The RAS evaluated the effectiveness of “Sputnik V” against the omicron-strain

Virologist Netesov: “Sputnik V” will be effective against the omicron strain Russian drug against coronavirus Sputnik V will be effective against with an omicron strain, even numerous mutations cannot prevent this. This assessment was made by the virologist, molecular biologist, RAS Corresponding Member Sergei Netesov on Sputnik radio. The specialist recalled that precise indicators of the effectiveness of vaccines against the omicron strain will appear in the coming months. Nevertheless, Netesov urged Russians not to waste time and get vaccinated against coronavirus infection. “In Europe, this option is already walking, it is already in at least ten countries, which means that if it has not yet reached us, it will get there in the coming days,” the virologist suggested. Earlier, the head of the scientific development group new diagnostic methods based on sequencing technologies of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Kamil Khafizov also admitted the imminent appearance

The purpose of the complexes “Bastion” in the Kuril Islands has been named

Expert Viktor Litovkin: “Bastion” complexes will provide protection of the strait protection of Russian waters. This was reported by the Zvezda TV channel with reference to the military expert Viktor Litovkin. “Matua Island, on which the Bastion anti-ship complex battery is located, is the northernmost island of the Kuril ridge. Between it and the southern end of Kamchatka, the strait is wide enough. To protect this strait from uninvited guests, this battery was placed on Matua, ”Litovkin called the target of the new weapon. The expert said that the firing range of the complex is 600 kilometers. He also emphasized the accuracy of the Onyx anti-ship missile. On Thursday, December 2, the press service of the Eastern Military District announced that the Bastion missile defense system had been deployed for the first time on the island of Matua. The report noted that the calculations of the complexes will monitor the

EU-sponsored prisons for migrants in Libya leaked

The Outlaw Ocean Project: EU sponsors camps in Libya that torture and kill migrants The European Union (EU) is sponsoring Libya, where migrants from Africa are tortured and killed. This became known from the investigation of Ian Urbina, the founder of The Outlaw Ocean Project, which studies crimes on water. Related materials00: 01 – November 18 ” They would rather die in Europe than return home “How migrants on the border with Poland changed life in Belarus jpg “/> France controlled the former colonies in Africa for 60 years. How did the Russian mercenaries push it back? The journalist claims that the European Union has achieved a decrease in the rate of migration from African countries to Europe by creating special camps controlled by the Libyan “Office for Combating Illegal Migration”, which are actually prisons with terrible conditions of detention. For example, in the west of the Libyan capital Tripoli,

Former Argentine President Accused Of Illegal Surveillance

BBC News: Former Argentine President Macri Accused Of Spying On Citizens the families of the crew of the San Juan submarine, which crashed in November 2017. This is reported by BBC News. The judge said that the former state leader violated the country's intelligence laws, as he demanded a dossier on the relatives of the victims of the submarine disaster, who accused the Argentine Navy of negligence. According to the investigators, the Federal Intelligence Agency (FRA) was engaged in spying on families in 2017-2018. Bava decided to seize Macri's assets totaling about a million dollars and banned him from leaving the country. The politician himself denies all charges against him. “I did not spy on anyone, I never ordered anyone in my government to spy on anyone,” he stressed. The San Juan submarine stopped communicating on November 15, 2017 in the Bay area Sao Jorge is approximately 240 nautical miles

In Russia predicted a decrease in demand for travel within the country

PCT: Russians' demand for travel will decrease due to the shortening of the validity period of PCR tests tests from 72 to 48 hours may reduce the demand for domestic travel. The press secretary of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT) Irina Tyurina told Interfax about this. According to her, the statement of Rospotrebnadzor directly affects the interests of tourists, since PCR tests are needed in many regions to check into hotels and when visiting public places. “According to tour operators, reports of the emergence of a new strain have already negatively affected the activity on both outbound and domestic routes. And the statement of Rospotrebnadzor about PCR tests can slow down demand even more, especially since Popova (Anna Popova, chief sanitary doctor of Russia – comment of “” ) recommended that Russians stay at home on New Year's, – predicted the press secretary of the PCT. Tyurina believes

