions of its neighbors. “And this is the world to which we do

In a Russian city, they began to look for those who bought certificates of vaccination against COVID-19

In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, investigators are looking for those who bought fake vaccination certificates against COVID-19 In the city of Noyabrsk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, investigators began to look for citizens who bought fake COVID-19 vaccination certificates. URA.RU reports this with reference to a source. According to preliminary information, the vaccination office nurse and the registrar of the city hospital carried out the sale of documents on vaccination, they are now detained. Investigators are also looking for those who bought the certificates. They also face criminal liability, and the false documents will be canceled. According to the interlocutor of the publication, the suspects were monitored with the help of CCTV cameras installed in the office of the institution. “Only a part of the records has been studied, and 25-30 cases of issuance of fictitious certificates have already been preliminarily recorded,” the source said. The district health department reported that investigative

The Ministry of Health clarifies the new certificates on the transferred coronavirus

Ministry of Health of Russia: new certificates of the transferred COVID-19 will be issued for a year All new certificates of the transferred coronavirus will be issued for a year. Such clarifications were given by the Assistant Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Alexei Kuznetsov, his words were reported by TASS. According to him, at the moment all the necessary decisions have been made to extend the validity of certificates, the terms of previously received documents are being extended.

Russian immunologist has identified the most dangerous distributors of COVID-19

Doctor Kryuchkov: people with severe immunodeficiency are carriers of complex mutations COVID-19 People with severe immunodeficiency are carriers of new complex mutations COVID-19, they can be identified as the most dangerous spread of infection to others. This opinion was shared in an interview with Ura.ru by the general director of the contract research company “KEG”, Russian immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov. The doctor even proposed to partially isolate such a group of citizens. “Infection with COVID-19 is very dangerous for them, as the body may not be able to cope. The virus evolves, and as a result, these patients themselves may not survive, “- said Kryuchkov. In turn, the infectious disease specialist, leading researcher at the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Oleg Yurin, noted that with severe immunodeficiency, the coronavirus vaccine will not work. He believes that the virus in the human body with severe

Doctors of the hospital criticized by Mishustin spoke about the problems that “kill” her

Doctors of the Kurgan emergency hospital turned to the Dezdrav because of the extreme workload on the staff The medical staff of the Kurgan emergency hospital criticized Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, wrote a letter to the Acting Head of the Trans-Urals Department of Health Alexei Sigidaev because of the prohibitive workload. This is reported by 45.RU. 28 doctors signed the letter to the authorities. According to them, the problems of the medical facility “are killing their hospital.” One of them is staff churn. Employees write that there are only two experienced surgeons left for two departments of surgery, one of them is a pensioner. “The workload on them exceeds all conceivable limits,” the message says. Due to the lack of personnel in the intensive care unit, one doctor supervises up to 13 patients. This is more than double the recommended standards. For a long time, ultrasound diagnostics were carried

UN urged to raise billions of dollars to help victims of war

The UN has called for a record $ 41 billion to help victims of conflict donations of $ 41 billion to help victims of military conflicts. His words are reported by Reuters. Related materials 00:10 – 16 September “Maneuvers behind Moscow's back” The US leaves the Middle East. Why won't this help Russia to strengthen its positions in Syria 00:01 – 28 November “We will kill you, wait for us” Thousands of Afghans fled from the Taliban to Tajikistan. Why are they still afraid for their lives? The largest funding will be needed to support victims of crises in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Ethiopia and Sudan. According to Griffiths, today there are 183 million victims of various local wars in the world. Of these, 45 million in 43 countries worldwide suffer from hunger, and the annual growth in funding needs is 17 percent. At the same time, the people of Afghanistan

World Bank will unfreeze part of Afghan assets for humanitarian aid

For humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, the World Bank will unfreeze $ 280 million aid to Afghanistan. This is reported by Reuters according to sources. Related materials 00:01 – 28 November “We will kill you, wait for us” Thousands of Afghans fled from the Taliban to Tajikistan. Why are they still afraid for their lives? 00:01 – 21 November Why only the Taliban succeeded? According to the agency's interlocutors, in order to take such a step, the World Bank must obtain permission from 31 donors of the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, which is also managed by the bank's structures. The defrosted funds will be transferred to the accounts of the World Food Program and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Sources also said that the unfreezing of $ 500 million of the total Afghan assets of $ 1.5 billion was initially discussed within the World Bank. Donors to the Afghanistan Reconstruction

Russian stylist called Buzova's outfit disgusting

Rogov to Buzova: Why all this foam from hair, dresses? This cheap chain queen “and called it disgusting. The corresponding video appeared on his YouTube channel. On the footage posted on the network, the designer discussed with his mother Lyubov the appearance of the performer during an event dedicated to the birthday of the MUZ-TV channel. Buzova was dressed in a fluffy three-tiered mini-length dress made of translucent white fabric and bright blue satin boots with a pointed toe with heels. Her image was complemented by gold earrings and a chain around her neck with large links. The TV presenter's hair was loosened and styled in waves, and makeup in nude tones was applied to her face. Rogov noted that the stylists had unsuccessfully chosen clothes for the performer. According to him, her dress turned out to be too voluminous and short, due to which the silhouette of her figure

Rospotrebnadzor predicted the emergence of the omicron strain in Russia

Rospotrebnadzor expert Khafizov has no doubt that an omicron strain will appear in Russia … The discovery of a new strain was predicted by the head of the scientific group for the development of new diagnostic methods based on sequencing technologies of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Kamil Khafizov, he is quoted by RIA Novosti. According to him, Rospotrebnadzor and other organizations are conducting large-scale sequencing of coronavirus genomes for the possible detection of omicrons -strain.