The city in Siberia overtook Moscow in the growth of prices for new buildings

RBC: Krasnodar, Omsk and Volgograd overtook Moscow in terms of the growth rate of prices for new buildings rise in prices for new buildings. The corresponding conclusions are presented in the review by CIAN.Analytika, RBC reports. Krasnodar took the first place in the rating of cities with the fastest growth in prices for new buildings. Since November 2019, the price per square meter in the primary market has grown 2.5 times – from 50.8 thousand to 125.7 thousand rubles. Omsk took the second place. A square meter in a new building in a Siberian city will cost 79.4 thousand rubles, which is two times more expensive compared to November 2019, when a “square” cost 39.8 thousand rubles. In Volgograd, prices for new buildings increased by 63 percent – from 45.3 thousand to 73.9 thousand rubles per square meter. Rostov-on-Don took the fourth place in the ranking with an increase in

Ukraine announced the development, together with the United States, of measures to contain Russia

Kuleba: Kiev and Washington are developing a comprehensive package to contain the Russian Federation Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba announced on Twitter that Kiev Together with Washington, it is developing a package of measures to contain Russia. “Friendly meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in Stockholm. We are working on the development of a comprehensive package of deterring the Russian Federation from further aggressive actions, including tough economic sanctions. We reaffirmed the importance of a strong strategic partnership between Ukraine and the United States, “the Foreign Minister wrote. Earlier, Kuleba said that NATO countries are ready to expand cooperation with Kiev in the military-technical sphere. According to him, at a meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of foreign ministers, he very clearly heard the answer to his call to send Russia a signal that any wave of armed aggression against Ukraine would become an “unbearable

The doctor assessed the new rules for obtaining a medical withdrawal from vaccination against COVID-19

Doctor Malyshev on the new rules for medical removal from vaccinations: if the population is better off this way, it’s not bad in a conversation with, he assessed the new rules for obtaining a medical exemption from vaccination against COVID-19. “If the population is doing better, then it’s not bad. People have all the indicators in electronic cards, and so it is. It's just that some bureaucratic stages are sublimated, and, so to speak, they are excluded, “Malyshev said. Earlier, the Moscow Health Department simplified the rules for obtaining a medical record from vaccination against coronavirus. From December 2, those who have a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy or are attached to the capital's polyclinic can receive it through State Services. A similar procedure should work in other regions from February 2022.

Khasbulatov replied to Gorbachev's representative about the chance to save the USSR

Head of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR Khasbulatov: it was impossible to turn the USSR into a democratic state “Moscow speaks” stated that the preservation of the USSR and its transformation into a democratic state were impossible. This is how he responded to the words of Andrei Grachev, the representative of the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev, who stated in his book “The Last Day of the USSR” (Le jour ou l'URSS a disparu) that the Soviet authorities had a chance to preserve the Union in a more democratic version. “Gorbachev himself did not agree with this point of view. (…) Gorbachev himself led to the fact that in fact there was a complete discord already. In Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the last blow was struck at the fragile, virtually nonexistent state, “Khasbulatov said. The head of the Supreme Soviet called Gorbachev a broken man who made no attempts to

The IOC reports on the condition of the Chinese tennis player caught in a sex scandal

IOC: Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai in good health and safety tennis player Peng Shuai, caught in a sex scandal after being accused of violence by former Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Gaoli. This was reported on the website of the organization. The IOC noted that the athlete is safe and in good condition. They also promised to continue supporting her and announced a personal meeting with the Chinese woman in January. The committee said that they communicate directly with Chinese sports organizations. IOC President Thomas Bach held the first video call Shuai on November 21. Before that, the athlete did not get in touch for several days. Nothing was known about its location. The scandal erupted in early November. Shuai filed charges against Gaoli, claiming that he forced her to have sex ten years ago. The 35-year-old Chinese woman retired in 2018. She is a two-time Grand Slam doubles winner.